I stayed in the woods for three days. finally!

News came back.

The Taishan Army in Dongwuyang withdrew.

Cao Cao then led more than ten remaining soldiers out of the woods and headed towards Puyang.

Chen Gong and Cheng Yu were members of the Dongjun gentry.

They will sit there and provide food and grass in the direction of Jiyin.

In view of the situation in Yanzhou.

Naturally, Cao Cao did not dare to speak out.

Sneaking all the way, for fear of exposing his whereabouts.


When he arrived in Puyang.

But they discovered that Puyang City had been destroyed!

The two think tanks under his command, Chen Gong and Cheng Yu, are also missing.

Cao Cao couldn't care less about being sad, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Han Yi's movements were much faster than he imagined.

As a last resort!

Cao Cao could only speed up and rush to Jiyin.

The group ran wildly for about the entire night. finally!

When the sky is about to light up.

Came to the vicinity of Jiyin.

Cao Cao was very nervous and rode his horse forward slowly:"Wen Ruo, how far is it from Jiyin?"

Xun Yu looked around and frowned:"Lord, we have already passed Juyang. From the map, we can see , it should be arriving soon"


Just at this moment, a fast horse ran forward.

Cao Cao looked closely and discovered that it was the scout he sent out. clatter! clatter! clatter!

Came on a horse.

The scout reined in his horse, looking slightly panicked.

Without waiting for the other party to report, Cao Cao hurriedly asked:"How is it? Can we reach Jiyin ahead?"

The scout nodded:"Indeed.......We have indeed arrived in Jiyin, but......"

"Just what?"

Cao Cao frowned, and the uneasiness in his heart became more intense.


The scout couldn't bear to speak and kept hesitating.

"Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter!"

Cao Cao took a deep breath, waved his hand, and pretended to be magnanimous:"Even if things happen again, will it still be as bad as we are now? Just say it with confidence, I can still hold on!"


The scout scratched his head and sighed:"Master, how about.........You'd better go and see it for yourself!"


Cao Cao was quite angry.

But he didn't blame the soldier.

After all, he was one of the few who survived.



Cao Cao took the remaining soldiers and horses and moved forward slowly.

All the way!

There was no obstacle.

Not long after walking, he saw gunpowder smoke filling the air and curling up.

He turned a corner and looked around. But he saw corpses!

Rivers of blood flowed across the fields.

More than a dozen vultures spread their wings and flew up, standing on a tree trunk not far away, as if waiting for the uninvited guest to leave before continuing their feast.

Cao Cao was stunned!

Xun Yu was stunned.!

All the soldiers were stunned!

It is really unimaginable what kind of wars have gone through here to create such a cruel battlefield.

Everywhere you look, corpses are lying on the ground. Some soldiers have no heads! Some soldiers have no heads!

Soldiers had their arms cut off!

Some soldiers were cut off at the waist, and their bodies were found on the spot!

What's more, half of their bodies were injured by blunt objects, causing them to collapse by more than an inch!......

Extremely scary!

It's really terrifying!

Xun Yu on the side was so frightened that he couldn't help but vomited.

He turned over and dismounted and ran away quickly, breathing heavily!

The scene in front of him is probably going to become a nightmare for him for a long time to come.

Although Cao Cao was used to the smell of blood in the air.

But he still couldn't believe it!

It only takes two or three days.

Jiyin's tens of thousands of troops were completely wiped out?

"Yuan Rang?"

Cao Cao suddenly realized something and hurried to the battlefield:"Yuan Rang! Yuan Rang! He kept picking at the body on the ground, tears streaming down his face:"Yuan Rang, where are you? Are you still alive?""

"Wonderful talent!"


"Zi Lian!"


"Where are you!"

"Come out quickly!!!"

Cao Cao shouted at the top of his lungs, heartbroken.


Suddenly, a voice rang out.

Cao Cao hurriedly turned his head and looked around.

Only to see a corpse kneeling in front of the gate of Cao Jun's camp.

The corpse was covered in armor, holding a large iron spear with both hands, and its head was slightly lowered.

Cao Cao could see it. Extremely realistic!

On his back, there were three spears and more than ten arrowheads.

And next to him, there was a red-maned horse lying on the ground.

Could this man be?......

Xiahou Dun?

Cao Cao was surprised!

He knew Xiahou Dun's weapons, and even more so his horses.

But he still couldn't believe that Xiahou Dun, who used to kill with a sword, fight off hundreds of thieves alone, kill more than half of the enemies, and escape calmly, would end up in a place like this!



"It can't be Yuan Rang!"

Cao Cao shook his head violently and couldn't believe it.

His most trusted general!

Just like that! He was killed here by the Taishan Army!

He walked slowly to the front, raised his trembling hands, and held up the head.

At this moment!

Cao Cao's heart was broken!


A shocking roar suddenly sounded.

The feeling of grief and anger is like a thundering roar, reaching directly to heaven!


"General Miaocai is here."

Not far away, the soldier pointed at a corpse with tears in his eyes.

"Wonderful talent!"

"Wonderful talent!"

Cao Cao put down Xiahou Dun and ran straight over.

He held Xiahou Yuan's body and kept shaking it from side to side:"Wonderful talent! Wake up, Miaocai!"

The soldiers couldn't bear to tell him.

In fact, the body was already cold!

This proves that the war should have been over for a long time.


"Zi Lian!

Cao Cao ignored his sadness and hurriedly shouted:"Hurry!" Look for Zixiao and Zilian!"

The remaining soldiers began to stir around:"General Zixiao! General Zi Lian!"

"......" a long time!

Not a trace.

Xun Yu consoled him:"My lord, maybe Zixiao and Zilian are still alive. You must be more open-minded! Han Yi guessed our intention, so he tried his best to attack General Xiahou!""

"Han Yi!!!"

Cao Cao stared at his steel teeth.

His eyes seemed to be burning with fierce fire.


"It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. Xun

Yu bowed his head and sighed:"Let's go. Maybe if we find the two generals Zi Xiao and Zi Lian, we will naturally know what is going on here!""

"A gentleman's revenge is never too late!"

"Lord, we must not be carried away by anger now, but should calm down and preserve our strength. Only in this way can we regroup and fight again! Cao

Cao let out a long sigh:"Wen Ruo, do you really think that I, Cao Cao, can regroup and fight again?"

Xun Yu nodded affirmatively:"That's right!" This is what I think. Mencius said: Heaven is about to assign a great responsibility to this person, and he must first work hard for his mind and body. My lord, this is you!" call~~~

Let out a long breath.

Cao Cao stared at his steel teeth and clenched his fists.

He stood up and swore to the sky:"Heaven is my witness, if I, Cao Cao, cannot kill Han Yi in this life, I am willing to fall into the Abi Hell after death and never be reincarnated!""


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