
Li Jue also remembered this at this time, and after Guo Si reminded him, he reflected it, but it was a pity that it was too late!

"Did you notice it? There seemed to be metal reflections on the hooves of the Luo Family Army's war horse. In addition, it was equipped with stirrups on both sides. Even the saddle was different from ours! It seems to greatly improve the riding skills of soldiers and the speed of war horses! Guo

Si suddenly said again


Li Jue also reacted at this time:"It seems to be true!" I didn’t pay special attention to it before! I was blinded! Now it seems that that must be the secret of their cavalry being so powerful, right? When we find a way to get it, let our troops also equip it. By then, we will no longer be afraid of them!"

"good! Hum! Then it's time for us to take revenge!"

Li Jue said bitterly.

At this time, the two of them put aside their previous hatred and contradictions and joined forces again.

At present, their combined strength is about 100,000, most of them are basically elites, and their strength cannot be underestimated. Look at it.

Unfortunately, in the previous chase, they, they have already lost most of their luggage and family members. How can they be willing to accept it if they don't win it back?

Soon, the armies of Li Jue and Guo Si approached Wugong City, and the walls of Wugong City could be seen in the distance!

The two of them suddenly became excited, especially when they saw Li Jue's flag still on the city wall, they became even more excited!

"fine! They're all still there!! accelerate!! quick! Enter the city as soon as possible, be careful, other enemy troops are chasing you! We can't let them follow us into the city! Leave a force to stop the enemy!"

Li Jue and Guo Si immediately ordered, leaving behind 5,000 soldiers and horses, they accelerated towards the Wugong City.

"Li Jin! Open the city gate quickly! Let us in!!"

When he arrived about 200 meters from the city gate, Li Jue immediately shouted to a familiar voice on the city tower.


"Open the city gate quickly!"

Li Jin on the city tower immediately responded and then ordered the city gate to be opened.


At this moment, Li Jue and Guo Si heard the thundering roar from the rear army. This was the sound of a large group of cavalry advancing.

Moreover, because of the horseshoes nailed on, they could easily distinguish the cavalry. The voice came from Luo Jiajun.

He quickly looked back and saw billowing yellow dust coming from the distance. Suddenly, Li Jue and Guo Si became anxious.

As soon as the city gate opened over there, they didn't even think about it. So he led his troops and rushed in.

The army behind them also filed in, as if they were afraid that if they were slow, they would be overtaken by the Luo army.

As soon as they rushed into the urn city and ran out for more than a hundred meters, Li Jue and Guo Si realized something was wrong. The gate to the inner city and the gates on both sides are actually closed!

"not good! Fell into a trap!"

At that moment, Li Jue and Guo Si's expressions changed drastically.

They immediately shouted at the army that was still pouring in from behind:"Quickly retreat!! This is a trap! quick!!"

As he said that, he wanted to turn around and withdraw, with a look of horror on his face.

He didn't understand when Wugong City was lost.

Also, why did his nephew Li Jin betray him?

This pair What good does he do?

Unfortunately, the orders of Li Jue and Guo Si are useless! The army behind them can't hear it at all, and they are still pushing in. The army in front hears it, and wants to withdraw, but they can't at all I couldn't squeeze through the army behind me, but I was constantly squeezed in.

"Li Jin! Li Jin, get out of here, you bastard! Why? why is that? ?"

Li Jue suddenly roared with despair.


The next moment, countless crossbowmen stood up on the four walls of Wengcheng, directly covering the four walls, with countless Luo Shi crossbows aimed at the bottom.

At the same time,"Li Jin" also stood up and looked at Li Jue opposite below. He laughed and said:"Hahaha! Li Jue, your end has come! Take a closer look at who I am?"

The next moment, that"Li Jin" wiped his face. Suddenly, his face changed drastically. He was not Li Jin at all.

"No! This is impossible! You are so good......Where is Li Jin? Where did Li go?"

Li Jue was immediately stunned. He had been deceived.

This was not his nephew Li Jin, but a strange face!

"Here! Li Jin's head is here!"

The fake Li Jin over there smiled and threw down a head. The head rolled directly in front of Li Jue, revealing a familiar ferocious face.

"Come in!"

Li Jue recognized that this was really his nephew Li Jin, and immediately cried out sadly.

"Shoot the arrow!!!"

At this time, the fake Li Jin above waved his hand and directly ordered the attack


"Whoosh! Whoosh!!"

Suddenly, countless crossbow arrows shot down from the four walls of Wengcheng.


"Raise your shield!!"


"Get out now! quick!!"

Suddenly, countless soldiers of the Xiliang Army fell every second.

Li Jue and Guo Si's personal guards rushed forward to protect their master, but it was useless. The crossbow arrows were too dense!

Moreover, the penetrating power Too strong!

The shields in their hands couldn't stop so many crossbow arrows, and they exploded quickly. Then, Naxi's personal guards even used their bodies to block them.

In the end, the deaths of Li Jue and Guo Si could not be avoided.

In the Wengcheng The Xiliang army fell like wheat



Outside the city, the Luo family's army has also arrived. The 5,000 soldiers and horses that were cut off were of no use at all. They were like paper and were scattered after just one encounter.

These people were left behind and were already destroyed. There was little morale, and the losses in the previous chase were seen, so it was reasonable to collapse.

Luo Xuan and the others did not slow down, and directly attacked the Xiliang troops who had not yet entered the city. Soon, they cut these Xiliang troops apart..Start strangulation!!......

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