Three Kingdoms: Become the Han Dynasty Royal at the Start!

288: Four military divisions, the current situation!

Obtaining Jia Xu's allegiance, this is called Liu He's great achievement, and it is extremely difficult to gather all the four military divisions under Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms of the later generations.

First of all, the traffic at this time is not convenient, it is unknown whether you can meet these characters, and once these celebrities follow other protagonists in advance, it will be very difficult for Liu He to dig his feet.

For example, the recruitment of Jia Xu this time was a series of twists and turns. In the end, it was because Jia Xu had the intention to serve his purpose that he waited for an opportunity here at Ma Teng.

Otherwise, Liu is not sure whether he will still meet the poisoner, and after encountering it, he may be the strategist in the enemy.

And Liu He's commitment to Jia Xu is also very straightforward, he doesn't care what the court thinks, as long as it is beneficial to the great Han and the common people, he will do it without hesitation.

This makes Xun Yu, who has a strong heart of loyalty to Han, suddenly a little tangled.

Xun Yu was also a man with lofty aspirations since he was a child, and he was determined to do his best for the great man.

So in later history, when Cao Cao wanted to become king, Xun Yu strongly opposed it, which made him neglected by Cao Cao in his later years.

But Liu He is different from Cao Cao. Liu He is a royal family with roots in Miaohong, and he is a character who almost became a prince of a big man.

When the feudal lords were in alliance and negotiating with Dong, Yuan Shao proposed to abolish the emperor supported by Dong Zhuo, and replace the emperor with Liu Yu, the most famous and powerful royal clan.

Although this idea was not announced in the world in the end, and it was not implemented in concrete, but the rumor still spread to the ears of many big families.

Xun Yu's Xun family was one of them. At that time, Xun Yu and Xun You also expressed their personal opinions on the move.

Basically, their Xun family did not have much affection for the emperor Liu Xie, who was supported by Dong Zhuo, but had a high degree of identification with Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou at that time.

On the one hand, Liu Yu did have a good reputation, and on the other hand, this was also due to the fact that Liu He was leading troops to fight against foreigners such as Xianbei and Fuyu for the honor of the Han Dynasty.

Those who can protect the Han Mu and not be disturbed by foreigners will always be more easily remembered by the world than those who only know how to fight in the nest.

Thinking of this, Xun Yu suddenly remembered what his nephew Xun You once said.

Loyalty to the court is not necessarily loyal to the Han Dynasty. After all, there are precedents for He Jin and Dong Zhuo to control everything in the court, but loyalty to the royal family must be loyal to the Han.

After figuring out this dialectical relationship, Xun Yu felt a lot more at ease, and no longer bothered about what Liu He just said.

Because he felt that Liu He's actions in recent years cared more about the honor and rise and fall of the great man than anyone in the court, even the emperor, so being loyal to Liu He was to be loyal to the great man.

"The Governor's ability to judge the situation, reopen trade, and do things that others dare not do, is truly admired by his subordinates, but at the moment Jincheng County still has Han Sui's forces entrenched, so now we still have to take Jincheng as our primary goal." 99

Xun Yu brought the topic back to the current situation in a timely manner, and Xun Yu was a little worried about Liu He's personal safety when he came to Long County, so he also meant to remind him.

Liu He heard his deep meaning, nodded and praised him, and then told Xun Yu and Jia Xu about Ma Teng's complete surrender and his plan to attack and kill Han Sui.

Liu He said such a secret thing in person, which is enough to show how much he attaches importance to the two.

Jia Xu also came up with some ideas to repay Liu He's kindness, but after thinking for a long time, he did not find that there were too obvious loopholes in Liu He's plan.

At this time, Xun Yu asked in surprise, "Could it be that Guo Fengxiao and Tian Yuanhao jointly came up with this plan of the governor? This plan seems very strict, as long as Han Sui agrees to come to Hanyang, he will definitely be able to take the opportunity to get rid of him. 99

Liu He nodded in agreement, but said that he came up with the plan alone. Guo Jia and Tian Feng only prevented him from coming to Hanyang, and they did not contribute.

Liu He's face was slightly complaining, but it just showed the harmonious atmosphere between him and his subordinates.

This makes Jia Xu, who has just joined the Liu He camp, feel a sense of belonging, and also expresses admiration for Liu He's strategy.

It turns out that the protagonist Liu He is not only an enemy of ten thousand people, but also has high attainments in the art of war and strategy!

In fact, when dealing with Han Sui and Jincheng County, Jia Xu also made a similar lie, but when he heard that Liu He's plan was more complete and rigorous than his, he felt that he had lost a chance to perform.

He mentioned this plan to Xun Yu before, so Xun Yu now also saw that Jia Xu failed to give Liu He advice and was moved and a little disappointed.

Liu He didn't know that Jia Xu had this idea, so he asked suspiciously: "Wen He's disappointed expression, is there any loophole in my plan?"

Jia Xu quickly said he didn't dare, but Xun Yu could see what he was thinking.

Xun Yu said, "Wen He should feel guilty for not being able to offer advice to the Governor!"

Hearing this, Liu He burst out laughing, "Wenhe doesn't need to be like this, you must know that Liangzhou is not the only place in the world, and there will be more battles in the future!"

Jia Xu was shocked again when he heard the words. He looked at Xun Yu next to him with some uncertainty, and when he saw that the other party was also smiling without saying a word, he knew that what Liu He said should be true.

Jia Xu asked cautiously: "`" Dare to ask the governor when he said that there is still a battle to be fought, where did he mean?"

Liu He replied indifferently: "Wherever there is chaos, we will fight it. If someone in the court dares to conspire to do something unfavorable to the common people and the Han Dynasty, I will also lead the troops to take care of it!"

Liu He said it very imposingly, as if he was the general manager of the world.

Such a strong protagonist is also the rank that great sages like Jia Xu and Xun Yu like to follow.

After feeling that he had finally found his ideal lord, Jia Xu's brain also began to work quickly.

"Han Sui is nothing to worry about, even if he is not lured to Hanyang County, he still can't stop the Governor's Zhenxi Army, so his downfall is only a matter of time, it's just that the Governor stayed on the border of Bianliang and Liangzhou for a long time, and the princes of the Central Plains It will definitely take the opportunity to rise, this is inevitable!"

(Li's Zhao) Being a counselor is to think about the protagonist, and Han Sui and Jincheng are obviously not obstacles in front of Liu He, the real enemy should be those state shepherds who monopolize one state.

Liu He heard that Jia Xu's point of view coincided with Guo Jia's, and Liu He himself understood that the weakness of the Han court would be reflected in the rise of princes everywhere.

Therefore, after completely pacifying the matter in Liangzhou, he still has to target the Central Plains.

"Wen He's eyes are really old-fashioned, but I want to test you, what kind of princes would raise troops to rebel when I was busy with frontier affairs?"

Although Liu He is testing Jia Xu, Xun Yu is also thinking about this issue in his mind.

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