"Your Majesty, Doumu Yuanjun is here." Liu Bowen, who had been observing the battle situation, suddenly whispered to Qin Muyu, and his face was different.

"You know, what kind of expression are you?" Qin Mu himself was not blind, of course, he saw that Doumu Yuanjun was walking quickly, but he saw Liu Bowen's eyes shining, his face full of joy, and even had the urge to jump, and immediately felt that there was something wrong with this guy.

"Your Majesty, great creation, definitely great creation! Although I don't know what happened, just now I was calculating that the purple micro star had risen sharply, and the twenty-eight stars had the signs of reviving, which indicated that His Majesty's fortune was at the head, and it was a greater opportunity than getting that Origin Dao tree! Your Majesty, Minister, excited! "

Liu Bowen really couldn't help it, and actually danced with his hands!

The wife and slave looked dazed, and were about to ask carefully, but Nadoumu Yuanjun had already come over, his face was like a peach blossom, and his smile was like a spring breeze.

"Your Majesty, Doumu Yuanjun has something to report!"

Qin Mu immediately waved his hand to signal her to say directly.

"Does Your Majesty know where we will go after our Emperor Court of the Summers advances?" Doumu Yuanjun said that he wanted to pray, but the first thing he said was to sell the pass.

Qin Mu was immediately speechless: "Isn't it flying to the upper realm, that is, going to the so-called immortal realm?" "

Doumu Yuanjun immediately smiled: "I know that His Majesty will think so, in fact, most of them will think so, and the fact is that they really want to ascend to the upper realm, but a small number of people will not directly ascend to the upper realm, and even a very small number of people will not go to the immortal realm at all." "

Qin Mu was immediately stunned: "And this?" Isn't it automatically rejected when cultivation reaches this realm? At that time, those who do not want to soar will be forcibly suppressed and cultivated, or even directly erased! If you don't go to the immortal world, who dares to take risks? "

Doumu Yuanjun's smile was even stronger: "The situation that His Majesty said is also rare, and those who have reached cultivation but do not ascend do not dare to come out at all, let alone show their breath, otherwise they will suffer immediately!" However, some people have reached that realm, but they still do not need to go to the immortal world. "

"Really fake? Why didn't you know? If you don't go to the Upper Realm, where to go then? Directly reincarnated and relive again? Qin Mu looked tangled.

"It's not like this, Your Majesty," Doumu Yuanjun couldn't help but laugh, "This matter is related to the Heavenly Court, another Heavenly Court, an extremely ancient and extremely great Heavenly Court, but has been silent for countless years. "

Qin Mu glanced at Liu Bowen and felt that this old man was simply divine, and even this could be calculated.

Liu Bowen said that the purple MSI shimmer soared, so what is the concept of purple MSI?

That not only represents the imperial emperor, but also represents the movement of the heavens and stars.

Ziwei Emperor Star began to operate, what did that mean?

Qin Mu couldn't think of it, and he didn't dare to think about it, but he realized that the great opportunity that Liu Bowen said was indeed coming!

"Doumu Yuanjun, hurry up and pick the key point, what is going on?"

Qin Mudu was a little impatient.

Doumu Yuanjun then said carefully: "Your Majesty, in the past, we were born of the Ancient Heavenly Court, such as the Sanqing Daozun before me, such as me, such as the Jade Emperor Ziwei I conceived, at that time, the prestige of the Ancient Heavenly Court spread throughout the four extremes and eight wastes!" However, later, after countless glorious years, the Heavenly Court finally ran out of energy and began to shrink, so many of us fell into a long sleep, and the glory of the Heavenly Court was gone forever! But now, the appearance of the innate god race outside gives us the opportunity to rebuild the heavenly court, once the rolling underworld outside is refined, and then the innate god race is refined and integrated into the heavenly court, our ancient heavenly court will reappear, and Your Majesty will immediately become the lord of the immortal world! "

Lord of the Immortal Realm!

What is that concept?

Even pigs can think of some great benefits!

At the very least, if you become the master of the first realm, you don't have to look at the faces of others!

Qin Mu became excited in an instant!

Left and right Liu Bowen and Li Si were also instantly excited to tremble, crazy, Li Si has always been gloomy, today he was actually excited, and hugged Liu Bowen!

The three concubines next to Qin Mu were originally eating melons to watch the generals conquer the God Race, but when they accidentally heard the news, they immediately became stupid!

Luo Qingyi was the first to follow Qin Mu, and earlier, her vision was not so high at all, and she thought that Qin Mu's achievement was just dominating a small world.

I don't want Qin Mu to not only help her take revenge, but also swallow countless forces, and even walked out of the Nether Realm and soared here!

However, she never dreamed that one day her man would have such a terrifying chance that he would directly become the controller of the immortal world!

"Your Majesty, this, is this true?" Luo Qingyi's beautiful face revealed a dreamy obsession, and she looked at Qin Mu and felt that Qin Mu was as deep and charming as the starry sky.

"This, maybe it's really true!" Qin Mu touched his face and said with some uncertainty.

"Your Majesty, I really want to be sheltered by you forever!" Shui Xin'er couldn't help but get into Qin Mu's arms and began to coquette.

Qin Mu subconsciously hugged her a little tighter.

However, the most shocking thing was Qingxia.

Qingxia was also from a wealthy family before, as a descendant of the Dao Ancestor, she was deeply respected on land, and as an upper-class aristocratic lady, she knew more and knew more about the higher-level world than ordinary people.

In the immortal world, it is an incomparably sublime and incomparably coercive existence.

Which one who can fly to the immortal realm is not the proud son of the heavens below!

But now, he is not yet in the realm of Dao Ancestor, let alone the qualification to ascend, but his own man is already about to become the master of the immortal world!

For a time, Qingxia felt as if her feet were stepping on a cloud of mist, fluttering lightly, and at the same time the blood in her head was surging, and she was so excited that she was dizzy!

"Your Majesty!" She suddenly screamed!

"Immortal World! Celestial! If we become the lord of the immortal world, then we will not have to fly to the immortal realm in the future, we can open up territory in our own place, and even compete with other immortal realms for resources in the future, and even send troops to attack and suppress them! "

Qingxia was so excited that she was incoherent, and finally Qin Mu reached out and pulled her over, letting her sit beside her, and Qingxia gradually quieted down.

"Doumu Yuanjun, go ahead, is this matter reliable?" Qin Mu asked solemnly.

"Of course it's reliable, if it's not reliable, will I report it to Your Majesty?" It was precisely after feeling the revival of the Ancient Heavenly Court that I told Your Majesty! "

Doumu Yuanjun said with a radiant expression, she was also very excited, once the Ancient Heavenly Court reopened, her status would also be greatly improved, and the benefits obtained were not at all something that could be said in one or two sentences.

For a time, everyone in Zhuxia was excited, and the peripheral battles seemed to have become embellishments!

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