Whether it is the noble bloodline Demon God Lü Bu, or the tyrannical Meng Zhang Fei, or the sword immortal Lu Dongbin with an ethereal temperament, after ascending, all of them are the cultivators of the early stage of the Dao Lord, and now they must retreat!

However, they have the previous foundation, break through, faster!

Almost when they sat cross-legged and closed their eyes, their aura had already begun to skyrocket, and their strength would expand ten thousand times in a few moments!

Ling Feng Daozu looked almost sluggish, and after sobering up, he immediately asked in horror: "Brother, is there something wrong with my brother's eyes today?" Why do I see so many Taoists? "

Qin Mu immediately smiled: "Brother, don't be surprised, this is originally my people of Zhuxia, you are not dreaming, nor are you dazzled, all this is real." "

Once Ling Feng Daozu was confirmed what he saw in front of him, he immediately almost went crazy with excitement!

"That is to say, from now on, brother Wei can walk sideways in this world?"

He is Qin Mu's righteous brother, and now that Qin Mu is so fierce, then his majesty will rise!

Foxes can also pull tiger skins!

Not to mention him, Qin Mu's righteous brother!

Qin Mu was thinking about nodding, but he immediately thought of those nine amazing cultivation powerhouses, and thought that he was almost killed by these nine people!

"Brother, do you know where those nine people come from?"

Lingfeng Daozu is an old antique in this world, and he must know many secrets that ordinary people don't know.

However, Qin Mu was soon stunned!

"What? What nine people? Ling Feng Daozu actually looked suspicious.

"That is, the general who destroyed Xuan, those who almost killed Xuandu!" Qin Mu frowned, feeling that Ling Feng was very strange.

"What? Who destroyed your general? Who can kill you? Ling Feng looked shocked and unbelievable!

"Brother, do you remember, what kind of cultivation did Doumu Yuanjun have in the past?" Qin Mu suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

"Remember, isn't she a peak Dao Lord? It's not just her, like Yide, Baoshengru, they are all in the same realm! Ling Feng said with certainty.

"And what about you looking at them now?" Qin Mu pointed at the three of them.

Ling Feng really looked at it seriously, and then his eyes were even more confused: "What happened?" Why is their cultivation so much lower? "

Qin Mu did not answer his question, but fell into deep thought.

Ling Feng's reaction made Qin Mu feel a little bad.

He looked at Ling Feng's expression, not like he was deliberately pretending to have amnesia.

If it is not intentional, then the problem is big.

Ling Feng is the cultivation of the Dao Ancestor, and in this realm, he belongs to a member of the Dao Ancestor who has a good cultivation, in the vast area nearby, his reputation is not small, how can such a person lose his memory, or is he unconscious?

Except for those nine people with strong mysterious origins, Qin Mu couldn't think of anyone who had such skills.

"Yide, go and bring in some of the people who belong to us around us, just bring in ten thousand." Qin Mu suddenly ordered.

Although Zhang Fei didn't know what this was about, he immediately went to carry it out, and a moment later, tens of thousands of people from other forces quickly came in outside, all looking at Qin Mu with cringe.

"I ask you, have you seen the nine terrifying figures in the sky a few days ago?" Qin Mu asked with a frown.

"What? Nine terrifying figures? What days ago? Everyone was at a loss without exception!

"No, Your Majesty, absolutely not! These days, we... It seems that they all had a confused dream, and even forgot what they dreamed of! "

On the contrary, these people themselves became confused and puzzled.

"Okay, you already know, you guys stand down." Qin Mu waved his hand, and a strong Origin Qi was injected into the bodies of these people, and these ten thousand people immediately gained great benefits, and the hundreds of Dao Rhymes added by the Emperor Court of the Summers made them all benefit a lot immediately.

"Brother Xian, what exactly are you doing? For brother, I really don't understand. The doubts in Ling Feng's eyes became even stronger.

"Brother, don't worry, you first listen to what the people of Xu say."

Qin Mu immediately called Li Si and Liu Bowen.

"Two, do you remember the nine strong men who came a few days ago and killed many generals of my dynasty?"

Although Li Si and Liu Bowen did not know what Qin Mu was doing, they immediately nodded.

"What! Is someone really coming? Ling Feng Daozu's brows furrowed even tighter, "What the hell is going on?" "

Qin Mu then did not continue to guide him, and directly had a showdown with him: "Brother, look, the prime minister of Xuan remembers those nine people, and those generals of Xu are all killed and reincarnated again, all of which can prove that those nine people have indeed come!" Moreover, if you see it with your own eyes, there will be no fake! As for you, and those who have just left, why didn't you remember this, Xu can now assert, it was those nine people who erased your memory! "

Li Si and Liu Bowen were both taken aback, looking at Ling Feng with an incredulous look on their faces: "Is Your Majesty saying that Ling Feng Dao Ancestor has no impression of the great battle a few days ago?" "

Qin Mu nodded with a calm face: "Now it seems that this is really the case, all our people remember that big battle, but the people here have lost that memory!" "

Liu Bowen frowned, and suddenly set his gaze on the three virgins.

The Three Virgins were in retreat at this time, but Liu Bowen still forcibly awakened them.

"Three, do you remember those nine?"

The Three Virgins thought for a moment, and then their faces were shocked: "I felt that the memories of those few days were muddy before, but after being infused by the Great Origin here, we actually remembered that memory!" Indeed, there were indeed nine extremely powerful powerhouses who almost destroyed here! "

Liu Bowen nodded and immediately said to Qin Mu: "Your Majesty, now that things are clear, anyone who has received our Origin Indoctrination can remember or recall it!" Those nine people must have mastered some kind of supreme rule of this realm, and they can forcibly touch the memories of all souls here! "

Ling Feng Daozu immediately stepped forward: "I'll try!" "

Qin Mu nodded, and immediately flicked his finger, and a huge origin poured Ling Feng, allowing his origin to be completely expanded and refined.

Ling Feng Daozu immediately showed surprise: "Powerful!" Terrible! In the origin of the virtuous brother, there are a hundred completely different avenues, which makes the cultivation of the brother skyrocket, and the potential of the brother increases a lot! "

Then he looked horrified again: "I remembered! Those nine people, those nine terrifying faces! That's right, they actually erased our memories with some terrifying ability! But who is he divine? "

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