
Cold flashes, blood flies.

Wang Hao stirred the sea with one move, piercing the yellow towel in front of him on the spot.

At the same time, he turned a stab into a sweep, and with another move of tug-of-war, the gun picked up the corpse, and the yellow towel next to him flew out directly.

Burst! Burst! Burst!

In an instant, smash a yellow towel!

What’s more, head to the ground, downside down the city.

Next, Wang Hao held the gun in one hand, his wrist shook, and the gun bloomed, unstoppable.

Another overlord stabbing the wind, bursting out!

Where is Wang Hao’s opponent along the way, and he was killed to lose his armor and fart!

Advanced Overlord Marksmanship (2840/10000).

Advanced Overlord Marksmanship (2850/10000).

Advanced Overlord Marksmanship (2860/10000).


Proficiency continues to skyrocket.

But Wang Hao couldn’t care about this at all.

He looked away!

Military Sima Li Lu was besieged by six or seven yellow turbans.

But the soldiers beside him were dead and wounded, and the condition was extremely critical.

“Li Lu, don’t worry, Wang Haolai!”

Before anyone arrives, the voice comes first!

Wang Hao didn’t understand before.

Why did the ancient war shout such a sentence.

But look at it now!

This phrase can not only boost friendly troops, but also demoralize enemy troops.

Jun didn’t see it, Wang Hao’s voice just fell, Li Lu seemed to be resurrected in place full of blood, and under the heavy surrounding, he actually stabbed a yellow scarf to death.

The yellow turban that besieged Li Lu really divided into two, trying to block Wang Hao’s rescue!

Oh my mother’s!


Wang Hao did not hesitate and faced the battle with a gun.

Left shot, headshot!

Shot on the right, stabbing the heart!

Two yellow turbans, but a breath, died on the spot.

Wang Hao hurried to kill!

Burst! Burst! Burst!

Pick three yellow scarves in a row again!

“You boy, it’s finally here!”

Military Sima Li Lu was panting, crutched one foot, and hid behind Wang Hao.

He squinted his steel teeth and was sweaty, but he had a joy for the rest of his life.

“Your feet…”

Wang Hao was shocked and subconsciously protected Li Lu.

The most afraid of foot injuries in the battlefield!

After all, if it’s an arm, even if it’s a body.

You can barely escape with one pair of feet, or dodge!

But it can be biased….

If the foot is injured, movement is impeded.

Next, they will be besieged by the enemy, either dead or wounded.

If it is an ordinary soldier, he may even pretend to be dead and escape!

But if you are an officer, the enemy soldiers can unload you in eight pieces and divide your body on the spot!

This is really not an exaggeration.

These days!

Wang Hao is not uncommon.

Therefore, when Li Lu saw Wang Hao’s support, he had a joy for the rest of his life after the disaster.

This is the hope of life!

The last thing he wants to do is fall on the eve of victory!

“Out of the way!”

Li Lu shook his head and ridiculed: “I was stabbed in the foot by a little thief, at most I was disabled, but with you, at least this life can be saved!” ”


Wang Hao secretly scolded: “You Ya… And kidding! Looks like it’s really okay! ”

Li Luqiang braced her body and sweated: “If you are here, I’ll be fine!” ”

Wang Hao was helpless: “You stay first, I will lead people to stabilize the situation.” ”

Li Lu leaned against the root of the wall: “Good!” ”

“Zhang Nan!”


“Take someone to take the yellow turban down for me!”


Wang Hao rushed to kill with a gun, like a whirlwind sweeping by.

The yellow turbans along the way were either killed or injured, and when they met Wang Hao, they avoided one after another, not daring to fight.

“This kid…”

Li Lu looked at Wang Hao in the middle of the battle, and couldn’t help but sigh: “Why did you suddenly become so strong?” ”

Where does he know.

At this moment, Wang Hao is proficient in all professions.

Although it is still only the level of advanced troops, its strength has already crossed the threshold of not entering the rank of martial generals.

If this battle lasts for another day, he will definitely be able to promote to the elite class, and his strength will even be comparable to that of a third-rate martial general!

From the east to the west, there is no yellow towel that can hurt him in the slightest!

Under the leadership of Wang Hao and Zhang Nan, the colleagues of the North Gate actually fought a beautiful counterattack and recaptured part of the lost city head!

Wang Hao was about to turn back to kill!


The beat of drums sounded again.

Turning his head, wolf smoke rose.

Wang Hao did not hesitate and shouted:

“Sima, take care of yourself, I have to support Ximen.”

“Zhang Nan!”

Wang Hao waved fiercely: “Follow me!” ”


Li Lu originally wanted to block it.

But before he could say anything, he saw Wang Hao with more than ten elites and transferred to Ximen!

The situation at the West Gate is even worse than the North Gate!

If it weren’t for the many soldiers, it might have been breached.

Of course!

The reason why it is so many.

It is because in the past few days, it has not become the main direction of attack of the yellow turban.

In addition, he still attached importance to this battle and was not succeeded by the Yellow Turban Night Attack.

Therefore, this Ximen’s situation can be relatively better maintained.


This time, the Yellow Turban feint turned into the main attack.

The shortcomings of Simon not going through the baptism of life and death were exposed at once.

After fighting for four hours in a row, he killed the Ximen defender Lu Shu, but he really couldn’t bear it.

When he saw Wang Hao bringing troops to help, he was almost moved to cry.

To know!

Wang Hao is in charge of the east gate, which is the farthest away from the west gate!

But it was the first to come to support.

“Wang Junhou!”

Lu Shu held the sword and ushered: “This grace I Lu Shu wrote down, in the future, it will be useful to get my brother, directly speak, I Lu Shuruo said half a word, just his mother’s not a person!” ”

Burst! Burst!

Wang Hao picked two soldiers in a row and said softly: “Lu Sima, we are colleagues, I should support you, don’t take it to heart, defend the city well, we will definitely be able to…”

The word “win” has not yet been spoken.

Raise your eyes.

Wolf smoke rises at the south gate.

Wang Hao couldn’t care so much, and stabbed a yellow turban to death with a gun: “Lu Sima, I can only help you get here, the south gate suffered a night attack and suffered heavy losses, I must rush over to support!” ”

Lu Shu nodded: “Well, go, I will stick to the city!” ”

Wang Hao killed all the way and turned to the three gates.

It can simply be called the Yecheng version of the fire brigade captain!


800+ flowers short!

Kneel and beg the reader boss to support a wave!

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