Three Kingdoms: Become the Han Dynasty Royal at the Start!

216: Resolute and resolute, the army is approaching!

The Silver Dragon's bodyguards released were very efficient, and it was immediately discovered that there was an unnamed stone valley thirty kilometers away from Juyang County.

It used to be one of the largest quarries in Yanmen County, but it was abandoned due to the war.

After Qu Chuxie occupied Juyang, he reopened the quarry there, and sent 10,000 young men and women to quarry stones for him to build the city wall.

"According to the villain's investigation, there are only more than 3,000 young people who are still alive there, and the Wuhuan people have left a thousand tribe warriors to guard.

The guard took out a roll of white silk on which was a brief topographic map drawn by hand.

"The quarry is surrounded by mountains on all sides and is a cliff, and ordinary people can't get in and out at all."

"Only in the south, there is only one entrance and exit. The terrain is narrow, with straight cliffs on the left and right, and only five people can walk side by side in the middle.

"Most of the Wuhuan soldiers and horses, "460", are concentrated at this entrance. Only a few soldiers and horses are left in the quarry to guard them.

Everyone listened very seriously, and this was related to Liu He's safety.

Cheng Yu stared at the sketch map carefully: "There is no other way to go except for one line of heaven?"

The guard shook his head: "Unless you can walk between the cliffs, it is impossible to bypass the line and enter the quarry. 35

"And the villages around the stone field have been completely emptied, and the subordinates have not been able to find a local person as a guide, and even if there is a trail, there is no way to know.

"No wonder my army is under the city, but Qu Chuxie didn't evacuate the people from the stone field." Yan Liang's brows were wrinkled tightly, "In such a dangerous terrain, one husband is the gatekeeper and ten thousand people do not open, and there is no gap at all.

Wen Chou also sighed: "It's not difficult for the governor to sneak in by himself, but it is difficult for the three thousand people to have an influence on Juyang City."

Liu He didn't speak, his eyes narrowed tightly on the topographic map brought back by the guards, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xun Yu asked again: "Besides this place, is there any other place that can be used?"

The guard said guiltily: "Reporting to Xun Sima, although the subordinates and others have found several camps and villages, the results of the analysis are not suitable.

"Oh why?"

"The Wuhuan people have recalled all the other camps of young and strong people, and the remaining scale is too small, often only a few hundred Han slaves who are responsible for collecting grass and food, and they can't play a big role.

"In addition, the Wuhuan people deliberately set up the place where the slaves were imprisoned on the plain, with no obstructions and obstacles around. Even if there is chaos, the Wuhuan people can send dozens of cavalry to break it up."

"In addition, those who have not been reinstated into the county town have basically been abandoned by the Wuhuan people, and the small number of defenders are not from the Quchu Xieben tribe. They are afraid that they will not be able to enter the county town.

To incite a young uprising, the key point is to cause chaos within Juyang City.

If you can't enter the county seat, it doesn't make any sense.

Liu He looked at Zhang Shun: "Bring some people to scan the small slave camps that Yinlong's personal guards searched, and put them into the baggage camp, regardless of the old or the weak.

"Bingzhou was abused too much by the Hu people, and Ding Yuan went south to Sili and took away most of the young people. There are not many Dingkou, so one can be guaranteed."


"The Governor is benevolent." Tian Feng sincerely praised.

Shen Pei didn't know what to think, and suddenly said: "You said that other places were abandoned by the Wuhuan people, and they couldn't enter the county town, except for this stone quarry?"

"Yes, a few days ago, my subordinates found a convoy coming out of the stone field, escorted by the Wuhuan guards to Juyang City. After the county guards checked them, they let them in.

"This is strange." Cheng Yu heard the words strangely, "I'm waiting for the peak of the army to arrive, and since Qu Chuxie wants to block the county, why not just block it to the end?

"It's just a quarry, no matter how important it is, there's no need to take risks and it won't stop working at this time, right?"

Shen Pei and Tian Feng also looked puzzled.

Xun Yu analyzed: "Unless in this quarry, not only stones, but also other things that the Wuhuan people must dig."

The guard bowed his head in shame: "The guards in the stone field have been strictly investigated, and the terrain is special, and the subordinates did not dare to approach because they were afraid of the grass and snakes."

"It's pointless to think about this!" Liu He stopped their discussion, "It may be that the defending city needs ore, or there may be a small salt field in addition to the stone quarry, and there may be many others. We don't have enough information to think about it. out."5

"As long as they still have contact with the city, then we have a chance!

"What the governor said is very true." Xun Yu quickly put aside this point, "In any case, as long as there is really something urgently needed by the Wuhuan people in the stone field, it is possible to use it."

"It's not too late, I'll set off tonight!" Liu He put away the topographic map and called a personal soldier, "Prepare a set of tattered common people's clothes, and some compressed dry food...

Even though he had already said it before, Yan Liang couldn't help but say, "The Governor, since the quarry is not in the county seat, why would you take the risk?"

"Let the people at the end of the general take over the quarry, and then choose some people to dress up as civilian husbands and defenders, and just sneak into the county town?"

Wen Chou, Zhang Shun, and Yan Ming all nodded.

"Yes, Governor, you better not take the risk."

"No, if the stone field is really important to Qu Chuxie, it means that the guards are all his cronies, and our disguise can't deceive people at all. 99

Liu He is dissatisfied.

"You have also dealt with the Hu people for so many years, don't you know that the Hu people are good at taming eagles to pass news?"

"If the news leaks at that time, I will fall short!"

Yan Liang and the others were speechless.

"Okay, let's settle this, let's get ready!" Liu He drew a line on the map with a scabbard, "By opening up Pingcheng and Juyang, the food route in Youzhou will be opened, and our army can continue. Go west and take the entire Yanmen County!

Qu Chuxie was indeed a clever Hu people. Although the method of fortifying walls and clearing fields was primitive, it was indeed effective in this era.

Silver Dragon's personal guard tried his best, but still couldn't find out the specific situation inside the stone field.

Even the defenders who camped in the first line of the sky could only roughly figure out the number of people, and there was no way to obtain clearer information.

That night, Liu He took two 1.8 silver dragon personal guards who had explored near the stone field, and took advantage of the darkness to touch the edge of the guard camp.

Liu He then discovered that the topography of this place was really unfriendly to spies.

The cliffs on both sides are too high, even if you can barely get around it, you can only see a shadow the size of a bean from the top, and it must be daytime!

At night, you can't see anything.

"The subordinates have investigated, and there are several hunting dogs in the camp, and they will bark when they see strangers. It is difficult to touch them without being discovered."

Liu He nodded, lying in a grass nest 50 meters away against the wind, using his good eyesight to observe the Wuhuan people's camp not far away.

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