“Don’t act rashly! Don’t act rashly! ”

Zhang Liao hissed sideways behind him, feeling that the lion was faintly angry, which temporarily calmed down the restless emotions of the soldiers.

This is also Zhang Liao’s prestige in the Hezhou Army!

Zhang Liao did not dare to let them act rashly, because he felt a great sense of crisis, a crisis of life and death! ! !

This made Zhang Liao feel even more terrifying than when he was besieged by tens of thousands of foreign races and died nine times!

It seems to be locked by some terrifying existence, as long as you are not careful, it is the end of a different head!

Zhang Liao didn’t understand why this was happening, but he trusted his instincts and believed that it was better for them to obediently submit than to resist now.

In fact, Zhang Liao’s feeling is right, this kind of conditioned reflex and keen intuition cultivated by hundreds of battles makes him feel a great crisis. And these crises came from Cao Zhengchun, from Yuhuatian, from Shen Lian and other peerless masters.

Even Liu Xuan, now under the bonus of the “Son of Heaven Qi Luck Technique”, is also a peerless master in the peerless world, and the beheading action is easy.

If there is any change in the state army, these peerless masters can capture the thief and capture the king first with a snap of their fingers! At that time, the dragons were leaderless, and tens of thousands of troops were just fish on the cutting board, just to be slaughtered!

Zhang Liao is also a person who knows the times, and after he ordered the state army not to act rashly, he kowtowed to Liu Zheng again before shouting:

“Your Majesty, Weichen is here for Lü Bu! Weichen only hopes that His Majesty will give us a chance so that we can wear sins and make meritorious deeds! Let us have the opportunity to continue to make contributions to His Majesty and Dahan! ”

Liu Bian said coldly: “Dong Zhuo is in trouble with the government of the dynasty, acting recklessly and abolishing the establishment, intending to rebel, and cursing the Nine Tribes!” Lü Bu helped to commit evil, and it was difficult to escape the death penalty! ”

And the state army was shaken again!

Lu Qiling was even more desperate. Zhang Liao’s posture is obviously that they are not as good as these factory guards. But seeing her father Lv Bu beheaded and displayed in public, Lu Qiling couldn’t do it!

Zhang Liao arched his hands and wailed:

“Your Majesty! Lü Bu defected to Dong Zhuo for several days and did not commit evil. He really deserves to die for aiding evil. But Lü Bu has been on the border of the state for many years, resisting the invasion of the Hu people and making great contributions to the Great Han! This matter is not known to the people of the state border!

“Your Majesty, the courtier begs you to give Lü Bu a chance to make meritorious deeds! I hope that Your Majesty will give us a chance to make meritorious deeds for the sake of our state army guarding the border for many years and defending the border pass of Dahan! ”

Zhang Liao kowtowed to Liu Bian repeatedly, and blood came out of his forehead.

When Zang Ba and Gao Shun and other generals behind him saw it, they also followed closely and bowed to Liu Xuan.

Tens of thousands of troops looked at the main general, and also bowed to Liu Xuan in a similar way.

Liu Zheng’s expression did not change, but his eyes were a little touched!

Liu Bian was not moved by Zhang Liao’s words, nor was he moved by the fact that these tens of thousands of troops did not resist but chose to obediently submit!

Liu Bian was touched by the words “guarding the border and defending the border pass of the Great Han” in Zhang Liao’s words!

Because Liu Bian was once also a border soldier, he also defended the country at the border pass for the motherland, and then died in battle!

Soldiers are the most respectable existence, and the soldiers on the edge are even more awe-inspiring!

If there were no such border soldiers to guard the frontier of the motherland, perhaps those foreign thieves would believe in the reins of the motherland and commit evil robbery! Perhaps there will be no peace and tranquility in the belly of the motherland, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment!

Liu Bian was strong enough in his previous life, but the friction and disputes with neighboring countries and the resistance to the invasion of spies would make the soldiers on the border die in battle and die heroically at every moment.

And now in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Great Han Dynasty was in civil unrest, and foreign races took advantage of the void to enter, and the border soldiers such as Hezhou and Youzhou were also facing severe challenges, and they were also using flesh and blood to block the invasion of foreign races.

These are all merits and indelible dedication!

Liu Bian looked at the soldiers who were bowing to the state army, and he decided to take a look at the loyalty of these soldiers to consider whether to give them a chance to make up for their merits!

The Son of Heaven Qi Technique is activated!

