To the south of the boundary bridge, inside the camp of Zhen camp and Qilin camp,


"General! An urgent secret message from the lord comes from the north!"

A soldier from the Fighting Pigeon Camp hurried to the commander's tent and reported to Gao Shun, Gu Yu, Xun You and others.

At the same time, he handed over the secret letter.

Gao Shun immediately took it, opened it, and talked with Xun You, Gu The three of them got together and looked at each other.


Soon, the three of them gasped, and Xun You exclaimed:"As expected of the lord! In less than half a month, such a feat has been accomplished!"

"yes! Gu

Yu also nodded in disbelief:"In this way, we can really decide the outcome in one battle, eliminate Yuan Shao, and completely capture Jizhou!""

"And Youzhou!"

Gao Shun nodded and added:"You must have read the information from the Youzhou secret guards before. Gongsun Zan has led his troops to Yuyang, Youbeiping, and Liaodong to pursue the remaining Xianbei and Wuhuan armies! His attitude is basically certain! There should be no fight with the lord for Youzhou."


Gu Yu also nodded in agreement:"This person can truly be called a hero! Worthy of the name of General White Horse!"

For the sake of the people of Youzhou and against foreigners, putting aside one's ambition to dominate is something that ordinary people can do.

Xu You added with a smile:"It's also that the lord is too strong! In addition, Gongsun Zan himself was at an absolute disadvantage in the battle with Yuan Shao. I am afraid that he himself has realized that he is not suitable to become the overlord of one party or even to dominate the world!"

"His personal flaws and shortcomings are too obvious! It's a bit too militaristic! He is not good at people's livelihood politics; moreover, his foundation is too shallow!"

"He is a good general, but he will never be a good general! Qualified princes!"

Xun You sees people quite clearly.


Gao Shun and Gu Yu both nodded in agreement.

"Since the Lord has sent an order! Then let's step up our offensive! Hold back the main force on Gao Lan's side, and create conditions on the Lord's side! Today, we must fight to determine the Jizhou battlefield! Completely eliminate Yuan Shao's power!"

The war between Jizhou and Youzhou should be over!

Although Luo Xuan and Yuan Shao have not been at war for a long time, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan have been fighting in Jizhou for more than half a year.

It has caused very bad consequences to the survival of the people of Jizhou. The first priority is to end the war here as soon as possible.

In addition, compared to Jizhou, because of Yuan Shao's collusion with the barbarians, most counties in Youzhou were attacked by hundreds of thousands of barbarians this time. The army's invasion and plundering caused losses more than ten times worse than those in Jizhou.

Post-war reconstruction work was a long-standing problem.

Xun You was already starting to have some headaches.

These things would eventually fall to Xi Zhi Cai, Tian Feng and others

"That’s fine!"

Immediately Gao Shun and Gu Yu jointly issued an order to put the trapped camp in front and Qilin camp behind, and began to launch the most violent attack on Yuan Shao camp opposite the boundary bridge. At the beginning,

Gao Lan was directly blinded.!

After many rounds of reinforcements and competitions, Gao Lan was able to hold on.

At the same time, he cursed inexplicably:"My mother! what's the situation? Why are Gao Shun and the others so crazy? Why did you suddenly step up your offensive?"

Although Gao Lan really wants to grab Gao Shun's collar and ask you what you mean, now is not the time to think about this; seeing that the trapped camp is attacking again, Gao Lan can only continue to mobilize more people from the camp. The soldiers took turns going into battle to resist

"What's going on? Originally we wanted to invade Jizhou, so we were the main attacker! Why are you on the defensive side now? I hope Wen Chou can bring back Yan Liang and the remaining army! Otherwise, the situation would be so bad!"

Gao Lan looked worried.

"General! The lord is awake!"

At this moment, a guard came from behind and said to Gao Lan

"Yeah? Very good! Take me there quickly!"

Gao Lan immediately asked his lieutenant to temporarily take over the command here, and he rode quickly to the place where Yuan Shao was placed.

At this time, Yuan Shao had already sat up, looking through the various battle reports on the table. When Gao Lan came in, he immediately asked,"Is Zihuan here?" How is the situation on the front line? Where is Wen Chou? Is there any news about Yan Liang and Qu Yi now? Is there any news from Yecheng?"

To be honest, Yuan Shao is a little confused now and his mind is blank!


Gao Lan didn't know where to start.

At this time, Xun Chen and Guo Tu came in, and Gao Lan quickly asked them for help.

Feng Ji and the other two immediately explained the current situation to Yuan Shao.

But he tried his best to put it mildly.

For example, Yan Liang Quyi only said that Wen Chou went to the rescue and nothing would happen.

After all, the doctor also said that Yuan Shao cannot withstand the stimulation now, otherwise, it would be really bad if he vomits blood again.

"What's the situation on the boundary bridge side? When will the passage to Jizhou be opened? Has there been any news from Yecheng in the south these days?"

Yuan Shao felt relieved and asked.

In fact, he had objections to the current results of Gao Lan and Wen Chou!

More than 100,000 troops fought against 40,000 Luo family troops, but they were blocked at the boundary bridge and couldn't cross. What's going on?

"Return to my lord!"

Gao Lan knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he immediately handed over his hands and said:"We are still fighting with the trap camp and Qilin camp! I should be able to get through it in a few days!"

"The main thing is that you know the terrain here in Jieqiao! Although we have many people and horses, we can't use them at all! In addition, the trapped camp was composed of rare heavy armored infantry. Our soldiers' swords and guns were slashing at them, and it was even difficult to break through the defense. That's why the fight was so difficult!"

Speaking of which, when they confronted Gongsun Zan before, they were also at this boundary bridge. At that time, because they occupied the advantageous location, they used the dead soldiers and euphorbia soldiers to climb up first, and used the terrain here to severely torture Gongsun Zan's white horse. Yiyi obeyed!

Now, is this a reincarnation reward?

"Then step up the offensive! Try your best to rush over! I'll give you another 2 days. No matter what method you think of, you must break it for me! do you understand? Yuan

Shao sternly reprimanded.

Yuan Shao is now a little frightened by Luo Xuan! He really doesn’t want to face Luo Xuan anymore for the time being!

He even has the idea of ​​giving up Jizhou and moving to Qingzhou.


Although Gao Lan felt bitter in his heart, he could only bite the bullet and agree.

Xun Chen and Guo Tu on the side wanted to say something, but they were afraid of irritating Yuan Shao, so they simply shut up.

Waiting for Yuan Shao to drive them all out. , the three of them walked far away before getting together.

Gao Lan vomited his bitterness and said:"Two gentlemen, what do you think we should do now? The lord doesn’t know, but you do. Don’t talk about breaking through the opponent’s camp on the front line now! We can barely hold on!"

"In addition, there is no news from Wen Chou and Yan Liang. I don’t know why, but I always have a bad feeling! I hope it's my imagination!"......

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