Various forces appeared beside Xuan Ao, wrapping him layer after layer and protecting him, like a big rice dumpling.

The broken army broke through layer after layer of defense, but it was never able to effectively break through again, and in hand-to-hand combat, he could only bury his head and destroy one strange thing after another under Xuan Aobu.

"Damn it, it's another pulling force!"

The broken army saw a gap appear in front of him, and he was overjoyed in his heart, and was about to break through quickly, but unexpectedly just rushed up, which immediately turned into a trap, and countless black rattans instantly spewed out of it, instantly binding him.

"Get out of here!"

He struggled, but unexpectedly the strength of his struggle was absorbed by these rattans, binding him even more firmly, and some rattans even rushed into his nostrils and wanted to penetrate his brain pulp.

"What a thing! It's disgusting! "

The broken army cursed repeatedly, but he couldn't get out of the trap, and some rattans really followed his seven tips, penetrated deep into his body, and wanted to give him a fatal blow!

"Ziwei sits for her life, break the army and kill the enemy!"

He suddenly had a fierce fire in his heart, intercepting the power of the Ziwei Emperor, and the fire immediately burst into flames in his body, instantly spitting out from the Seven Tips!

This is not an ordinary flame, but the broken army's brutal to the extreme intention turned into the most evil flame, once those rattans were burned by these flames, although they were not burned to ashes, they were immediately refined, becoming puppets under the brutal will of the broken army, and immediately turned into black shoots, not only immediately withdrew from his body, but also reversed, and the power returned to Xuan Ao over there, instantly shocking Xuan Ao out of internal injuries.


Xuan Ao just saw that the broken army was trapped by a rattan, and his heart immediately relaxed, and he was pondering how to kill the broken army next, but unexpectedly, the broken army suddenly had a different fire, and instantly refined the rattan, and under the backlash, his body immediately felt that countless sharp and powerful branches were born, piercing his internal organs in an instant!

While spraying blood from his mouth, Xuan Ao immediately felt that the strength of his flesh was gurgling, and then looked at the broken army on the opposite side, after getting out of trouble, he immediately sneered and rushed out again, quickly killing again!

"Come back! The power of Tongxuan, help me escape! "

Xuan Ao saw that another proud force was broken through by the broken army, and immediately felt his scalp numb, realizing that he was not the opponent of the broken army at all, and immediately retreated in fright, and did not dare to continue to stalemate with the broken army, and actually pinched the seal and fled, and fled far away in an instant, actually wanting to escape back to the Tongxuan clan.

"Where to run!" The eyes of the broken army were wide, although the flesh was still bound by various forces around it, but the will of the Yuan God suddenly launched a terrifying power, and at a great distance, a scarlet net was lowered, which was full of the will of the broken army to be violent and murderous, Xuan Ao accidentally bumped into it for a while, and was immediately enveloped by a cold and bone-deep killing intent, and his body instantly lost vitality, stiff in place and unable to move, and even the Yuan God was imprisoned by a cold breath, unable to move, and even the will could not move, temporarily becoming a vegetative person.

"Hmph, look where you are fleeing! When I catch up with you, I will definitely kill you!" "

The broken army was about to rush out, but unexpectedly crashed into a strange time and space, seemingly one step wide, but after entering, there was never an end, as if encountering the end of the world, seemingly striding forward, but always walking in place!

"This is purely disgusting!"

The broken army was almost collapsed by these juggling mentality, he is a fierce straight man, like to open and close and fight with all his strength, but today he was blocked here, all kinds of strange things emerge endlessly, there is no way to break through quickly, so angry that the broken army is crazy one after another.

"Break, break! Break the power of the army, break everything! "

He suddenly came out of his way and turned into a terrifying dark red flame, and the flames flowed like a sea, quickly refining and assimilating everything that passed along the way, absorbing it into a force of his own!

The strange time and space in front was still containing the terrifying flame of the broken army at first, but soon, everything inside was refined by the broken army, that is, the void there was completely refined, so that this void appeared a huge crack, connected with the outside world, and finally completely broken, losing its power!

As soon as this space passes, there is a horse Pingchuan outside!

What heavenly rolling stone, immediately to be refined by his Yuan God and become a drop of fire!

What terrifying abyss was immediately going to be refined into a flat ground by him.

Where the power of the Origin of the Broken Army passed, it was refined by him, and nothing could survive.

"Holy! This man is terrible! "

Na Xuan Ao struggled for a long time, and when the broken army broke through a barrier with all his strength, he finally recovered from his confinement, and immediately had to go away again.

"Great! Finally unbanned! Wait for me to go back, wait for the strong man in the clan to fight him, and wash away today's humiliation for me!" "

His idea was very good, and seeing that the broken army was getting closer and closer, he immediately roared: "Escape! "

The body immediately disappeared from the place instantly, and a breath immediately fled from here quickly, flowing towards the distance.

"Break the power of the army, break everything!"

Breaking the army and repeating the old technique, suddenly a shot was drawn, himself and the spear actually disappeared strangely from the place, and the next moment appeared in the distance, just revealed the figure, a black whirlwind passed by, and he collided fiercely!

After the dust settled, the black shadow held his head, stood up in confusion, looked at the broken army standing proudly, and actually smiled: "I escaped too quickly, hallucinating?" "

He immediately trembled and felt a chill: "Heaven! My trick was actually broken! You can actually cut off my escape technique and cut me off halfway! My escape failed! "

The broken army smiled and slowly raised the spear: "This time, everything should be over!" You don't have to run away anymore, I, and you don't have to chase anymore! "

Immediately he suddenly shot out, a shot knocked Xuan Ao down, Xuan Ao did not have time to make any reaction, he was penetrated by a terrifying force, only felt that the mind was swollen for a while, and the next moment it burst, the brain pulp turned into nothingness, and the flesh was also annihilated by the broken army's shot, and the bones did not exist!

"Haha! Finally quiet! Finish the job! "

He laughed loudly, left proudly, and stood beside Doumu Yuanjun, his expression flat, as if he had done something trivial.

"Xuan Ao, just die like this!" The old man of the Tongxuan clan frowned, and his voice was cold, "Although Xuan Ao is a relatively poor person among our clan, it is by no means comparable to these dirt buns!" Gentlemen, the people of the summers are good at using evil tricks, who can kill me and avenge the dead Xuanao? "

The people around were immediately silent!

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