Three Kingdoms: Becoming Cao Cao's Chief Adviser at the Start

Chapter 82 Cao Yang's intention is like a fool's Lv Bu

In Changsha County.

Huang Gai, Cheng Pu and others protected Sun Ce and returned to Changsha.

Not only was there no joy at all, but a heavy atmosphere filled this place.

Although Huang Zu lost to them and left, they rushed to the forest and found only Sun Jian's body.

"Young Master!" Cheng Pu and the others sighed.

Who would have thought that Huang Zu would sacrifice his life for that thing.

Now that Sun Jian was gone, how could Sun Ce, who was only seventeen, adapt in an instant.

What's more, he has already made an enmity with Liu Biao.

Huang Gai on the side said in a deep voice: "Only Yuan Shu knows about the master's acquisition of the jade seal. I might as well ask Yuan Shu."

Following Huang Gai's words, countless people's eyes flashed, this statement is reasonable.

At that time, Yuan Shu came to intercept, and everyone saw it.

Since Liu Biao was able to know the news about Yuxi, it must have something to do with Yuan Shu.

As long as Yuan Shu is found, he will definitely be able to find out the clues.

Now that the jade seal was in Liu Biao's hands, Yuan Shu should have done it.

Although Sun Ce had the force, he knew that he was incapable of strategy, and could only accept Huang Gai's proposal.

Go and find Yuan Shu!


"Report to the lord, Sun Ce will bring someone to see you.

Yuan Shu laughed after hearing this.


"What a naive boy!

Now that Yuan Shu Yuxi was in hand, how could he still pay attention to that Sun Ce.

"You're welcome, just drive away, if you don't leave, just do it!"

The soldier responded directly, "Hey!

Outside Nanyang, Sun Ce did not hesitate to come to Nanyang because he wanted to know the reason for his father's death, "Nine Nine Three" and wanted to seek Yuan Shu's help.

Who the hell spread the news about Yuxi?

This is all he wants to know.

All the answers, as long as you see Yuan Shu, you will know.

"Go away, just go from there, my family is busy with everything and I don't have time to see you." A soldier said not badly.

Sun Ce's eyes were sharp and he said again: "This matter is of great importance to me, can you be accommodating!

However, the soldier didn't have the slightest understanding and drove him away without any trouble.

Even the other pawns even stepped forward.

After traveling thousands of miles to Nanyang, Sun Ce not only did not find any answers, but was neglected by Yuan Shu.

How could he be reconciled.

He was young and vigorous, how could he be angry with those soldiers?

Without the slightest exaggeration, Yuan Shu's men directly pulled out the sword.

With Yuan Shu's instruction, they didn't panic at all.

With their numbers, how could it be possible that only a few of Sun Ce's people could be opponents?

"Kill me!" Sun Ce shouted with red eyes.

How could the name of his little bully come at random?

Lifting the spear in his hand, he started directly. Did he come to Nanyang to get angry?

The two sides started directly.

"Young Master, this Yuan Shu is too deceiving, I don't need to be afraid of him! Huang Gai and the others listened to it and were equally angry.

After all, Sun Jian also worked under Yuan Shu.

It's a bit too much to not even see your face now.

In the same way, the more Yuan Shu was like, the more suspicious Sun Ce became.

However, it cannot be confirmed on the spot!

But in the end, Yuan Shu had too many soldiers, and Sun Ce's soldiers could not be compared with him.

The battle has only been going on for a period of time, and it has already shown its decline.

Finally, under the slaughter between the two sides, Sun Ce calmed down instantly after losing a general Han Dang, and finally withdrew his troops with unwillingness...

When Sun Ce returned to Changsha County, his eyes showed incomparable unwillingness.

Although Liu Biao did not find Yuxi from them, he did not attack again.

But this feud has already ended, and the revenge for killing his father is undeniable.

Now Sun Ce looked at the generals beside him and couldn't help asking.

"What should I do now?"

Countless people fell silent, and it was obviously not a good choice to sit still.

"Now, I have nowhere to ask for help, so I can only recharge my batteries first.

Others also sighed, which is also helpless.

Sun Ce looked at the crowd, his eyes suddenly brightened.

He suddenly thought of a person, maybe he could ask for it.

"Did my father lend troops to Cao Cao when he was leaving from Luoyang?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of countless people flickered slightly for a moment.

Huang Gai said directly and frankly.

