"Didn't you see the look on the Governor's face when he heard the man in the car calling Diaochan?"

Tian Feng recalled and said, "The governor seems to be very happy. Could it be that he recognizes the bride in the car? It's just that he has to go the wrong way to marry a concubine!"

Guo Jia shrugged, "You have to ask the Governor, anyway, I'm waiting for a wedding wine, what's the difference between going through the front door or the side door!

Guo Jia was joking but thinking in his heart, that Situ Wang Yun took great pains to give his righteous daughter to the governor as his concubine!

From Luoyang to Youzhou, and then to Liangzhou via Bingzhou.

Although the Silver Dragon Guard gave Pound a huge shock, he still did not believe Liu He that he would arrive in Hanyang on the 5th.

"Is this the guards around Liu He? Is it a bit too much to arrive at Hanyang in just five days? 55

Pound secretly figured that even if he traveled day and night, it would take at least eight days to arrive. After all, everyone's riding skills were uneven, and both people and horses had to rest, and there was still a long journey in the middle, which was very rugged and not suitable for horses to travel fast.

With Liu He's order, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei and Baiyinlong all rode on the 05 horses.

At this time, Liu He turned his head and glanced in the direction of the city gate, and saw that the generals of Qingyang, led by Guo Jia and Tian Feng, both clasped their fists and said goodbye.

After a slight nod, Liu He shouted loudly, sat down and rushed out like a sharp arrow.

Zhao Yun and Dian Wei followed closely, and the one hundred silver dragon guards quickly caught up like a wild horse.

"My God, why did it start so fast? Aren't they afraid that the horses won't last long?"

Pang De was a master at horseback riding, but he also felt that calling the warhorse to gallop would hurt the horse's hoofs. In addition, he saw that the saddles on Liu He and the Hundred Silver Dragon Guard were also very special.

It was just this moment of thinking that put Pound behind, and Pound had no time to think about it, so he could only quickly chase after him.

After walking for about a hundred miles, it was getting dark, and Liu He called to stop the horse.

Dian Wei led a few people around to inspect, while Zhao Yun led the remaining Silver Dragon Guards to set up camp in the grove beside the road.

At this time, Pound wanted to check the silver dragon guard's horse out of surprise.

Because he thought that the riding skills of these guards should be limited, but he did not expect that everyone's riding skills were not worse than him, which made him spend a lot of effort on the road to catch up with the team.

What surprised Pound even more was that all the horses of the Silver Dragon Guard had strong endurance, and the speed of Benz hardly slowed down.

But according to his experience, it is impossible for a good war horse to keep running fast for a long time, because that will hurt the horse's hoof.

Therefore, horses with good endurance generally do not run very fast, while short-distance sprints with fast endurance are not so good.

What is the difference between these war horses under Liu He and the war horses of Xiliang?

Out of curiosity, Pound came to the place where the horses were kept.

But when he approached, he was stopped by Yinlongwei, who was in charge of watching the horses.

"This place is not to be approached, please leave quickly!"

Pang De thought to himself that the silver dragon guard was really strict and disciplined, and even the horses were not allowed to approach.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard Liu He coming from behind smiling.

He heard Liu He ask: "Isn't Lingming tired? You have time to watch the horses eat?"

Pang De didn't want people to misunderstand, and quickly explained: "It turns out that the Governor is here, and I am not watching the horses eat, I am just curious why the war horses under the Governor are so fast and have such good endurance!

"This is a secret in our army, but since Ma Teng is sincere to serve, then Ling Ming is even my general, so it's okay to tell you something!

Liu He first pointed to the more luxurious looking saddle.

"This thing is a Takahashi saddle, which makes the rider feel very comfortable to sit on. It is also equipped with a double-sided stirrup, which is more convenient for the rider to control the center of gravity than a single-sided stirrup."

Following what Liu He pointed out, Pang De was surprised to find that there was indeed a stirrup on the right side of the war horse.

At this time, there are already stirrups and saddles, but only one side of the stirrup is to facilitate the rider to get on and off the horse, and the saddle is just a simple cushion.

Knowing that the horse's back is raised and without a proper saddle, the average rider simply cannot take that kind of bump.

Although the half stirrup can facilitate the rider to get up and down, it cannot provide a good leverage and center of gravity when sprinting on the battlefield.

The main reason for this is that the stirrup and the saddle are separate entities, while Pound saw that the stirrup and the saddle on Liu He's horse were one.

The stirrups are attached and can be securely mounted on the saddle.

This discovery made Pound take a deep breath.

He is proficient in horse riding and better in horse fighting, so Liu He didn't need to talk about these two horse equipment, he immediately saw the important role.

"The Governor... Who improved and invented the equipment of these two war horses? These are two magic weapons that bring huge combat power to the cavalry!"

Pound was a little excited, but Liu He replied indifferently.

"These two pieces of warhorse equipment were acquired by chance in my spare time, and they are very obvious for improving the combat power of cavalry, but there is one more powerful piece of equipment that can protect the horse's hooves.

"Ah! Did the Governor also invent the third horse equipment?"

As soon as he heard that Liu He invented and improved the warhorse equipment, Pound fell in admiration on the spot.

When he learned that there was another piece of equipment that could protect the hooves of war horses, Pound's eyes widened in shock.

You must know that cavalry is called cavalry because of the existence of horses, but the feeding of war horses requires a period of time.

And war horses are also fleshy and will be damaged after each battle. It is good to say that the general small injury is not bad. If the horse's hoof is injured, then the war horse will completely lose its value.

Because a war horse that cannot run at full speed is mixed in the queue, it is easy to cause chaos in a large number of war horses due to lameness.

But even if Pound's eyes widened to search on the horse's legs, he still found nothing.

"What is the third piece of equipment that the Governor said to protect horses' hooves?

Hearing that, Liu He just smiled and was not allowed to explain more.

Liu He introduced equipment to Pang De to win people's hearts, and by the way, he used 507 to show how strong his cavalry was.

This can give Ma Teng a shocking force through his mouth, so that the cavalry that the Xiliang warlord is proud of is no longer the strongest army.

You must know that Liu He also has a Beiwei Army specializing in the opponent's cavalry!

The saddle and stirrup can easily be seen and copied, so Liu He didn't hide too much from Pound, but the horseshoe Liu He didn't want to tell him for the time being.

On the one hand, it made Pound feel a sense of awe and anticipation, and on the other hand, it was also to leak all the three sharp weapons of the warhorse equipment too early.

After all, the horseshoe was the most useful among the three pieces of warhorse equipment, but it was also the easiest to imitate.

"Ling Ming, let me go to the camp to rest. As for the horse equipment, as long as Ma Shoucheng is willing to deceive Han Sui to Hanyang according to my plan, then I can guarantee that all of your Hanyang cavalry can be equipped with these advanced equipment! "5

It turned out that Liu He deliberately introduced Pound to the idea of ​​war horse equipment and this layer. After all, although Ma Teng swore to take effect, forcing him to do things that endangered himself would definitely arouse his dissatisfaction.

And with these three pieces of warhorse equipment as a bargaining chip, he can also make his efforts for himself wholeheartedly!

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