"Not urgent! Zhang

Liao calmly looked at the cavalry rushing in below and said:"When the enemy is halfway through, we will launch an attack!" Let the soldiers wait for my military orders!"

Now is not the time to maximize profits.

If the attack is too early and the enemy finds that the battle situation is unfavorable, they are likely to cut off their tails to survive, abandon the small part of the army that rushed in, and choose to retreat.

This is not in line with Zhang Liao and Luo Xuan's strategic expectations.

When the enemy troops are halfway through, they will be reluctant to cut off their tails! They can only continue to attack!

This is the effect Zhang Liao and Luo Xuan want!

However, in this way, Luo Xuan and the others will have to endure The pressure and danger are much greater!

After all, the area of ​​Hulu Valley in Sanchakou is limited. Next, Luo Xuan and the others are afraid that they will have to engage in hand-to-hand combat!


Although the general didn't particularly understand, he still agreed and went to make arrangements.

"Lord! You have to hold on!"

Zhang Liao couldn't help but glanced at the depths of the Calabash Valley with some worry, and said silently in his heart.

"kill!!! enemyin front of!"

"Ha ha! Let’s see where you go this time!"

"I finally have to vent my anger!"

After the vanguard troops rushed into the Hulu Valley, the leading Hu generals saw the Luo family's army parked in formation over there, and they immediately charged towards them with a ferocious smile and waved their troops.

"The crossbowmen came forward in formation! put!!!"

Luo Xuan just smiled coldly. Seeing the enemy troops rushing towards him, he raised his hand and his crossbowmen dismounted and lined up in echelons, holding Luo's repeating crossbows.

After Luo Xuan gave an order


Countless crossbow arrows were fired at the charging Hu cavalry.

Luo Xuan was also very particular about where he chose his combat power. It was on a small slope, about 15%.

Although it was not big, it could make the enemy more powerful. The enemy's cavalry attack speed is greatly reduced, and at the same time, it provides the crossbowmen with a better shooting perspective.


"not good!"


"They are the kind of crossbowmen from Jixian County!!"

Countless crossbow arrows, with terrifying penetrating power, directly shot through the bodies or mounts of batches of Hu cavalry.

For a moment, the cavalry in front fell in batches like cutting wheat.

The screams continued. sounded.

The cavalry in front wanted to stop their advance, but they could not stop the car for a while. The key was that there were cavalry coming from behind, making them unable to stop.

At the same time, there were also Hu soldiers who had participated in the siege. I discovered that these crossbowmen were exactly the same as what they encountered in Jixian?

Suddenly, his face turned pale, and the fear in his heart reappeared.

There were only 5,000 crossbowmen on Luo Xuan's side, and each of them carried no more than 50 crossbow arrows. However, Finished shooting in five rounds!

"Mount your horse, hold your gun and follow me to kill!!"

Seeing that the crossbow bolts had been used up, Luo Luoxuan immediately ordered the crossbowmen to temporarily abandon the crossbows at the short plain, mount their horses and charge with the army.

However, at this time, the Hu people on the opposite side had already suffered casualties of more than 10,000 to 20,000, and these soldiers were piled up all over the ground. There were corpses everywhere, and the blood had stained the ground red, and there were even puddles of blood in the low-lying areas.



Luo Xuan, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, and Zhou Cang led the way, like four sharp arrows, directly inserted into the enemy's camp.

They waved the iron guns in their hands and began to harvest the Hu people's weapons crazily. Life!

【You used marksmanship to kill 2 elite Xianbei cavalry, and your marksmanship experience +2.】

【You used marksmanship to kill 3 Wuhuan elite cavalry, and your marksmanship experience +3.】

【You used your marksmanship to kill the Xianbei general Nacuo Mu, and your marksmanship experience +30.】


Information prompts kept ringing in his mind, and Luo Xuan could only block out those miscellaneous information prompts, leaving only the more important ones.

With his Martial Saint-level force, not a single barbarian survived within four or five meters of him. His superb power, with terrifying evil energy and power of blood, continuously crushed these enemy troops.

At this time, Luo Xuan’s life was endless....The benefits of recovery talents will be revealed!

Luo Xuan seemed to be a tireless machine, constantly leading his soldiers to slaughter the barbarian cavalry.

The entire battle was simply one-sided, and no one was the enemy of Luo Xuan or even Dian Wei.

However, there are too many enemy troops!

Groups of people were massacred, and countless enemies poured in behind them.

"This is not the way to go! After passing the order, the army was divided into three waves and fought alternately!"

"Let’s start with the Tiger Guard Camp and let Zilong and Han rise! You guys stand back first!"

It felt like the soldiers in front were under too much pressure as the battle continued. Many of them began to show signs of fatigue and casualties began to increase. Luo Xuan made a prompt decision and ordered.

The gourd bottom entrance is so big that it can only accommodate more than a thousand enemy troops rushing in at a time. , they are all blocked here. The soldiers in front are exhausted, but the soldiers behind can't even touch the edge of the enemy.

This is not possible!


Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong immediately ordered the soldiers from Xiaoqi Camp and Beiwei Camp to retreat and make room for the soldiers behind the Tiger Guard Camp.

At the same time, the men and horses from the two battalions caught up behind the Tiger Guard Camp.

Luo Xuanna Bian also ordered a change of formation, and the troops at the head of the gun formed a bilateral roller formation.

In the process of killing two waves of enemy troops, the soldiers at the front kept moving to the two wings to change formation, and then withdrew to the rear to repair and wait for the next move. A round of fighting.

As a result, the pressure on all the soldiers was greatly reduced, and the casualties of the Luo Family Army began to be greatly reduced.

From the beginning to the end, only one person did not retreat and take a rest.

That was Luo Xuan.

He stood like a needle in the sea. In the center of the passage, he kept waving his gun to strangle the enemy soldiers who were charging one by one. There were already piles of corpses piled high in front of him.

But from time to time, Luo Xuan used his gun to throw the corpses towards the enemy soldiers on the opposite side, following them. cause additional casualties

"Lord! You should also take a rest!"

After the rotation of the Tiger Guard Camp, Zhao Yun and the soldiers of the Xiaoqi Camp were already on top. While killing the enemy, Zhao Yun said to Luo Xuan with some worry.

"I'm fine! Keep killing enemies! I can still hold on! It’s not like you don’t know my situation! Ha ha! Luo

Xuan laughed loudly and waved his gun to kill several enemy cavalry in front of him.

"Then I will accompany the lord to kill for two rounds!"

Zhao Yun listened and gave a bitter smile. He stopped trying to persuade him just now. After all the Xiaoqi battalions were rotated out, he did not retreat, but stood with Luo Xuan.

"You! If you can't hold on any longer, don't resist! I don’t want to have to come to treat you when the time comes!"

Luo Xuan shook his head in a funny way.


At this time, Huang Zhong also brought up the Wei camp on his back and kept slashing the enemy troops with his sword. At the same time, he did not forget to say to Luo Xuan and Zhao Yun:"Since you, Zilong, are not going down, then I, an old guy, will not go down. Come and accompany you!"......

PS: Please order first and customize! support! Please collect it! Please give me flowers! Please recommend!

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