"The general thinks that you can give it a try!

After all, Cao Cao's dazzling performance when he negotiated the Dong Alliance. If Cao Cao can help them, they will definitely be able to get out of this crisis.

At that time, the father lent Cao Cao the favor of 5,000 soldiers, and Cao Cao will definitely remember that time.

Sun Ce nodded: "As of now, it can only be like this."

At the same time, Dong Zhuo escaped from Luoyang, only three days later, Cao Cao's eyes flickered.

Moreover, since the capital was moved to Chang'an, the speed of evacuation would not be too fast.

If you continue to pursue it now, there is still a chance!

According to the information passed by the Dark Guard, the current Dong Zhuo's army had only traveled less than half of their journey.

But if you think about it again today, there will be no chance to raid Dong Zhuo in the future.

So let Dong Zhuo run away like this, Cao Cao is a little unwilling.

"Master, if you continue to pursue Dong Zhuo now, do you think it is feasible?"

Now it is the time when Dong Thief has the least troops. If he is allowed to return to the base camp, it will be even more difficult to attack.

Cao Yang smiled lightly, he naturally understood Cao Cao's thoughts.

"Naturally feasible, but the action must be fast!"

He knew that their current strength alone could bring Dong Zhuo a lot of trouble.

But if you want to win, you can only win by surprise. Cao Jun couldn't get any benefits from the original fight.

Cao Cao's eyes were sincere and he said in a deep voice.

"If I watch that Dong Thief calmly leave today, I'm afraid I'll feel uneasy.

"I've been waiting for the army to gather so far that I have even seen Dong Zhuo's figure."

"I, Cao Mengde, are not for my own selfish interests, and today's affairs are not for anything else, just to seek that cheap great righteousness!"

"It's worth it!"

Some touching words, even Cao Yang was moved.

Unexpectedly, Boss Cao also had such a side at first.

Cao Yang nodded and exhaled.

"I naturally understand what the lord is thinking.

"If you want to win this battle, you must do the following.

Hearing this, Cao Cao showed a hint of surprise. It turned out that the military advisor had already considered his own thoughts.

"Master, please say it, it's not a problem. 99

Cao Yang let out a breath and looked at Cao Cao with solemn eyes.

"That Dong thief is powerful and has a large number of troops. If we want to win, we can only find another way."

"The first point, you can only bring 20,000 soldiers!

Just the first one, Cao Cao frowned.

What can 20,000 soldiers do?

If there are only 20,000 soldiers, I am afraid that Dong Zhuo will not be defeated.

But for a moment, Cao Cao's eyes flickered, and he understood what Cao Yang meant. If he wanted to take down Dong Zhuo, he naturally had to pull out all of Dong Zhuo's minions.

The 20,000 soldiers were obviously aimed at Dong Zhuo's minions.

Only by removing the right-hand man of the Dong Thief, would he have the possibility to threaten him.

Cao Cao exhaled and nodded.

Seeing that Cao Cao agreed, Cao Yang continued to speak, and said lightly.

"The other 20,000 soldiers must be the light cavalry with the fastest mobility, and at the same time they claim to be intercepting with 20,000 heavy cavalry!"

"Thirdly, having Zhang Liao prepare 2,000 elite cavalry to follow him, I have another great use!

After hearing Cao Yang say all the conditions, Cao Cao was slightly shocked.

You must know that Dong Thief moved the capital, but there were more than 100,000 people around him.

Although it is necessary to protect the safety of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, as well as the safety of their family members, there is not a lot of troops that can be used.

"Courtmaster, twenty thousand light that enough?" Cao Cao couldn't help asking.

Although he was used to Cao Yang's decision, he was not surprised at all.

But every time he heard the decision made by the military adviser, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Cao Yang smiled lightly: "My lord, are you worried about me?"

After hearing this, Cao Cao quickly waved his hand.

"how come."

"In that case, everything will be done according to the counselor's words!

Cao Cao stared at the direction Dong Zhuo fled, and he should do something no matter what.

At night, Luoyang has implemented a curfew for the past few days, and no one dared to come out at night.

Under the secret arrangement of Cao Yang, under the leadership of Zhao Yun, the 20,000 light cavalrymen had already started their journey quietly under the moonlight, without attracting anyone's attention.

At the same time, Cao Yang also communicated with Zhang Liao in advance.

With that, everything is ready.

