When he moved, he saw the southern part of the hall shining, which seemed to be reflected by something.

According to the original history, Sun Jian should have discovered it alone.

However, it is a pity that the Tiger Prison Pass is Liu Jing’s strength, otherwise it would be difficult to break through.

Basically, all the princes arrived in Luoyang at the same time.

Of course, Liu Jing was not selfish, and he did not want the strong and prosperous man to disappear like this.

That’s why he came with all the princes, so that no one dared to swallow the jade seal alone.

“That is?”

Yuan Shao and the others pointed at Xiaguang one after another.

Liu Jing didn’t say a word, and walked directly towards the south of the hall.

The rest of the princes hesitated for a while, and also followed the steps of His Highness.

The group came to the place where the glow appeared, and found an ancient well.

The light was emitted from the ancient well, and Liu Jing signaled Zhao Yun to go down and salvage.

“There is a glow swallowing, and the well may not be an ordinary thing.”

Yuan Shao and the others muttered.


With a sound of breaking water, Zhao Yun jumped out of the ancient well.

I saw that he was carrying the corpse of a palace maid, and there was an open box on the corpse.

All the light emanated from the box, in which lay a boxy emerald.

At the top of the emerald, a lifelike dragon is carved.

The craftsmanship was very exquisite, and the dragon seemed to come to life.


Everyone present gasped.

There is no other reason, this is actually the Jade Seal of the Kingdom.

For a while, all the princes had different expressions, and a trace of greed flashed in the eyes of Sun Jian, Yuan Shao and the others.

“It must have been the royal family who came up with this method in order to keep the jade seal.”

Yuan Shao coughed a few times, interrupting everyone’s thoughts.

“Your Highness.”

Zhao Yun took off the jade seal with his own care and offered it to His Highness with both hands.

Liu Jing took the box and asked Zhao Yun to bury the palace maid.

After all, it was because of this palace maid that the jade seal was saved.

“King Yan, the jade seal of the kingdom is a heavy object, and now His Majesty is not there…”

Yuan Shao said lightly.

“Yes, how should the Jade Seal of the Kingdom be disposed of?”

Han Fu and the others asked directly.

“King Ben safeguards.”

Liu Jing replied directly, without the slightest bit of mincing.

Gongsun Zan and Sun Jian and the others all frowned.

King Yan safekeeping?

To put it nicely, it is safekeeping, who knows if the jade seal will be taken for themselves?


At that time, there was a sound of footsteps.

I saw Xue Rengui walking in with several Xuanjia soldiers.

Xue Rengui was covered in blood, and the silver shearberd in his hand was still dripping this blood.

The strong smell of blood and anger moved everyone.

“Your Highness, Dong Thief still fled, and the last general only beheaded more than 2,000 people, and asked His Highness to give a crime.”

Xue Rengui said directly on his knees.

“That’s it, Dong Thief fled with an army, and it wasn’t enough for five thousand Xuanjia troops to stop it.”

Liu Jing waved his hand.

Hearing this, the princes were again calmed.

They glanced at the generals under King Yan, and Zhao Yun and Yuwen Cheng were not ordinary people.

Now this Xue Rengui is also extremely brave.

It only took a long time to behead two thousand enemy troops, and no one present could do it.

There was also the black-clothed monk, who estimated that it was a military master under King Yan, and he knew at a glance that he was not an ordinary person.

In addition, they have all seen the ferocity of the Youzhou Army.

“King Yan is a prince who is trusted and canonized by the emperor, and such heavy things as the jade seal of the kingdom should be in the control of His Highness.”

Cao Cao came out at this time and said.

“That being said, let’s see if you can find Your Majesty first.”

Yuan Shao knew that he could not find the young emperor, and this jade seal could only be handed over to King Yan for safekeeping.

Of course, the so-called Young Emperor in their mouth refers to Liu Feng, who was degraded by Dong Zhuo as the King of Hongnong.

For a while, everyone began to ask the palace maids and eunuchs in the palace.

“Gentlemen, King Hongnong has been given death by Dong Zhuo.”

A eunuch said in a trembling voice.


Yuan Shao and the others exclaimed.

“This Dong thief is so daring, he dares to kill the emperor!”

Kong Rong and Kong You were both angry.

“The original King Chen Liu was taken to Chang’an.”

The eunuch continued.

Now that the young emperor is dead, it seems that Liu Xie will become the new emperor and it seems that it cannot be stopped.

“Guys, what else do you have to say?”

Liu Jing looked at the princes and asked.

He didn’t keep the jade seal, so he hung it on his waist.

“I think that this jade seal should be looked at by everyone together, so that no one can hide their selfish intentions.”

Yuan Shao looked at the rest of the princes and said.

“Yes, it should be watched by everyone.”

Liu Dai and Han Fu, as well as Wang Kuang and others said one after another.

Kong Rong and Kong You were not in a hurry to express their position.

Only with Cao Cao’s support, the jade seal was kept by King Yan.

Liu Jing’s cold eyes had seen a famous prince.

Under his gaze, everyone recalled the scene of being threatened in the Yan King Mansion.

“You can stay and guard, the priority is to clean up the entire palace.”

Liu Jing said lightly.

These princes cannot be all killed, after all, they are all Han family heritage.

However, there are people with different intentions, and he does not plan to stay.

Immediately, all the princes followed King Yan, and the rest of the people cleaned the palace.

Liu Jing went to the main hall and found that the contents of the hall had been emptied.

“This Dong thief, what a ruthless heart!”

Looking at the empty hall, Yuan Shao couldn’t help but scold.

Even if you empty the palace, you have to burn the palace, and you really don’t want to stay with anything.

“Go to the Emperor Xian’s dormitory to see, maybe he left some clues related to the edict.”

Yuan Shao said suddenly.


The rest of the princes chimed in.

Yuan Shao raised this point with selfish intentions.

Anyway, the first emperor has gone west, he can fabricate some facts at will, maybe he can take the jade seal for himself.

Liu Jing didn’t know what Yuan Shao was thinking, but he didn’t care about it.

At this time, whoever holds the power and who says it counts.

Just like Dong Zhuo, he doesn’t have a jade seal, and it’s not because he grasps the power of Luoyang in the first place that he can call the wind and rain.

The group came to the Emperor Xiandi’s dormitory and immediately began to rummage.

What seats and some ornaments, even carpets have been looked for.

“This is…”

Just as Yuan Shao was calculating how to fabricate the facts, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

I saw Cao Cao under the bed and took out a scroll.

From the appearance of the scrolls, it can be seen that they are commonly used for official edicts.

“Did the emperor really leave an edict?”

Kong Rong was excited.

Yuan Shao and the others were stunned in place, and the emperor left an edict, but accidentally rolled under the dragon bed.

This led to no discovery of the edict, which in turn caused chaos in Luoyang.

“Quickly see what the edict is!”

Sun Jian and the others urged.

Cao Cao placed the edict on the table and slowly opened it.

All the princes came together, afraid that something had been missed.

Even Liu Jing on the side was a little curious, the Spirit Emperor who originally remembered died suddenly, and there should be no chance to leave a will.

What’s more, because of the pressure of the foreign Qi faction, the Spirit Emperor could not establish his favorite Liu Xie.

However, he could not follow the heart of foreign qi and establish Liu Wei as the new emperor, which led to the fact that there was no crown prince.

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