Three Kingdoms: Become the Han Dynasty Royal at the Start!

202: Killing Hu and Mowing the Grass, Invincible!

In response to the military meeting entering the first leg of Bingzhou, it ended hastily.

No strategists, no whimsy.

Briefly introduce the local situation, assign tasks, and then only deploy troops.

To deal with the Wuhuan people, there is no need to devise special strategies.

Liu He brought all the advisors, and most of them directed the three princes of Liangzhou.

It's just Pinghu, and there is no need for advisers to take action.

In the early morning of April 21, the army set off on time.

Just as Cheng Yu introduced, one day later, the army left the flat plain and burrowed into the endless mountains.

Although the mountainous area in the hilly area is much gentler than the real mountains, it is still not friendly enough to the cavalry.

The cavalry of Zhao Yun and Taishi Ci had to dismount and walk, and the luggage and vehicles of the rear army also encountered considerable difficulties, and the marching speed suddenly slowed down.

Often a day's march can only cover fifty miles.

Fortunately, the military soldiers of the Han Dynasty were powerful enough, and they were still walking on the ground in the hilly area.

Yan Liang selected 300 of the best soldiers, temporarily formed scouts, and spread out among the mountains in small groups.

Within five days, these former Han warriors found four or five Wuhuan tribes.

It is a pity that the 460 tribes that can be driven into the mountains to keep 460 herdsmen cannot be large in scale, and the largest of them is only more than 1,000 people.

Without the need for the main labor force, Yan Liang directly sent the Han Wu soldiers out, and they were cleaned up in a moment!

The Wuhuan people could not fight on horseback in the mountains, they could only fight on the ground in humiliation.

Liu He ordered that no prisoners be taken, all tribal warriors who dared to resist were executed, and the rest were driven north, forcing them to flee to the grasslands north of the Great Wall!

The cattle and sheep are handed over to the transportation camp to be slaughtered and dried to make jerky.

It sounds cruel, but in this era, Liu He did not issue an order to exterminate men, women and children, which is the most humane.

For the Han army who were in a hurry and had no conditions to keep prisoners, it was the norm to kill all the Hu people who dared to resist, regardless of gender or age.

The "benevolence" of the Han people is towards the common people.

Cao Cao liked to slaughter the city and was scolded for thousands of years.

Liu Bei also slaughtered many barbarian tribes without leaving a single hair, and it did not affect his benevolence.

After all, "benevolence" is for the people.

Are the Hu people the common people?

Don't make trouble, in the eyes of the proud Han people, they are not even human!

It was pushed all the way, and on April 25, the army finally saw the shadow of a large plain on the edge of the mountains.

It was also here that the first Wuhuan tribe to surrender was ushered in.

"The villain is willing to offer all cattle and sheep to be the forerunner of the Heavenly Army!"

In the temporary main account, the tribal leader named Mu Wuzhe kowtowed like pounding garlic.

"The villain does not dare to confront the big man, I beg the general to accept the surrender of the villain, and my ministry is willing to pay any price!

In the face of such a tribal leader who looked down on the wind, from Liu He down to the guards at the gate, no one showed joy and pride.

The Hu people kneel in front of the Han army and pray for their lives, isn't that just right?

On the other hand, Guo Tu found an opportunity to express himself and scolded: "Who told you that you should be called a general if you don't have eyes?

"Listen, this is the governor-general of Zhenxi, the commander-in-chief of Bingzhou and Liangzhou, the emperor's brother, the prince of the great Han King Yan, not a small general!

"Yes, Lord Shizi, Lord Governor, the villain has eyes and does not know Mount Tai..."

Mu Wuzhe was trembling with fear, and kowtowed even more respectfully, and quickly splattered blood on his forehead.

Taishi Ci pouted and whispered to Zhang Ja: "To show off your strength to a Hu people, Mr. Guo is really majestic.

Zhang maxillofacial skin twitched, but did not make a sound.

After all, in the Liu He group that advocates pragmatism, people like Guo Tu are not used to it.

"Okay, okay, don't knock, just call me the Governor."

Liu He covered his mouth and nose in disgust. This Wuhuan didn't know how many years he had not bathed, and the smell on his body could be used as a biochemical weapon!

"Tell me, what's the situation with your tribe?"

"Yes, Your Honorable Governor." Mu Wuzhe smiled ingratiatingly, "There are 2,500 people in the villain tribe, 800 warriors (afbi) can be produced, and the rest of the adult male clan can also mount horses and bow, and are willing to fight with the adults. !

"There are 50,000 cattle and sheep in total. I would like to dedicate all of them to the adults. In the future, I will concentrate on serving the big man, herding cattle and sheep for the adults, and be your most central servant!"


As far as the Wuhuan people in Yanmen County are concerned, it is a small tribe.

The strength should not be bad, otherwise he would have been driven to the mountain long ago, and it would be impossible to occupy the large pasture at the foot of the mountain.

"You stay and let your people bring your so-called warriors. I allow you to imitate the ancestors of the Wuhuan and continue to fight for the Han."

"As for the cattle and sheep, send 10,000 heads and keep the rest. You don't need to move them. When I clean up what should be cleaned up, I will give you enough pastures to feed your clan!

For a tribe of 2,500 people, 50,000 cattle and sheep are not enough to eat, and it is estimated that many people starve to death every winter and freeze to death.

The pastures at the foot of the mountain are not large, and the grasslands are not rich enough to raise more cattle and sheep.

"Thank you sir, thank you sir!"

Mu Wuzhe was very grateful, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with giving all the warriors of the tribe and giving away one-fifth of the property.

In exchange for the internal strife of the Wuhuan people, Mu Wuzhe not only has to bring all the warriors to follow the more powerful tribes to fight as cannon fodder, but the rest of the tribe will also become slaves!

The Han people have always been much better than their cruel counterparts.

Just like this, you can hug the thigh of the Governor of the West Town, and you will earn a lot of money!

Not to mention that there are more expansive and fertile pastures, just by this one, Mu Wuzhe is willing to do anything!

"Xingba, you go to settle these people and let them follow your forward camp.

The Hu cavalry is not a big fight, but an excellent scout.

Gan Ning took the order and left.

Liu He asked again, "Mu Wuzhe, what other tribes are around Pingcheng?"

"Reporting to your honorable lord, the largest tribe in the surrounding area is the tribe of Zagotel. With a population of 50,000, it has the most fertile pastures around Pingcheng, and tens of thousands of Han sheep slaves. 35

"They can dispatch 10,000 warriors, and the rest of the men can also fight on horses. They are the leaders of the Wuhuan people around Pingcheng."

"I heard the news that your lord is leading the army to suppress the rebellion, Zagor ordered the tribes on the plain to rally against your army!""

When they heard the Han sheep slaves, everyone's expressions immediately turned hideous and murderous.

Mu Wuzhe was so frightened that he was trembling and begged for mercy: "Sir, there have never been Han slaves in the villain's tribe, only the humble Di people and sheep slaves, please forgive me!

"Shut up! 35

Liu He didn't expose Mu Wuzhe's low-level lies. When this kid decided to surrender to the big Han, he must have released all the Han people in the tribe first.

"The Zagorod tribe you speak of, plus the army he has assembled, how many people are there?"

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