Chapter 95 False and Real!!

The enemy soldiers, as if thunder and rain, retreated and walked away again.

This time it was even more excessive than the first time.

There was no battle with them too deeply.

As if it were pure, just to come and harass them.

As a result, Zhang Liao’s soldiers were also very tired.

I feel that my physical strength has consumed too much.

It’s a bit overwhelming.

After watching the other person leave.

Once again, they hurry ~ rest.

It’s just that this time, they don’t dare to be too presumptuous.

Sure enough, the same as before.

The other party retreated, and it didn’t take long.

Once again, they attacked.

Only this time from the other direction.

The other party, because he was already here, had arranged an encirclement.

Therefore, the overall attack of them was very easy.

You can choose different directions at will and come and attack.

Easily attract the attention of your enemies.

On the contrary, it was the soldiers on Zhang Liao’s side, because they were passively in a defensive posture.

There is no way to come out and fight the enemy.

Can only be passively beaten.

See, from what direction the enemy began to break through.

They immediately came to help.

Running around.

It is clear that they themselves are the party that treats the city with ease.

But they didn’t expect that the other party would move them around.

Very embarrassing.

And things have developed to this point, they have actually almost seen it.

The specific intentions of the other party are up…

In fact, the opponent’s attacks are all fake.

It’s just that on the surface, it looks very powerful.

But on the other hand, their real purpose is to constantly move their soldiers in different directions through this way.

Constantly let them start defending in different places.

Then they may consume a lot of physical strength and energy.

In this way, the more you consume yourself.

The more stress they are under.

Next, if the opponent attacks, it will be even more difficult to defend.

And that’s really what it is today.

The opponent picked several directions and attacked towards his side. They’re forced to defend…

If the rest of your soldiers do not move, they will not have a local advantage.

But once it started, the mobilization passed.

For themselves, it is not so easy.

Just let them be tired of rushing.

At this time, some of the other partial generals and deputy generals under him had already seen the enemy’s intentions…

Then some of them stood up and said to Zhang Liao that it was better to transfer the other party no matter what.

Their side is standing still, so as not to change everything.

In this way, you can save your strength and condition.

However, the proposal put forward by the other party has been rejected before it has time to consider.

Because those soldiers on the other side, in the process of attacking, are not all false attacks.

Instead, it is still maintained, some normal offense.

It seems that in order to test them as much as possible, the strength of the current defense line.

It’s all about moving in and out.

If the opponent’s defense line is relatively tight, then they will immediately retreat as soon as they make contact.

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