Cao Yang stared at the night sky and smiled lightly.0

This plan is called Darkness Chencang!

Early the next morning.

Cao Cao walked out of the tent alone and shouted loudly in front of everyone.

"Wenyuan, I order you to lead 20,000 heavy cavalry to intercept Dong Thief immediately!

Zhang Liao, who was on the side, immediately stepped forward and said, "The last general takes orders!"

Afterwards, he went to the military camp and transferred 20,000 troops. At the same time, he passed through the streets of Luoyang and left the city in full view!

At this time, a commoner was frightened to avoid these heavy cavalry by the street, after seeing countless cavalry go away.

There was a gleam in that man's eyes!

This person was Dong Zhuo's spies who stayed in Luoyang, and there were not many spies like this in Luoyang.

"Cao Jun, with 20,000 heavy cavalry, is trying to be detrimental to the country, this news must be uploaded immediately!

At the same time, Zhang Liao, who was leading the "20,000-heavy cavalry", walked out of Luoyang and quickly moved towards Xingyang with the 2,000-heavy cavalry.

The remaining soldiers were stationed outside the city.

Because of the curfew, these soldiers would go back to the camp quietly at night, and no one would notice.

That afternoon, Dong Zhuo's army was evacuating towards Chang'an comfortably.

Now that Dong Zhuo's army had just passed Xingyang, it was already a long way off.

"Report to the country!"

A soldier dressed as a scout rushed over quickly on a horse.

"Then Cao Cao sent 20,000 heavy cavalry to intercept Xiangguo!"

Because of his panting, the scout was a little sloppy in his speech.

Dong Zhuo pondered a little while holding the fat body.

After all, they are still holding the civil and military forces of the whole dynasty, and if there are 20,000 heavy rides, they have to be careful.

Even Li Ru was thinking about how to deal with Cao Cao.

But only for a moment, Li Ru's eyes flashed and he thought of Xingyang.

"Xiangguo, I have a plan!

Seeing Li Ru speak, Dong Zhuo's face beamed with joy.

"Wenyou, please speak!"

For Li Ru, he naturally trusts Li Ru very much. If it weren't for Li Ru, he would not necessarily be able to leave Luoyang.

Li Ru said with a slight smile.

"Now the Bian River outside of Xingyang is a natural dangerous place!

"It just so happens that Xu Rong and Lu Bu lost the Hulao Pass last time, so let's make up for it this time."5

"This time, the prime minister only needs to leave Xu Rong and General Lu behind and hide in these two dangerous places.

"The 20,000 heavy cavalry who are not very mobile will not be able to escape this Bian Shui."

"Moreover, no matter how they think, they would never have thought that Xingyang still has our soldiers in ambush."

After hearing this, Dong Zhuo showed a smile.

"Okay, okay, just follow Wen You's words!

At the same time, Li Ru looked at Xu Rong, and 5.3 was an opportunity for him to give Xu Rong and others a chance to commit crimes. After all, Xu Rong was his cronies.

"I'm waiting in front of me, I won't be fast, and I can catch up with a little horsepower after the victory."

Xu Rong and Lu Bu looked at each other, both of them showing a hint of indifference.

The two nodded reluctantly.


The relationship between Xu Rong and Lu Bu was not so easy to eliminate.

However, he naturally understood Li Ru's good intentions, so he had to nod his head and join this Lu Bu again.

The same Lu Bu's suspicion of Xu Rong could be easily lifted.

Even if Li Ru spoke out, he did not believe it. After all, Cao Cao's handwriting was absolutely true, and there was absolutely no possibility of falsification.

Lu Bu's eagle-eyed eyes stared at Xu Rong again.

"This time, don't get caught by me!"

Obviously, that's what the last letter was about.

Xu Rong glanced at Lu Bu indifferently.

"What is clear is clear, and what is turbid is self-turbid.

However, in front of Dong Zhuo and Li Ru, they did not show much.

The two of them stood aside, keeping some distance, and returned to Xingyang with the soldiers.

On the way, Lu Bu never gave Xu Rong a good look.

However, Xu Rong had long been used to it. As long as he committed a crime and meritorious service this time, Li Ru would naturally arrange for him to go to other places.

As for the stupid donkey Lu Bu, he had already had enough.

But on the road, he was not thinking about these.

It was how the letter of collaborating with the enemy was done, and the timing of its appearance was too coincidental.

Who is the person who framed him, he has never figured out these things.

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