Xuzhou, Tancheng

"Chen Qun, a subordinate of King Wei, pays homage to King Qi!"

Chen Qun successfully met Lu Bu and bowed to him.

"No gift!

Lu Bu waved his hand and said,"Tell me about it!" What is the purpose of Cao Cao mysteriously sending you here this time? Does he want to sue for peace and surrender to me? If so, go back and tell him that I'm interested! Hahaha!!"

The hatred between him and Cao Cao is huge!

As far back as when Cao Cao played tricks on him in Dong Zhuo's house, and as recently as the Battle of Yanzhou a few years ago.

Lu Bu! You can say that he has a big heart and a big heart. He is a good person. A cool northern man, when you say he is stingy, he is also quite stingy and vindictive.

This is the case with Cao Cao

"hehe.....King Qi is joking! Of course it is impossible for our Lord to surrender! This time my Lord sent me here to discuss something important! Please also ask the King of Qi to report!"

Chen Qun said with a slight smile.

The expression on his face was very calm.

Of course he knew about the conflict between Lu Bu and his lord, but he did come with sincerity this time and was quite confident about this alliance.

What a pity!

Lu Bu is a person who doesn’t play by common sense.

"If not, why are you still standing here? You are dismissed!"

After hearing Chen Qun's words, he immediately waved his hands with disdain and impatience.

After saying that, he was about to get up and leave.

Chen Qun suddenly lost his composure, and loudly advised with a slight sweat on his forehead:"King Qi, wait a minute.! Don’t you even want to hear it? Your Excellency is the best general in the world, don't you think you are so arrogant?

At the same time, he scolded Lu Bu half to death in his heart:"What kind of king is this?" Have you ever made trouble like this? My lord did not dig up the ancestral graves of your Lu family. Speaking of which, in the battle of Yanzhou, it was you, Lu Bu, who bullied others first and wanted to seize my lord's territory, right?"

He really didn't understand how Lu Bu could be so stingy and difficult to deal with.

"I was still careless!"

Chen Qun cursed in his heart.

"Lord, wait! Chen

Gong, who was on the side, saw this and knew that he was done watching the show. He quickly spoke out to dissuade him:"My lord, why don't you listen to what Chen Qun wants to say?" Just in time, can you understand what Cao Cao wants to do? That's not a bad thing, is it?"

Actually, Chen Gong himself also has the idea of ​​​​an alliance!

It's just that he couldn't speak before.

Now Cao Cao has taken the initiative to send an envoy over, and he thinks this is a good opportunity!

After hearing this, Lu Bu made sense, and Chen Gong opened his mouth. I still have to give face, so I nodded immediately:"Okay! Then listen to what you want to say! hurry up!"

As he said this, Lu Bu waved his hand to Chen Qun impatiently, signaling him to hurry up.

In fact, he felt that he had nothing to say to Cao Cao.


Chen Qun saw that Chen Gong had offered help, and gave Chen Gong a grateful look. He saluted Lu Bu again and said,"I am here this time to form an alliance with you, King of Qi, on behalf of my lord to jointly fight against Luo Xuan, King of Xia in the north.!"


After Lu Bu heard this, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a disappointed look on his face:"That's it?"

What did he think Chen Qun was going to say?

It turned out that the alliance attacked Luo Xuan together?

He suddenly said impatiently:"If that's all you want to say, then you can go back! Not to mention the conflict between me and Cao Cao, it would be impossible to form an alliance! Don’t you know my relationship with Ziyuan? We are close friends. How could I unite with an enemy to attack him?"

"Is that still a human being?"

"If he wants to fight, I will fight him in an upright manner myself!"

"But that will happen after I destroy Cao Cao! Ah!"

Lu Bu was very disdainful of Cao Cao's thoughts.

Even if he didn't join forces with Cao Cao, wouldn't he be able to fight Luo Xuan?

"That was before!"

Chen Qun shook his head speechlessly and said:"It's different now! Moreover, I ask myself, there is no deep hatred between my Lord and Your Highness, right?"

"How not? Taking Yanzhou from me and chasing me to Xuzhou don’t count? Lu

Bu said angrily

"But Yanzhou originally belonged to my master! Your Highness is the one who invaded!"

Chen Qun defended speechlessly.

"whispering sound! After hearing this

, Lu Bu curled his lips disdainfully and said,"I won it, and it's mine. Moreover, I had the support of most of the local nobles in Yanzhou at that time, so I am naturally justified!" It was Cao Cao who arrogantly took away my inheritance! Don't rely on me for this!"

When Chen Gong heard his lord's words, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

Others might think that Lu Bu was sophistry, but Chen Gong knew that Lu Bu really thought so.

His brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people.


When Chen Qun heard Lu Bu's words, he was also shocked by Lu Bu's shamelessness and unreasonableness.

I have learned a lot!

However, he knew that he could not confront Lu Bu like this, so he took a deep breath, calmed down, and said:"Let's not discuss this matter for now. Let's talk about the reasons why we must join forces.!"


Lu Bu listened. Although he didn't agree with it, he still wanted to hear what Chen Qun wanted to say. He didn't refute or interrupt just now, and allowed Chen Qun to continue.

Chen Qun immediately continued:"Presumably, King Qi We already know that Xia King Luo Xuan has completely captured Sili, Guanzhong Chang'an and Yongliang Prefectures, and even found a nail here in Nanyang, right?"


Lu Bu nodded.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart that Luo Xuan was so awesome.

He could actually win such a large piece of territory in such a short period of time.

Especially Li Jue and Guo Si, you know, back then he could They escaped from these two people!

More than 100,000 Xiliang troops were easily wiped out by Luo Xuan. By the way, they also set up false information to lure Ma Teng and Han Sui to Guanzhong and give them to them together. Eliminated.

This little brother of his is not so powerful.

"Isn't it enough to make King Qi feel a sense of crisis?"

Chen Qun saw that Lu Bu was not only not worried, but seemed to be happy that Luo Xuan had arrived. He was speechless in his heart, but he still held it back and reminded him

"What sense of crisis do I need? Lu

Bu said disapprovingly.


Chen Gong on the side also frowned, and said helplessly to Lu Bu:"Master! We really need to be vigilant! Because, in this way, all the land of the six northern states has been returned to Luo Xuan, and he will not even worry about future troubles. And eradicated it! Next, Xia Wang Luo Xuan will definitely target Yanzhou and our Xuzhou!"

"We really need new strategies!"

After Lu Bu heard this, he didn't refute, but just frowned slightly.

Having said this, Chen Gong looked at Chen Qun and asked:"Your master sent you here, it seems that this is the reason for this. What are your specific thoughts? What plans does King Wei have?

After hearing this, Chen Qun breathed a sigh of relief and said,"My Lord wants to form an alliance with the King of Qi. We have agreed on a time to jointly attack the King of Xia in the north in three months.""

"Our army marched north from Sili, Hanoi and Guandu to capture Guanzhong, Bingzhou and even part of Jizhou. You attacked Qingzhou and Jizhou from Langxie County. I wonder what King Qi and Chen Gongtai thought?"......

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