Hongnong County.

Almost the entire county was captured by the Youzhou army.

On this day, in the mansion of the city, Liu Jing summoned all the people to come.

“See Lord.”

Zhongwen Wu saluted.

“Excuse me.”

Liu Jing flicked his sleeves and said, and motioned for Huang Zhong to unfold the map.


The map of the Chang’an area was all opened by Huang Zhong.

Hongnong County has been marked to indicate that the area has been captured.

“Gentlemen, the road to Chang’an has been opened.”

Liu Jing pointed to the map and said.

Yao Guangxiao, Huang Zhong and the others did not hurry to speak, but stared at the map.

“Lord, Chang’an has a lot of troops, and if you attack strongly, you can’t break the city.”

Huang Zhong said first.

This is true, after all, the Youzhou Army does not bring many troops.

Even if it is an ace army, it cannot be used for a strong attack.

Even if a strong attack may capture Chang’an, the losses are not ordinarily large.


Liu Jing nodded and set his gaze on Yao Guangxiao’s body.

“A small number of troops can paralyze the enemy, not to mention that Dong Thief’s Western Liang army is not weak.”

Yao Guangxiao lowered his palm and said lightly.

“Black monk, don’t sell it, just say it.”

Liu Jing waved his hand.

If this attack on Chang’an had a hundred harms and no benefits, the black monk said it as early as when he left the division.

Since the black monk didn’t say it, he already had a way to deal with it in his heart.

“Lord, in the opinion of his subordinates, Dong Thief will definitely mobilize a large army to take the initiative to attack.”

Yao Guangxiao smiled bitterly, and finally went straight to the topic and said.

“Yes, there is a possibility, and the enemy army also knows the strength of our army.”

Huang Zhong echoed.

Yuwen Chengdu listened from the sidelines, after all, compared to military vision, he was really inferior to the black monk and Huang Zhong.

“Under such circumstances, the strength of the troops sent by Dong Thief is estimated to be about 50,000, and he will not care about the more than 30,000 Yanzhou troops at all.”

Yao Guangxiao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Therefore, these 50,000 Western Liang troops must have come directly to Hongnong County with the yellow dragon.”

He continued.

“What does the military master mean?”

Huang Zhong heard some clues, but did not dare to be sure.

“Ambush halfway, catch them by surprise, and at the same time send troops around the rear to cut off their retreat, and the 50,000 army must be eaten.”

Yao Guangxiao did not sell Guanzi, and directly said his plan.

Dressed in a black monk’s robe, he showed at this time that he had no mercy at all for his family.

Yao Guangxiao looked at the Lord after saying the strategy, after all, the Lord has the right to decide.


Liu Jing’s fingers tapped on the case, making a crisp sound.

“Just use this strategy.”

Without thinking, he settled directly.

Yao Guangxiao’s strategy is completely usable, after all, the Xuanjia army is cavalry, and it can be used to fight ambush battles.

Secondly, if these 50,000 Western Liang troops were not eliminated, it would be somewhat tricky to attack Chang’an.

“The ambush location, just choose here.”

Liu Jing pointed to a location and said.

This place is a must-pass place to come to Hongnong, but there is no dormancy at all with a wide view.

However, the place that must pass is close to the river valley, and the terrain is low, just enough to hide the traces of the army.

Then scatter the cavalry around, once the ambush is sounded and the Xuanjia army directly attacks, it will definitely catch the enemy by surprise.

They could not imagine that there were ambushes in such places.

Moreover, the Yanzhou army, which had few troops, dared to take the initiative to attack.

“What the Lord said is very true.”

Yao Guangxiao instantly understood what the lord meant.

Everything is settled, and then there is a formation of troops.

This time, Liu Jing also wanted to personally command.

The sooner these 50,000 troops were eliminated, the more the time it would take to capture Chang’an to inherit the edict would be shortened.


Wen Wu left one after another, and immediately began to deploy troops.

Liu Jing also made preparations, and when the army was assembled, he directly opened the city gate and left the city.

In addition, Hongnong County temporarily left a 5,000-strong army to guard it.

This place is relatively close to Luoyang, and only needs to deal with the Western Liang army in Chang’an, and does not need to leave too many troops.


Jizhou direction, Yecheng.

Han Fu has not eaten well or slept well these days, and he dreamed of Gongsun Zan leading the army for several days.

“Damn Gongsun Zhan.”

It was only dawn when he was awakened again.

His face was haggard, and he was bloodless, which showed how badly he was tormented.


There was a sound of footsteps outside the door and stopped in front of the door.


Zhang Hao’s voice came.


Han Fu said weakly.


The door was pushed open.

“The front line is anxious that our army is defeated, and Yuan Shao has already allied with Qu Yi and is eyeing Jizhou.”

Zhang Hao hurriedly reported the military situation.


Han Fu was shocked and sat up directly from the bed.

How long has it been, and he has not been able to defeat Gongsun Zhan?

In this way, Jizhou must fall into the hands of Gongsun Zan or Yuan Shao, whose head is already tied to the belt of his trousers.

Han Fu hurriedly got up from the bed and immediately tidied up his appearance.

Immediately took Zhang Hao and summoned all the people to come.

On the way there, Zhang Hao was thinking that even if they were not as good as Gongsun Zhan, their heritage was still there.

At the same time, in the face of Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zhan, the Lord Gong was still panicked.

“Could it be that Han Fu is really not the one who has done things?”

Zhang Hao muttered.

“What did you say?”

Vaguely hearing a whisper, Han Fu turned his head and asked.

“It’s nothing, the subordinates are thinking about what Gongsun Zan will do next.”

Zhang Hao was frightened and hurriedly explained.

Han Fu didn’t think much about it, and soon arrived at the Jizhou capital in Yecheng, and all the people also arrived.

Among them, Cheng Tao and others who ate the defeat.


Everyone saluted.

“How did you lose?”

Han Fucai sat down and couldn’t help but ask.

“Gongsun Zhan’s army fought bravely, beyond the expectations of the last general.”

Cheng Tao and Zhao Fu replied truthfully.

“However, although the first battle was lost, it was not serious, and it could withstand Gongsun Zhan’s army.”

Zhao Fu hurriedly added.

Han Fu did not speak, since Yuan Shao and the rebel Qu Yi formed an alliance, Bacheng launched a fierce attack a few days later.

At that time, the three forces will attack Jizhou, and Jizhou will definitely be destroyed.

As soon as he thought about it, he became a little panicked.


Geng Wu’s voice came from outside.

“What’s the matter?”

Han Fu asked with a frown.

“Someone outside the door asked to see you, it was your friend Xun Chen and Gao Gan.”

Geng Wu said with a strange look.

Xun Chen is indeed good with the main bus, and this senior official is Yuan Shao’s nephew.

What the so-called thing is when the two come together, it is clear.

“Xun Chen?”

Han Fu was stunned for a moment.

“Let them in.”

Immediately nodded at Geng Wu.

Geng Wu also had to let Gao Gan and Xun Chen enter the mansion.

“Wait for the first retreat and guard Gongsun Zhan’s army.”

Yuan Shao said to Zhao Fu, Zhang Hao and the others.


All the Wen Wu led the order and retreated from the hall one after another.

“Lord Han.”

Xun Chen and Gao Gan just walked in with a smile on their faces.

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