Zhang Liao… Loyalty 96….

Gao Shun… Loyalty 95….

Zang Ba… Loyalty 93….


Although these soldiers were restrained by Dong Zhuo, their loyalty to the Great Han and Liu Bian was still as high as more than 90, which was higher than those well-dressed beasts that were once Manchu Dynasty Wenwu!

Perhaps the changes in Liu Xuan now have given them a great deterrent to growth. But from the loyalty, it can also be seen that these people are indeed loyal to the big Han and to Liu Xuan!

Liu Xuan’s expression softened a little.

This made Cao Zhengchun, Shen Lian and others a little surprised in their hearts, and also made Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi, Zhu Ru, Xun You, Xun Yu and Xun Yu and others a little unbelievable!

Because this was the first time His Majesty had shown such a soft look, they didn’t understand why, could it be that Zhang Liao’s words moved His Majesty?

Are you kidding?! The emperor’s heart is unpredictable, the king is the most ruthless, obviously not this!

In fact, these people naturally don’t know that Liu Bian has a natural sense of identity and favor for soldiers and soldiers on the border!

“Give you a chance to join the state army! Disarm and tie your hands, disarm and surrender, and spare you from death! If you can’t believe it, you can turn around and leave, but remember, this is your only chance!! ”

This made the state army a little shocked!

Disarm and be captured, in case His Majesty repents, they will not even have room to resist! Did you choose to turn around and leave? But Lu Bu can’t save it?!

All the soldiers looked at Zhang Liao, waiting for the order of this main general!

Zhang Liao was also a little hesitant, although Jun Wu joked, but the emperor’s capriciousness was not nothing.

Zhang Liao subconsciously looked at Liu Zhuan, but this majesty’s expression did not change, so that he could not figure out the holy intention, and deeply felt that the emperor’s heart was unpredictable.

But Liu Fangcai’s tone was indeed full of sincerity. That is a sincere recognition of the achievements and dedication of the soldiers on the border!

Zhang Liao was at war with heaven and man in his heart, and finally gritted his teeth, chose to submit, and chose to believe.

“Thank you, Your Majesty! Wait for obedience!! After Zhang Liao bowed again, he directly untied the armor on his body and put down the weapon in his hand.

The generals such as Gao Shun and Zang Ba behind him were stunned, looked at each other, and then learned the same.

Seeing that the main general was like this, many officers and soldiers of the Hezhou army naturally had no objections, and they all disarmed and surrendered.

Of course, there are also some generals who are somewhat opposed.

Hou Cheng said eagerly: “Wen Yuan, if Your Majesty repents, we won’t even have a chance to resist!” ”

“No way! At the very least, let His Majesty issue an edict, when the time comes, the people of the world will testify, and His Majesty will have no chance even if he wants to repent! “Wei Xian was also afraid of wolves and tigers, and he didn’t dare to disarm and tie his hands and was captured.

Zhang Liao looked at them, did not refuse, and said indifferently: “Your Majesty said, if you can’t believe it, you can turn around and leave!” I believe in Your Majesty! No joke! ”

“Wen Yuan, you are too naïve! Do you know that soldiers are not tired of deception! We have tens of thousands of troops, as long as we delay time, the arrival of 200,000 Western Liang troops will undoubtedly win! ”

Hou Cheng said eagerly, but seeing Zhang Liao’s indifference, he secretly hated it in his heart, and shouted: “Brothers who want to go with me get on the horse!” ”

Wei Ji, Song Xian and other generals looked at each other and got on the horse directly. There were also many soldiers of the Zhengzhou Army, who were also afraid of Liu Bian’s remorse and preferred to leave.

Hou Cheng and other generals took a deep look at Lü Bu, and then directly left the law field with thousands of soldiers.

They felt that Zhang Liao was purely fooled by Liu Xuan, and instead of sitting and waiting for death, it was better to join the Western Liang Army to fight back, and there was still a glimmer of life!

“Your Majesty, do you need slaves to help solve them?” Cao Zhengchun looked at Hou Cheng and other generals and asked.

Your Majesty has shown mercy to give you a chance, and you can’t even believe that you can turn around and leave, what a toast without eating and drinking!

“Jun no joke!”

Liu Xuan said in a deep voice: “Strictly guard Zhang Liao and the other generals of the Hezhou Army!” Lü Bu is also imprisoned with them! ”

“Wait and obey the order!” Shen Lian immediately went to give the order.

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