Three Kingdoms: Become the Han Dynasty Royal at the Start!

351: Deploy in advance, exchange city defenses!

Hearing that Sun Jian said that Xu Jing of Yizhou had visited Wang Yun, he immediately thought of the 50,000-strong army that Taishi Ci had destroyed Wu Yi in the south of Wudu County.

"Oh, if that's the case, it makes sense! 35

In fact, Liu He had also received news from Yingge before, saying that this time the imperial court suddenly recalled him to Luoyang, possibly because a certain prince was behind the scenes.

It's just that the Luoyang Shadow Pavilion branch has just been built, and many sources still have certain limitations, and they have not been able to find out and determine who is instigating the court to do this.

After all, everyone in the world knows that Bingzhou and Liangzhou have just recovered, and it is an important moment when Liu He needs to sit in the two states. Even if there is a reward, there is no need to transfer him back to Beijing to accept the reward.

Now after listening to Sun Jian's words, Liu He knows that all this is Yizhou Mu Liu Yan's revenge!

Maybe it's not just revenge. Judging from the "May 57" movement of Yizhou's deployment of a large number of military horses in Baishui County, Yizhou Mu Liu Yan is just about to move.

Sun Jian's Luoyang garrison numbered about 30,000 people, most of whom were Sun Jian's former troops, so there was absolutely no problem with their loyalty to Liu He.

In this way, including Lu Bu's 50,000 cavalry, there are more than 80,000 available soldiers near Luoyang.

Even if Cao Cao and Yuan Shao both turned against the tide immediately, Liu He would not have the slightest concern.

"It's time to show my strength, otherwise many people think that I, Liu He, is a soft persimmon, so I can pinch it how I want?

"Lü Bu obeyed the order and ordered you to lead your troops into the city immediately and take over all the city defenses!

"Subordinates take orders!"

Sun Jian was in charge of the city defense, and it was only a matter of time before it was handed over to Lu Bu.

"Sun Jian obeyed the order and ordered you to take the original city defense army to take over Chang'an and You Fufeng. If they encounter resistance and fail to obey, they will be defeated on the spot! 99

"Sun Jian takes orders!"

In order to prevent the soldiers who were transferred from Cao Cao and Yuan Shao from returning to help, Liu He sent several silver dragon guards to inform Yan Liang of Bingzhou and Wen Chou of Qingyang, and asked them to bring their troops to fight against Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's soldiers. Apply pressure.

If the other party dared to make any changes, they would ask the two of them to join the two teams together with Sun Jian!

After arranging these backhands, Liu He sneered a few times at Luoyang City in the distance.

If you want to play ass with me Liu He, don't blame me Liu He turns his face and doesn't recognize anyone!

If I can give Yuan Shao and Cao Cao official positions and troops, I won't be afraid of them daring to mess with them. If I can't take care of the 50,000 or 60,000 troops and horses in the two places, I, Liu He, will not only bring Lv Bu's troops to the capital. !

The 50,000 iron cavalry that Lu Bu brought were all strong soldiers who had experienced blood and rain, and they all had a chilling air about them.

And this chilling aura was out of tune with the entire Luoyang City.

About the time when the city defense was almost finished, the Luoyang court had just learned the news.

So Taiwei Yang Biao took Wei Wei, Guang Luxun, Zhi Jinwu, Chengmen Xuewei and other officials in charge of security inside and outside the imperial city to the city gate to question Sun Jian.

The Taiwei is in charge of the world's military affairs. One of the nine ministers, Zhijinwu and Weiwei, guard the security inside and outside the palace respectively. Guangluxun is the emperor's bodyguard. .

Yang Biao came with this official, and he could see that the court was shocked by Luoyang's sudden change of defense.

"Where is X Wentai? Tell him to come out for me! I want to ask him, why did he suddenly switch with an unknown soldier?"

Tai Li Yang Biao became angry. He was the highest commander of the military in Luoyang City, but Sun Jian did it without his permission to switch defenses.

It's just that he remembered that Sun Jian seemed to be very talkative before, why he first refused the court's summons, and then made a move to switch defenses.

"Who dares to make a fuss here?" Lu Bu walked over with his saber in one hand and Fang Tianhua halberd in the other.

He used to be Dong Zhuo's adopted son, and he was also a big man who ran rampant in Luoyang, so when Yang Biao and the others saw that Lu Bu was coming, they all subconsciously took a few steps back.

However, Yang Biao thought about it, Dong Zhuo had already been destroyed, and Lu Bu could be considered to have surrendered to the imperial court again, and he should also belong to his jurisdiction.

So I don't know where Yang Biao's courage came from, but he dared to sneer at Lu Bu a few times.

"I'm a commander of the court, you should take the initiative to salute when you see me!"

Yang Biaoqiang pretended to be tough, and Lu Bu had already been instructed by Liu He, even if he switched defenses, he should not contradict the court.

"It turned out to be the captain of the Taiwei, and I'm clumsy!" Lu Bu folded his fist indifferently as a salute to him.

Yang Biao was very displeased with Lu Bu's attitude, but he didn't dare to ask him anything more than this...

It's just that he still has to ask about the switch.

"Where did X Wentai go? Why is this Luoyang city defense... handed over to you? Who gave the order, how dare you not report the reason to me in advance?

Yang Biao asked three questions in a row, but Lu Bu only answered one sentence and gave all the answers.

Lv Bu said: "Have you forgotten, Your Excellency Taiwei? Both I, Lu Bu, and Sun Jian are both subordinates of the Governor of Zhenxi, and whether it's my Xiliang Iron Cavalry or the Luoyang City Defense Army is also part of the Zhenxi Army. We Is it necessary to say hello to the Grand Lieutenant when the army is mobilized and changed?

With just one sentence, Lu Bu was called Yang Biao, and several officials representing the highest level of the Luoyang military fell silent.

The peace and stability of more than half a year made them forget the smoke of war, and at the same time they also took it for granted that the soldiers who stayed in Luoyang were the soldiers of the imperial court.

Only then did they realize that Sun Jian, who had been obeying them all along, was just carrying out Liu He's orders.

This is called Yang Biao and several people are very angry. They feel that Liu He is suspected of being self-respecting. If there is no city defense army, who will Luoyang rely on to defend it? What should these ministers in the court use to show their authority? That?

"My commander is about to enter the city, and I have to trouble the Taiwei to inform several other colleagues to go outside the city to meet me soon, I'm afraid that I will lose the court etiquette if it is too late!"

"After all, my governor has not only sent troops to help guard the capital's 1.8, but also has not received a single grain and money from the court. You should also hold a welcome ceremony for my governor out of gratitude!"

Lu Bu's words brought Yang Biao and the others back to reality again. The reality is that Luoyang City needs Liu He and Liu He soldiers. If Liu He withdraws the city defense army in a rage, how many princes will lead troops to occupy the place.

At that time, the court will once again return to the court of Dong Zhuo's time, and the emperor will once again become the puppet of others.

Figured this out, Yang Biao didn't dare to entangle with Lu Bu. He didn't have the strength or qualifications to entangle with Lu Bu, so he hurriedly took people to the Situ Mansion to find Wang Yunxiang's countermeasures.

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