Netizens around the world frantically discussed

“I go, so many forces, eyes are spent”

“I am already faint when I choose phobia”

“If you want me, choose Dong Zhuo, the military power is real!”

“I choose Yuan Shao or Yuan Shu forces, and with a wave of my arms, countless people send money, food, and troops!”

“I think Cao Cao looks very good, his brothers are very powerful, his family is rich, and he is also very good.”

“Liu Biao, Liu Yan, these people are already assassins or state pastors, and they are clan relatives, and they have won at the starting line.”

“I want to ask, is the system gone? Why add a straw shoe seller? ”

“No people, no soldiers, no money, a whole three-nil personnel!”

“This buddy ranks last, the reward of the national luck must be the richest, maybe someone will bet a big one”

“Liu Bei has the same name as Captain Xia Guo, maybe he will choose”

“If he is sick, then he must have a broken brain!”

Bai Yuekui and Mulan discussed there

“Yuan Shao, or Cao Cao, or that Sun Jian?”

Bai Yuekui supported his chin with his hand

“Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu have good conditions and many responders.”

Mulan said

“Cao Cao is also good, his own conditions, the support of his family, although not as good as the Yuan family

But there are two people in the Yuan family, Yuan Shao is a concubine, he has become a concubine, and he has become Yuan Shu’s brother, and the two will definitely not be compatible later.”

Bai Yuekui nodded

“Sister Mulan, what you said makes sense”

The two analyzed and analyzed

Liu Bei was already in deep thought

“Yuan Shao? Although the foundation is very good, he quickly occupies the land of the three states, but his personality is conceited, resourceful, suspicious, there are too many factions under him, and the internal friction is too strong”

“Yuan Shu, a fighter in the waste, the aircraft carrier was played by him into a bicycle, and he can’t take it!”

“Dong Zhuo? Unless I am Dong Zhuo myself! Or you can’t take it with you.”

“Boss Cao is very good, as long as Chibi doesn’t make a mistake and kills Sima Yi, everything else is fine. It’s just that if it weren’t for the people of the Cao family and the Xiahou family, it would be difficult to gain trust.”

“Liu Bei? Hell starts, running through most of the map, but the generals and strategists are top, and I know the historical development, it may not be impossible to make a big one! ”

[Ding, after five seconds, the player can press the screen to select, the slow hand speed is none! ] 】

[Note that only the captain of each team can choose, and the other selections are invalid].

Bai Yuekui and Mulan quickly looked at Liu Bei

“The captain chooses Cao Cao or the Yuan family brothers, right?”

Bai Yuekui analysis,

“Captain, brothers of the Yuan family, it is estimated that many people rob it, we choose Cao Cao first, we can avoid the popularity”

Liu Bei nodded slightly, noncommittal.

The global audience was also nervous and did not dare to breathe

“It’s time to fight for speed!”

“Captain Rogers’ body has been strengthened and his reaction speed is fast!”

“Miyamoto Musashi is known as the golden right hand, and the speed is also fast!”

“When my family Bond fake?”

“My Bakh Barry fingers are the roughest!”

“Don’t underestimate the senior otaku Liu Bei, the hand speed is not inferior to anyone!”

[Countdown starts, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1].

As the system countdown ends

Players from all over the world are quick to choose

Before Liu Bei’s hand could press Cao Cao, he was preemptively chosen by Rogers

Then came Yuan Shao, who was taken down by Miyamoto Musashi!

Yuan Shu was chosen by Li Shunchen of the Stick Country!

Xia Guo netizens??

“Groove, I overestimate the otaku hand speed!”

“Now it’s left, Sun Jian, Dong Zhuo, Liu Biao is okay!”

Liu Bei saw that Cao Cao was chosen, and did not hesitate to click Liu Bei’s choice

Bai Yuekui?!


Xia Guo netizens???

“I’m not dazzled!”

“I actually chose a straw shoe seller?!”

“It’s okay, ancient times attached great importance to birth, Liu Bei is a commoner, no help, no background is too difficult!”

“Let’s be happy in time, we were killed by this Liu Beikeng!”

Bai Yuekui screamed miserably

“Captain, I’m not telling you to choose yourself…”

Mulan’s smart eyes were a little daze, and she looked up at the ceiling

“So, we chose the hell start?”

The sound of the system sounded again

[Ding, when the time comes, those who have not yet been selected will be randomly assigned! ] 】

Bai Yuekui muttered

“Random is better than this!”

[Ding, the system will fine-tune everyone’s background and appearance, and at the same time will let the people of the game world accept women or Hu as officials].

[Ding, after entering the game world, players will only remember the choices of their own team, and the memories of other teams will be erased].

[Ding, the contestant cannot secretly kill the lord of other forces by assassination, otherwise he will be directly judged to fail].

[Teleporting soon! ] 】

“Straw shoes, good straw shoes only cost a penny!”

The white light flashed, and Liu Bei looked around

He was in an ancient bazaar, dressed in linen and fronted with woven straw mats and straw shoes.

Bai Yuekui and Mulan on the side are also coarse cloth clothes, but it is difficult to hide the beauty of the two.

Liu Bei walked to the stall selling copper mirrors next to him and looked at it

“Fortunately, the appearance has not changed much, but the ears are bigger and more heroic!”

[Ding, Liu Bei, you choose hell-level difficulty, special reward physique +35, disease does not invade physique].

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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