However, just when he was complacent, Lu Dongbin had already cut off all the runes with one sword!

The shattered runes spilled from the sky like beans, and immediately laid a layer, and after falling on that shield, they immediately ceased to be as agile as before, and they all froze on it, they must not understand, even the divine light was not seen, and all the colors were gray, like defeated roosters.

The sword qi immediately hit the shield, the two residual runes inside and outside the shield were immediately stimulated by a huge force, and the light was instantly great, revealing its power, the blue qi above sparkled, sending out a circle of huge qi halos, constantly dissolving and absorbing Lu Dongbin's terrifying sword qi, the remaining sword qi, unable to hold back, immediately broke through the defense above head-on, rushed down and shook the wooden shield below!

"Not good! This shield is even difficult to resist this person! No matter! I can only take out that baby! "

Emperor Taishang was shocked, and when he saw that the soldiers on the left and right seemed to be in a deep quagmire, they had been rushing hard, but they never saw them close, but he now had no time to study why the soldiers could not rush to escort immediately, and when he saw that the ripple defense on the shield was broken by a dense small sword qi, he immediately felt terrified, and quickly took out the treasure again!

"Devouring the Whole Body Formation!"

The Emperor Taishang suddenly roared again, suddenly leaned forward, and immediately rushed out nine flags behind his back, painted with gold, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, electricity, wind, clouds, immediately inserted in the void, but he himself sat cross-kneeled in the center, his eyes were surging, his hands were raised above the top, his ten fingers were open, towards the countless stars in the depths of the void, and then nine different origins immediately rushed from one direction, there was an ancient gate with the words "Yuanding Imperial Court" written on it, at this time the gate opened, Almost all the origins inside poured in, injecting into the body of the Emperor Taishang!

For a time, the emperor Taishang's battle robe fluttered, his body was full of momentum, his two nostrils suddenly enlarged a hundred times, and white smoke spewed out from it, which immediately enveloped himself, and the white smoke was pervasive, and it quickly divided into nine breaths, and immediately injected into the nine big banners!

The nine big flags originally hung low, dead silent, after being poured with these white smoke, the flag suddenly swelled, no wind swung itself, and the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder and lightning patterns inside immediately came to life!


The Emperor Taishang roared, and the first big banner suddenly rolled with metal, shining with golden light, and a golden qi suddenly flew out, emitting a crisp sound, and a pillar of light was raised around the perimeter of the formation.


The Emperor Taishang roared, and the trees on the second big banner swaggered, and an emerald green light suddenly spewed out conflict, and also turned into a pillar of light that rushed into the sky!


The Emperor Taishang roared again, and on the third big banner, a piece of Wang Yang rolled, boundless, all-encompassing, and then a transparent water column went straight up and down, towering outside the formation!


The Emperor Taishang roared again, and the fire in the fourth banner suddenly burned in the sky, and a dry heat rushed out, condensing and turning into a scorching blue flame of light!


The Emperor Taishang continued to roar, and the fifth big banner roared, and the loess rolled inside, showing a thick weight that covered everything and endured everything, and then a pillar of earthy yellow qi rushed out!

The wind and rain thunder and lightning then roared, and with the roar of the Emperor Taishang, they all turned into pillars of qi that stood up to the heavens and the earth!

"Nine nine to one, protect my body!"

The Emperor Taishang roared again, and the nine pillars of qi really condensed at an extremely high place, and really merged into one, condensing an unprecedented power, descending from the sky, like a huge drapery that connected the heavens and the earth, covering the Emperor Taishang in the middle!

"It's done!" The Emperor Taishang was overjoyed!

"Look how you kill me!" The Emperor Taishang finally screamed again, grinning inside the light mask, the shock on his face had not completely subsided, but he couldn't help but start to be arrogant!

At this moment, that giant shield finally cracked under Lu Dongbin's sword qi!

The dense wooden shield could not continue to support, and the countless runes contained in it were immediately destroyed by the terrifying sword qi, and they fell from a high place, as if fried beans had fallen to the ground!

"Come on, come on! Look at your sword sharpness, or the old man's big array! "

Emperor Taishang's face changed, but his subordinates still did not rush up, only this is the only defensive treasure left, success or failure in this move, victory and defeat are divided!

Now it is useless to instigate, there is no other way out except to ridicule wildly and blindly cheer yourself up!

"That's a lot of nonsense." Lu Dongbin's expression remained unchanged, the corners of his mouth showed a touch of awe, holding the hilt of the sword in his right hand, the sword continued to advance, and the distance of ten thousand zhang passed in an instant, and he immediately slashed on the great array of the Emperor Taishang!


An unusually strange bang!

Lu Dongbin's terrifying sword instantly plunged into the big array!

Even, deep into the formation, the sword blade is already on the tip of the nose of the emperor!

However, in this large array, nine different origin powers were exhausted, entangled, and the nine forces effectively blocked Lu Dongbin's terrifying sword!

Gold, tough and strong, frontal defense!

Water, extremely flexible, is retarding sword qi from beginning to end!

It seems that a great terror has come, and this emperor is just a finger away from death!

However, around Lu Dongbin's sword, there was clearly a transparent net that was pulled to an exaggerated point!

This net is an incomparably flexible force that is condensed with the nine origins!

This power slowed down the sword qi all the way, absorbed the sword qi, pulled and counteracted the sword qi, until finally, the front and back strikes together exerted force, completely consuming all of Lu Dongbin's power!

The Emperor Taishang was close at hand, but Lu Dongbin's sword could not advance any further!


The generals of the Yuanding Imperial Court were originally frightened, but at this moment, the whole army burst into heaven-shaking cheers, and many people even cried with joy!

"The Emperor is fine!"

"The Emperor is safe!"

"Zhu Xia, after all, the foundation is worse, and it can't shake the Emperor Taishang!"

"Long live the Yuanding Emperor Court!"

The people of the Yuanding Imperial Court were all ecstatic, but Lu Dongbin's face did not see any regret, and even a dashing smile appeared on his face, and after a blow, he immediately turned and left, the sword was sheathed, and he flew away from the battlefield!

"Brush off!"

Lu Dongbin's dashing voice fell in place.

"Something seems to be wrong!"

"Emperor Taishang, Emperor Taishang!"

Many soldiers finally rushed to the front, but the emperor did not move!

The breath is gentle and the origin is smooth.

However, the eyes of the Emperor Taishang were dull and godless!

"Emperor Taishang, the flesh is intact, the Yuan God is built, but the will has collapsed, and now he has lost his IQ, like a baby born in his heart!"

For a time, the generals of the Yuanding Emperor Court collapsed!

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