"snort! Are you Huhou Dianwei? Not bad indeed! Come again!!"

Ma Chao was also stimulated by this evenly matched opponent, and he fought with Dian Wei with all his blood boiling.

All the Luo family troops within ten meters of the two of them had already evacuated!

For fear of being accidentally injured.


"Meng Qi!!"

On the other side, when Ma Chao was picked off by Luo Xuan with a gun, Ma Dai and Pang De, who were following behind, suddenly changed their expressions and rushed towards Luo Xuan with shouts.

By the time Luo Xuan picked Ma Chao off, they had already brandished their guns and joined forces. Kill Luo Xuan

"Ha ha! Well come! Don't leave any of them!"


When Luo Xuan saw it, he laughed immediately. I'm afraid these two people are not Ma Chao's younger brothers or generals? He wants it!

The next moment, the meteorite gun in his hand turned into a hundred, and countless gun shadows stabbed Ma Dai and Pang De. Instantly disintegrating the two people's attacks, at the same time, one shot per person directly captured the two people off their horses.

"Drag it back! Tied!"

Luo Xuan went straight out and charged into Ma Chao's army that rushed in. At the same time, he did not forget to give orders to the soldiers on both sides of him.


These soldiers are all Luo Xuan's personal guards, and they know their lord's thoughts very well!

Three or four people stretched out their hands and dragged Ma Dai and Pang De, who had been seriously injured, into the shield formation.

Then, without waiting for two seconds, When the people stood up to resist, the soldiers behind them took over and tied them up with ropes skillfully.

Then, they were dragged to the rear by several Luo Family Army soldiers.

"Second brother! Ling Ming!"

Ma Chao, who was fighting Dian Wei at the rear, had sharp eyesight. He immediately saw Ma Dai and Pang De being tied up and dragged over, and wanted to rush over to save them.

"Where to go? How dare you get distracted while fighting with your uncle Dian Wei? Defeat me!!!"

Dian Wei was immediately furious, and with all his strength, he attacked Ma Chao with both halberds.

"not good!"

Feeling Dian Wei's fierce offensive, Ma Chao secretly screamed in his heart and quickly blocked it with his gun.


But he was hit by Dian Wei's gun at the beginning. The gun in his hand blocked it for a moment, and he felt a terrifying power passed from the tiger head gun to his hand.


Ma Chao was immediately shocked and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Depend on! Don't vomit!"

Dian Wei avoided it in time and did not forget to complain.

Then, he pursued Ma Chao and attacked Ma Chao with an even more fierce attack. In an instant, Ma Chao fell into an absolute disadvantage and could only struggle to support himself and counterattack. Everything became difficult.

However, after dozens of rounds, Ma Chao, whose condition was getting worse and worse, was defeated and was directly severely wounded by Dian Wei. Then, he was also tied up by the Luo family army officers.

Then Dian Wei rolled his eyes. , ordered people to bring Ma Chao, Ma Dai, and Pang De to the wall of Wengcheng, and shouted at the Ma Chao army soldiers below who were still resisting:"Ma Chao, Ma Dai, and Pang De have been captured! Why don't you quickly dismount and accept surrender?"

At this time, Luo Xuan had also led thousands of Luo family soldiers to kill through the inner city gate and into Wengcheng.

Hearing Dian Wei's shouts, he quickly asked the soldiers around him to persuade him to surrender.

At the same time, he himself He kept moving and continued to advance into Ma Chao's army. With every breath, he would take away at least one or two of Ma Chao's soldiers.

On the city wall, watching Luo Xuan killing everyone, he felt like he was in a deserted place among the cavalry, and he was inexplicably shocked..At the same time, because of Dian Wei, the shame in his heart was also overwhelming.

"Why! I regret it!"

Ma Chao felt regretful in his heart!

Why did he follow him so stupidly?

This is obviously a trap!

Ma Dai and Pang De on the side also looked desperate and gloomy.

What is this?

The two of them joined forces. , was killed by Luo Xuan's move, and was captured alive!

It was unbearable to look back!

Hearing Dian Wei's persuasion to surrender, the deputy general on the city wall immediately ordered to suspend the firing of crossbows, giving the remaining Ma Chao army soldiers below a chance. A chance to breathe.

When these soldiers saw the murderous Luo Xuan and Ma Chao and the three men tied up on the city wall, their morale suddenly plummeted. They could no longer maintain their faith. One of them dismounted and surrendered. When the others saw it, they also They all began to surrender one after another.

There were basically no stubborn ones!

They knew that they were completely defeated in this battle!

Luo Xuan immediately ordered his soldiers to begin to surrender!

He himself led the troops to fight out of the outer city gate.......

Time goes back to the moment when Ma Chao led his troops into Wengcheng.

Yan Xing also led his troops to pursue him.

But because the city gate can only be so big, even most of Ma Chao's more than 10,000 troops have not been able to enter, so naturally he can only wait outside.

But soon, he heard the sound of killings and the sound of countless bows and crossbows coming from the city, and his expression suddenly changed:"No! This is the enemy's trick! Get out quickly!!!"

Yan Xing immediately ordered Someone went to persuade Ma Chaojun who had not yet entered.

No matter what, Ma Chao's army should be preserved now to deal with the menacing Luo family army.

It's a pity that Ma Chaojun didn't listen to Yan Xing's orders at all!

Yan Xing almost exploded with anger!


At this time, the soldiers of the first battalion led by Zhao Yun suddenly rushed over and continued to use ranger tactics, shooting at Yan Xing's army with bows and arrows.

"hateful! Chase me!!"

How can Yan Xing be passively beaten here?

Immediately, he didn't care about Ma Chaojun and directly led his troops to kill Zhao Yunjun.

Unfortunately, he soon discovered an aggrieved fact. The speed on his side was far faster. Not as good as the opponent, and the range of the bow and arrow was far less than the opponent. He could only be led by the opponent, and he could not effectively counterattack.

Feeling that this was not going to work, Yan Xing immediately stopped pursuing and instead withdrew towards the Wuxiang city gate.

At this time, because of Ma Chao's order, Ma Chao's army outside the city gate had also rushed into the urn city. The city gate was empty again.

Yan Xing gritted his teeth and could only lead his troops to rush into the city gate hole..

Because he has realized that outside the city, he is now no match for Zhao Yunjun, and cannot even escape.

Now, the only way to survive is to leave the city!

As long as he can help Ma Chao capture this city In the county town, by taking advantage of the geographical advantage, Zhao Yun's army's speed and mobility advantages will be gone. By then, with an absolute advantage in military strength, will he and Ma Chao's army be better than Luo's army?

Outside the city, Zhao Yun looked at him with a strange expression. Yan Xing took the initiative to lead his troops and rushed into the Wengcheng of Yi County:"What is this? Take the initiative to surrender yourself to arrest? Pity! I am afraid that this credit will be snatched away by Dian Wei and others again!"

"Soldiers, follow me and kill!!"

However, Zhao Yun would not wait here. He immediately led his troops to put away their bows and replace their guns, and charged towards the rear of Yan Xingjun. He quickly killed Yan Xingjun's troops who had not had time to rush into the city. With his terrifying power, these Yan Xingjuns had no place to unite. Wherever the silver spear passed, the enemy soldiers were killed one after another, leaving corpses everywhere.......

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