Behind is the rousing drum, the sound is in the ears, like a thunder empowerment, a stream of blood-boiling power poured into Zhang Fei's body, his body was actually supported by huge force, instantly expanded, muscles bulged and protruded, like a hideous monster, the armor originally covered outside was instantly burst, on his bulging muscles, there were circles of lines, as if outlined by some mysterious force, all over the circle exuded dazzling light, providing Zhang Fei with a steady stream of power.

"That's the aura of patience talent of the cow!" Qingxia, who grew up here, immediately recognized that mysterious pattern!

"Cow, that's a legendary thing, only mentioned sporadically in ancient books! Whenever this kind of talent rune appears, red and black lines will appear on the body surface, radiant and radiant, the strength will skyrocket, and the combat power will skyrocket! "

"But where did Tsubasa get the cow? Did he eat the meat of a cow? Qingxia's face was full of shock.

"I haven't eaten, but maybe the problem is there." Qin Mu pointed to the drum platform over there, "I heard that Li Yuanba hunted a monster in a dense forest on the island, and the animal skin was made into a drum. "

Qingxia immediately showed a sudden face: "No wonder, no wonder!" The talent of the cow is in its cowhide, once its talent is stimulated, it is urged by the cowhide, and now we urge the war drum, and the talent of the cow above is blessed on Zhang Fei with the situation of the drum! With this power, Zhang Fei will definitely be able to defeat this person! "

Qin Mu was immediately surprised: "What kind of creature is a cow?" How highly regarded by you? "

Qingxia's beautiful eyes immediately lit up: "Cow, that is an ancient divine beast, born strong, representing the origin of strength, they were originally born in the Dao Rule, born strong!" What Li Yuanba hunted should be a newborn cow! When the cow grows to adulthood, it can smash the barrier, break it and fly to the upper realm! "

"In other words, the adult cow represents the peak power of the ascension of the Dao?" Qin Mu was a little unsure.

"That's right! The adult cow is the peak of the power of this heaven and earth! Just by simply relying on the divine power of nature, he can break through the barrier and soar to the upper realm! "

Qin Mu immediately gasped: "There are such terrifying creatures!" In this way, this guy Yide has taken advantage of it! "

Zhang Fei over there also felt extremely excited at this time: "Ahaha! It has such divine power! Boy, look how arrogant you are! "

After a spear stabbed out, Ling Xiao immediately frowned, feeling that Zhang Fei's power was a thousand times stronger than just now, and immediately condensed the power of the surrounding heaven and earth stars, and the infinite power was instantly held by him in his palm, and then pushed up against Zhang Feiping.

That light was like substance, slamming on Zhang Fei's snake spear, and it actually emitted a huge roar, and even after the snake spear slashed through, it rubbed dazzling sparks!

"Haha! Chicken Tile Dog! Vulnerable! Zhang Fei's spear actually easily penetrated Ling Xiao's palm, and immediately stabbed towards his palm.

"Retreat!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Ling Xiao immediately pulled away and left, suddenly showing two wings on his back, flapping his wings, disappearing in place in an instant, and the next moment he was separated from Zhang Fei by ten thousand meters.

However, Zhang Fei's strength soared at this time, his legs suddenly exerted force, and the whole person flew away instantly, landing next to Ling Xiao in an instant, and the snake spear immediately stabbed out.

Ling Xiao couldn't dodge, and was immediately stabbed in one arm, and after a painful cry, he suddenly broke free from the snake spear, and a terrifying force condensed in his left arm towards Zhang Fei.

"Good to go!" Zhang Fei laughed loudly, his left hand actually met instantly, pinched Ling Xiao's arm, squeezed hard, Ling Xiao's arm made a violent noise, and then exploded instantly!

Just a face, Ling Xiao's right arm was pierced, and his left arm simply exploded, and he was immediately seriously injured!

Ling Tian's heaviest physical cultivation, Ling Xiao's arms were injured, and his combat power was immediately greatly reduced, but the circle of cow marks on Zhang Fei's body kept releasing terrifying power, at this time, he felt that he was not fighting or fast, Ling Xiao was injured and clumsy, he immediately seized the opportunity and launched continuous attacks, snake spears frequently stabbed, stabbing in all directions of Ling Xiao, for a while the sky was full of his snake spear shadow, and Ling Xiao could only move and dodge in this terrifying shadow, trying his best to avoid.

A few moments later, Ling Xiao's body had been poked by Zhang Fei no less than a hundred times, and the most injured part was on the upper body, and even his head was poked by Zhang Fei with a snake spear to more than ten places, and the blood trough was all over his body, and blood was sprayed all over his body!

His flesh was wounded and his blood dried, and Ling Xiao only felt a sense of weakness hit him, and he was more and more unable to cope with Zhang Fei's fierce attack!

"Haha, the last spear! Finish the job! "

Zhang Fei suddenly burst out, charging a spear, the spearhead suddenly shot out a terrifying black light, mixed with his terrifying drink, instantly fell on Ling Xiao's body, exploded open, Ling Xiao's flesh was immediately blown up everywhere, and was shattered by her terrifying power, and immediately turned into nothingness.

"Escape! A weak glimmer intended to flee quickly, and it turned out to be Lingxiao's Yuan God!

However, Zhang Fei keenly captured this glimmer, and with a wave of his arm, a terrifying suction force immediately surged around him, and that streamer was immediately firmly held in his hand!

Zhang Fei's eyes turned, and his palm gradually spread, but he saw that Ling Xiao revealed half of his body, and at this time, he was panicked, and he was trying to break free!

"Haha! You kid, you dare to come here to provoke our Zhuxia Emperor Court, and you don't weigh your own jin taels!" Well, now that you are in the hands of Zhang Fei, count you unlucky! However, I will not kill you immediately, but I will first take you back, hand it over to Your Majesty, and finally behead you all together, wouldn't it be beautiful? "

Zhang Fei laughed, and immediately wanted to walk back, but unexpectedly, there was a sudden wind behind him, and when he looked back, there were many fierce gods who looked like Ling Xiao, all holding sharp weapons, wanting to kill Zhang Fei in front!

"Return my father!"

"Change my grandfather!"

"Change my grandfather!"

These people turned out to be Ling Xiao's concubines, all of them were fighting to take Ling Xiao back, but Zhang Fei sneered, and the return hand was a spear, and a terrifying force almost split the entire sky in half!

Those Ling Tian clan disciples who rushed in a hurry were immediately hit by this huge force, and the first few were directly cut in two, and although the people behind were not killed on the spot, they were also hit by the huge force, violently retreating, spitting blood in their mouths, unable to control their bodies!

"A group of ants also dare to come and provoke your Grandpa Zhang! Hmph, get closer, I can tear you apart! Zhang Fei glanced proudly, and then carried Ling Xiao in and threw it in front of Sun Bin!

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