The efficiency of the system was indeed very high, and as soon as Qin Mu's words fell, the system spoke up again!

"Ding! The supreme-level person Jie Shi is free to summon the King Buddha successfully! "

The world is free to be in the king Buddha!

Qin Mu gasped!

This is another Buddhist celebrity!

Why is it famous?

It is not because there is anything particularly famous about this worldly Buddha himself, he is famous because of his disciple, the later Buddha Amitayus, or rather, Amitabha Buddha.

It is said that before this Amitabha became a monk, his family was originally the king of a country.

To say that this rich man is a joker, after being the lord of the country for a long time, he actually felt that being a king was really boring, so he actually began to practice intoxicatedly, and later got the guidance of this worldly king Buddha and entered ~ Buddhism to practice.

Speaking of the practice of this Buddha, this merit sometimes comes really convenient, such as this Amitabha Buddha, that is, Amitayus Buddha, when he listened to the sermon of the worldly free king Buddha, he heard that the world's free king Buddha has 21 billion Buddha kingdom pure land, so he gave birth to the construction of a unified pure land country for all bhikshu Buddhas.

If this kind of thing is done by ordinary people, it will definitely not be possible, but Amitabha Buddha is the head of the country, with a lot of money and resources, so he really fulfilled his grand vision and repaired a unified pure land for countless monks, that is, the Bliss - Pure Land.

Although the money was spent, people got a lot of merit because of this, and even became the "Amitabha Buddha" that countless Buddhas talked about

Don't look at the strength of the people, but because the people are real charter officials, their status in the Buddhist gate is extremely high.

All Buddhas have to live in other people's homes, can this status be high?

However, although Amitabha Buddha has a high status, the merit of this worldly king Buddha who has entered the Buddha's door is even more immeasurable.

After the previous 53 Buddhas passed away, from the birth of the Pure Land of Bliss, all Buddhas lived in the world of Elysium, including the worldly King Buddha.

However, after all, this Elysium was created by Amitabha Buddha, although the merit of the world's free king Buddha is higher than that of Amitabha Buddha, but after all, he is also a wise person, knowing that he cannot make a noise, so although the king Buddha in this world is in Elysium, he has never been in a state of retreat, and he does not interact with anyone at all, and even in order to avoid potential embarrassment, even the disciple of Amitabha Buddha does not come and go.

So over time, although his fame is very large, no Buddha knows it, but few people will sound his name!

Even, the Buddhas have forgotten that there is such a strong person in Elysium!

"System, look at the attributes of this worldly king Buddha!"

The system immediately tuned the panel out!

Name: King Buddha of the World

Weapons: Ganges Ruyi, Eight Treasure Lotus

Cultivation: The Tao is really complete

Talent: Detached mind (the world is more ancient in chaos, born in an earlier period of the beginning of ten thousand things, born with great wisdom, can see through all illusions, and achieve the results of thinking with supreme wisdom) Buddha Sect Hermit (after the king Buddha preached, in a long period of retreat, with a detached heart to comprehend the supreme mysteries, the more low-key, the stronger the ability, although hiding himself, but still the mainstay of the Buddha gate) The Lord of the 21 billion Buddha Kingdom (21 billion Buddha countries are incomparably mixed, only the world's free King Buddha with a detached heart, It can control so many powerful Buddha countries, and the power is so powerful that it cannot be compared with the ancient fifty-three Buddhas)

Deeds: The Buddha gate is bounded by the ancient Buddha of the burning lamp, there are fifty-three ancient Buddhas in front, and the thirteen Buddhas are further ahead, and the Buddha who lives in the world is the king Buddha of the world. In the era of the king Buddha, there was a king who listened to the teachings of the king Buddha, was happy in his heart, developed a supreme bodhichitta heart, and then gave up the king's throne to become a monk, and the name of the Dharma was known as Dharma Zang.

A Dharmazang bhikkhu is Amitabha Buddha, so in short, Amitabha was a king before he became a Buddha, and later after listening to the words of the Shizi King Buddha, he became a disciple of the Shizi King Buddha, and the Shizi King Buddha gave him a Dharma name called Dharma Zang, and Fazang later cultivated into a Buddha, that is, Amitabha Buddha, or Amitayus Buddha.

"Strong! Too strong! After Qin Mu read it, he couldn't help but slap his thigh and shout loudly.

Just now, I thought that the Burning Lantern Ancient Buddha was the strongest, but in the blink of an eye, another old antique before the Burning Lantern Ancient Buddha was also dug up by the system!

Buddhist hermit? The more low-key the more powerful, now so low-key that almost no one can think of him, how strong is this?

Besides, what is the concept of the 21 billion Buddha countries?

Even if there is only one Buddha soldier in a Buddha country, that is also 21 billion!

········ Ask for flowers...

How strong is the worldly king Buddha who is in charge of the 21 billion Buddha country? It's unimaginable!

"Your Majesty, there are several monks outside asking for a meeting!" Zhang Fei suddenly walked in and spread the word with a puzzled expression, "These monks are all strong in cultivation, and they all feel afraid!" However, they insist that it is our people, and they think there is fraud in this! "

Qin Mu almost laughed out loud: "Fraud? No! Quick, call them in, Xu has long been waiting for anxious! "

Zhang Fei glanced at Qin Mu in surprise, immediately turned around and went out, looked at the Buddhas vigilantly, and brought them in, but he stood in front of Qin Mu, straightened all over, with a guarded face.

Qin Mu was anxious to look at his ten newly acquired fierce generals, and when he saw Zhang Fei blocking in front of him, could he endure?


"Go!" He said as he spoke, and a strong unreasonable force immediately surged around, and Zhang Fei was immediately thrown out fiercely.

"Your Majesty, don't..." Zhang Fei screamed, and then disappeared.


"My Buddha is merciful!"

The ten Buddhas each put their hands together, their faces as always, either compassionate, or indifferent, or as if the Vajra is not bad, the Buddha is majestic and strong.

"The poor monk is at ease with the king Buddha, and has seen His Majesty!"

"Poor monk burning lamp Buddha, I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Poor monk Amitabha Buddha, I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Poor monk King Kong is not a bad Buddha, I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Poor monk Baoguang Buddha, I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Poor monk Buddha, I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Poor monk Tangong Buddha, I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Poor monk Dragon Venerable King Buddha, I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Poor monk Jin Hai Guang Buddha, I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Poor monk Miaoyin Sound Buddha, I have seen Your Majesty!"

The ten Buddhas, all with humble expressions, but did not lose their original demeanor, all bowed slightly, and then looked at Qin Mu one by one, if they had expectations.

Qin Mu had already felt the blood rushing up in his brain at this time, there were ten Buddhas, among which there were extremely famous ancient Buddhas such as the Burning Lantern Buddha, and the worldly King Buddha, which seemed to be much more powerful than the Burning Lantern!

Such a configuration of the Buddha Gate really put Qin Mu in a kind of excitedness that could not help himself! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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