The clansmen of the Seven Great God Races immediately scattered around, and under the leadership of several terrifying powerhouses, they began to launch a fierce attack on Zhuxia in eight directions.

In the south, the descendants of Ling Tian's ancestor attacked first.

"My name is Lingxiao, boy, remember my name, reincarnate in the next life, remember to avoid me!"

This Ling Xiao cultivation is profound, but it is also arrogant.

He saw that Zhang Fei was only at the level of a beginner in the realm of Dao Ancestors, and his already proud heart immediately became a thick contempt, and he even felt that he could suppress Zhang Fei with a little touch of his finger.

Zhang Fei rarely did not get angry, but after a short period of sluggishness, he suddenly laughed loudly: "Your arrogant appearance makes you think of the way you used to be, when you were young and frivolous and insensible, and you were beaten for decades, only then did you understand that some people are born strong and are destined to be insurmountable!" Today, let Zhang Yide teach you a lesson! "

Zhang Fei immediately rushed forward with the Zhangba Snake Spear, and the snake spear was infused by his power, and was immediately stimulated to deform, instantly turning into a roaring black dragon, with sharp bright black horns on the top of his head, rushing towards Ling Xiao.

When that Ling Xiao saw such a terrifying black dragon rushing towards him, he only showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, but he did not panic in the slightest, and unhurriedly felt out the sword from his waist, and while slowly pulling it out, he actually began to tell Zhang Fei about his past glorious achievements!

"Once, I stepped into the other world, which was the transit point for this heaven and earth to enter the immortal world, and the creatures there were all powerful, even the things at the bottom were capable of crushing our ancestors! However, it was such a terrifying place, I Lingxiao did not give in, all the way with my superior ability, I got the treasure there, and came back to forge this sword! "

Speaking of this, Ling Xiao glanced at Zhang Fei with a blank expression, and snorted coldly with disdain: "In the past, I used this sword to kill more than a hundred strong people who were ten times more terrifying than those peak Dao ancestors, but now, you dirt bun, you waste who has just entered the Dao Ancestor, dare to come to me to compare?" It's really self-defeating! Today, let you see how powerful I am Lingxiao! "

Zhang Fei was immediately furious, the strength in his hand immediately increased by a few points, the snake spear suddenly soared, and the black dragon immediately roared and roared, the speed was fast, leaving the previous phantom in mid-air, and instantly appeared around Ling Xiao.

Although Ling Xiao talked a lot of nonsense, his strength was indeed strong, and the sword was cold and cold, and with a slight swing, a piece of sword qi immediately flew out.

That sword qi is extremely cold, extremely fierce, every sword qi has a terrifying power, each sword exudes a terrifying momentum that can kill the Dao ancestor, around this piece of sword qi, any power is excluded, that is, the origin is broken by the sword qi, forming an absolute vacuum area, except for the sword qi, everything does not exist!

Zhang Feihu's eyes widened, seeing Ling Xiao's sword immediately shrouded the surroundings, the sword qi protection, for a while he couldn't see any flaws, there was no way to start, the black dragon hovered in mid-air for a long time, but could not find the position of the attack, gradually collapsed the momentum, and returned to the appearance of a snake spear.

"Why are you like a turtle shell? Do you dare to fight with Tang Tang Zheng? Zhang Fei was a little deflated and couldn't help but curse.

That Ling Xiao immediately scoffed: "Sure enough, it's a dirt bun, you can't even break my defenses, and you want to fight me?" Well, since your ability is worrying, let you see before you die, what kind of demeanor is the real strong! "

The sword qi around Ling Xiao did not decrease, the defense was tight, and he immediately swung his sword again, the sword reflected, a sword flew out, and the stone broke the sky, one moment it was still there, and the next moment it had flashed and slashed at Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei fought countless battles, of course, not a general, but he did not expect that this Ling Xiao would have such a rapid speed, in a hurry, just instinctively meet the enemy, the snake spear crossed, set up the rushing sword, barely blocked this terrifying blow, was not split in half in an instant, but the terrifying power on Ling Xiao's sword still poured into his whole body through the snake spear, instantly knocked Zhang Fei away, fell heavily on the ground, and hit a hundred feet crack!

"Vulnerable!" Ling Xiao immediately laughed, "Little ones, follow me to attack inside!" "

He actually thought that Zhang Fei was shocked to death by his sword, and immediately wanted to confidently attack, but he only took a step, and in the big pit that Zhang Fei hit below, there was immediately a roar, Zhang Fei immediately listened to the snake spear rushing out from below, the snake spear because of Zhang Fei's fury, and turned into an angry black dragon again, roaring and rushing out, the pitch-black body was even playing terrifying black lightning, and immediately collided with Ling Xiao who was planning to go over!

"Fuck off! Shameless sneakers! "

Ling Xiao scolded angrily, the battle sword came, and the sword immediately turned into a blue water divine dragon, entangled with Zhang Fei's snake spear transformed black dragon, tearing and colliding with each other, squeezing and crushing each other with huge force!

"Hey, hey! Come on! "

Zhang Fei's eyes were round, and he suddenly showed a madman's face, and he actually rolled up his sleeves and flew directly towards Ling Xiao, wanting to fight him hand-to-hand!

"Who is afraid of whom!"

That Ling Xiao is indeed not a general, as soon as he saw Zhang Fei pounce, he immediately threw away the sword in his hand, and let it attack Zhang Fei's snake spear, but he moved his muscles, and then rushed forward and fought Zhang Fei closely!

"One punch to shatter mountains and rivers!" Zhang Fei immediately clenched his right fist, struck fiercely, punched out, and immediately the tiger around him, the terrifying fist wind immediately rushed out first, rushed towards Ling Xiao, the entourage of both sides around was forced away by the terrifying aura, that is, the stars in the extreme distance, were all shaken by this punch!

The power of this punch can be imagined!

Although Ling Xiao was not afraid, he was also closing in on his previous contempt.

His sword fought hard, and he did not distinguish a victory or defeat with Zhang Fei, which already let him know that Zhang Fei was not an easy person, and if he continued to underestimate the enemy, it must be himself who suffered!

"Awesome, awesome! However, if you want to beat me, then pass this trick of mine first! "

Ling Xiao saw Zhang Fei punch, immediately stretched out five fingers, the palm became as big as a futon, and immediately a palm greeted, his palm glowed with a strong luster, a surging force is gathering there, as if anything is involved by the power of his palm, it will be torn to pieces, those lights even echo with the stars in the sky, Ling Xiao frequently pulls the palm, those stars are shaken and swaying endlessly!

"Look at me breaking you with one palm, not only to hold all your strength, but also to sweep you with one palm and pinch you!" He roared with arrogance and roared unbelievably!

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