Under the orders of that high-ranking Stone Clan, ten more Stone Clan monsters sent out their last power, colliding with the remnants of the wind power!


In the last collision, the two forces collided violently, emitting dazzling light, and a strong secondary shock occurred, blasting the island where the stone tribe monster lived longitudinally, and an extremely deep pit was immediately blown out of the place, almost blowing out the old base of this island!

"Phew!" The stone tribe monsters collectively took a long breath, especially the monsters in the front row, all of them shivered, their faces were blue, their expressions were panicked, and they all had a kind of joy for the rest of their lives!

"Finally, save the dog's life! It's terrible! Why are these lowly human beings so terrible! If we hadn't consumed so much strength, I'm afraid our physical bodies would have been completely damaged! "

The so-called few joys and several sorrows, the front is happy to face the terrifying monster up close, but many clansmen in the back are extremely sad.

"Alas, originally our strength was not much, and now the last strength is also exhausted, which is a great weakening of our overall strength!"

These stone tribes are full of calculations, but four thousand, and now more than a hundred clansmen have lost all their strength, and they can only stand in place like sculptures, not to mention attack and defend, or they can't move!

On the other hand, on the side of Zhuxia, there was also a wind, and the wind quickly swept in the direction of Zhang Fei, extremely terrifying, but Zhuxia's side was extremely flexible, and with a slight hesitation, Sun Bin ordered: "Give way to the passage and let this wind pass!" "

Following the direction of that wind, all the soldiers immediately hula and withdrew, divided on both sides, and sure enough left enough passages for the wind.

The wind whistled and rushed away, and the summer soldiers on both sides immediately felt that they were scraped by a sharp knife, and each battle armor was actually cut off by a layer!

"Wow! What a fierce force! How can you have such great power to create such a terrifying movement? Zhang Fei's eyes were round, looking at the Shi Clan Patriarch on the opposite side, and then at the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand, his face showed a thick surprise, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, and finally he couldn't help laughing!

"What a shit thing, scared Lao Tzu to death! It turned out that it was just that, and it was nothing remarkable, Lao Tzu thought you were going to kill Lao Tzu! Bah! Spicy chicken! "

Zhang Fei held up the snake spear and pointed at the patriarch of the stone tribe opposite, his face showed mockery, and his proud tone made the patriarch of the stone tribe so angry that he almost vomited blood!

"Bastard! Damn it! Lao Tzu only used less than one percent of his strength! The monster argued angrily, "If Lao Tzu does it with all his might, you will be beaten into slag immediately!" "

"You're also an old man!" Zhang Fei's smile was even stronger, "How many years have you been cultivating, Lao Tzu has achieved the current achievements in a thousand years, you actually have to go all out to defeat me?" Spicy chicken, spicy chicken! "

"Bastard! Die! "

The stone patriarch roared repeatedly, and really rushed over, this time, he actually shot with all his strength, using both fists together, and blasted out two terrifying fist winds, and at the same time his eyes were prominent, and two brightly colored ores actually spewed out, with terrifying golden stone energy, emitting an indestructible momentum, and quickly rushed towards Zhang Fei!

The Shi tribe people who saw this scene were immediately shocked, and those clansmen who were exhausted of strength couldn't help but twitch their flesh and had symptoms of epilepsy!

"It's over, it's over! The patriarch threw out all his original life stones! Is this to fight with that nameless little shrimp who sacrifices his life? "

"Is it worth it? It's not worth it! What's the difference between this and killing a mosquito with exhausted strength? "

"What's the use of killing a lowly little worm? Patriarch, you are impulsive! "

"Impulsivity is the devil, and that makes perfect sense! This impulse of the patriarch made him unable to move for a long time in the future! "

"The patriarch is really hot-blooded! But Patriarch, blood, can we defeat the enemy? "

"Still too impetuous! Patriarch, after countless years of cultivation, I am afraid that I have cultivated to the dog's body..."


The people of the Shi tribe sighed one by one, yin and yang were strange, but everyone was expressing a meaning, that is, they felt very disappointed, angry, and despised for their patriarch who was so reckless and reckless, and easily vented all his strength on a person who looked extremely weak!

The patriarch of the stone clan also felt inappropriate after throwing out all the power, but when he threw out this kind of thing, he couldn't get it back, and when he was extremely anxious in his heart, he immediately tried to find a way to remedy it.

In his opinion, this all-out blow, the most terrifying thing is not to kill a mosquito, but, a blow is empty, even the damn mosquito is not killed, then he will become a joke of the stone clan, become a big joke of the opposite human race, and since then he will be ridiculed every day, then he will never see anyone again!

So, it rolled its eyes and thought of a self-righteous plan!

"Pif! If you have the courage, take this trick from me! "

The patriarch of the stone tribe suddenly roared, and the momentum was overwhelming, as if there was a great power, which made people unable to refuse.

Zhang Fei's eyes were round, and he almost answered, but a violent and extremely repulsive rejection of this kind of thing in his heart made him hesitate for a moment.

At this moment, Doumu Yuanjun suddenly issued a heaven-shaking shout: "Break! "

With her loud drink, the Heavenly Court suddenly shot into a strange light, blessing her body, and immediately flew between Zhang Fei and the monster, instantly triggering a terrifying explosion, where a faint and undetectable glimmer was stimulated by Doumu Yuanjun, and her sound wave collided, countless entanglements occurred in an instant, and finally annihilated in place, Zhang Fei suddenly felt that a nameless power that enveloped him disappeared instantly, and some kind of magic spell in his brain disappeared immediately.

"Pick you up? Bah! Defeated subordinates are not worth fighting you again! Zhang Fei smiled and turned around dashingly, the terrifying power emitted by the leader of the stone tribe soon flew past Zhang Fei and rushed to the infinite distance, but it failed to bring any damage to Zhang Fei!

"What is this? One-way sale? I can't even control my own strength, and I dare to say that I fight fiercely? Zhang Fei mocked again, the stone patriarch hanging in the darkness over there, but he didn't even have the power to speak, although his heart was bitter and extremely angry, but the sound wave just now exhausted his last strength, and now he was in a completely lying corpse.

"Your Majesty, this man is so loud that he only needs one finger to catch him!" Zhang Fei smiled proudly at Qin Mu, and then he really strode towards the stone patriarch!

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