
The Xiliang Iron Rider is not vegetarian, and there are still many Xiliang Iron Rider soldiers attacking and falling on the heavy armored Shenli Battalion.

However, they soon discovered that these heavy armored divine power battalions were not only amazingly powerful, but even the armor defense on their bodies was desperate.

Their attack landed on the armor of the heavy armored divine power battalion, and they could only leave shallow white marks one after another, unable to break the defense.

How can there be armor in the world with such a terrifying defense, and the defense is so terrifying, the weight will definitely not be light.

Looking at the armor on the armor on the war horses of the armor divine power battalion, it does not look light, these war horses can actually carry such a heavy object and gallop into the air?

Xiliang Iron Riding couldn’t figure it out, Dong Zhuo and Li Ru couldn’t figure it out, and the princes couldn’t figure it out.

Heavy cavalry, often because of the weight limit that war horses can carry, although the armor on their bodies is thicker than that of light cavalry, but it is not too outrageous.

Moreover, few people will wrap the whole body of the war horse in armor and arm it to the teeth, which is simply a huge burden for the war horse.

Most of the heavy cavalry’s war horses were not armored, and at most they were covered with a layer of light armor.

The appearance of the heavy armored divine power camp broke this convention and opened everyone’s eyes.

This is the real, heavy armored cavalry.

Before the appearance of the heavy armored divine power battalion, the Western Liang Iron Horse was the king of heavy cavalry.

Now, this veteran king of heavy cavalry, in the face of the newborn heavy cavalry heavy armored divine power battalion, has no resistance.

This also seems to mark the end of the era of heavy cavalry belonging to the Western Liang Iron Horse.

After that, the heavy cavalry crown will be taken over by the heavy armored divine power battalion, overlooking all heavy cavalry.

However, when this thought came to everyone’s minds, their eyes were attracted by the golden-armored kamikaze ride.

The gold-armored kamikaze ride, a black horse with a golden armor and golden helmet, is particularly conspicuous in a group of black heavy cavalry.

They are like a golden sun, unstoppable.

Their attacks were sometimes furious, cutting off the cavalry of the Western Liang Iron Horse; Sometimes it was extremely fast, and before the Xiliang Iron Cavalry could attack, it had instantly pierced the throats of the two cavalrymen.

The strength is not inferior to the heavy armored divine power camp, and the attack speed that occasionally erupts is much faster than that of the heavy armored divine power camp.

If the heavy armored divine power battalion is the king of heavy cavalry, then the gold-armored kamikaze horse is a well-deserved king of cavalry.

They had both the furious charge of heavy cavalry and the light speed of light cavalry.

Such cavalry, invincible.

The princes never thought that there were such terrifying cavalry in the world.

Liu Guanzhang followed behind, and his face was full of envy.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei envied that Dian Wei could command the king of heavy cavalry like the heavy armored divine power battalion to gallop on the battlefield.

And Liu Bei envied that Chen Feng could have such a powerful army.

When Zhuo County heard that Chen Feng had driven Wuhuan from Liaodong, he intercepted Guan Yu and Zhang Fei and married them in Taoyuan, determined to follow Chen Feng’s footsteps.

But now, Chen Feng is already the champion Hou, Feng Zhou Mu, and the army under his command is so strong that it is scary.

And himself, but still only two righteous brothers follow him, no soldiers, no territory, no status, how big is the gap?

“Golden-armored divine wind horse, heavy armored divine power battalion, how can there be such a terrifying cavalry in the world, how exactly did Chen Zilin train?”

Li Ru’s heart was full of shock, starting from following Dong Zhuo, the Western Liang Iron Horse had always been invincible and invincible, and because of this, he was jealous of Emperor Hanling and had to huddle in the land of Hedong County.

Now, this heavy cavalry, which terrified the enemy, was crushed in front of the gold-armored kamikaze horse and the heavy armored divine power battalion, and it was completely defeated.

Dong Zhuo’s face was as gloomy as water, and the West Liang Iron Rider was actually powerless to fight back?

This result made it difficult for him to accept.

“Lord, although the Xiliang Iron Rider is not the opponent of the Golden Armored Divine Wind Rider and the Heavy Armored Divine Power Battalion, it still slows down their speed after all.”

Li Ru’s eyes flashed with a gloomy light, “The lord can order that the Western Liang Iron Horse drag down the heavy armored divine power battalion and the gold-armored divine wind horse, and then let the archers and the bed crossbow cover attack, or can repel or even destroy Chen Feng’s cavalry.” ”

“Overlay attack?”

Dong Zhuo’s face sank, wouldn’t he have shot together with the Xiliang Iron Rider?

The Western Liang Iron Horse is his lifeblood, the guarantee for him to dominate the world and the revival of the east wind, how can the entire army be destroyed here?

“Lord, as long as you can kill Chen Zilin, and the two cavalry under him, this world is still the lord’s.”

Li Ru persuaded that by this time, it was necessary to lose the pawn to protect the car, and the Xiliang Iron Ride could be built again, and if Dong Zhuo was gone, everything was gone.

Dong Zhuo’s face was very ugly, and he was a little hesitant.

“Lord, you can’t hesitate, even if the Lord doesn’t give an order, the Xiliang Iron Rider will be killed sooner or later.”

Li Ru urged, now they couldn’t even retreat, and outside the other three city gates, the cavalry of other princes gathered.

Without the Xiliang Iron Rider guard, they simply couldn’t break out.

Dong Zhuo’s eyes scanned the battlefield and saw that a famous Western Liang Iron Horse was being rapidly slaughtered, and the former master of kings was now reduced to fish and meat to be slaughtered.


In the end, Dong Zhuo still overcame his psychology and ordered the Western Liang Iron Rider to drag the heavy armored divine power battalion and the gold-armored kamikaze ride at all costs.

The Western Liang Iron Rider was absolutely obedient to Dong Zhuo’s order, and did not consider the cost of doing so at all, and directly and faithfully fulfilled it.

They formed two circles, separated the heavy armored divine power battalion and the gold-armored kamikaze horse, and launched an attack without fear of death.

But everyone knows that their purpose is not to kill, but to trap people.

Seeing this scene, Li Ru’s eyes flashed, and the loyalty of the Western Liang Iron Rider to Dong Zhuo once again exceeded his expectations.

However, this is better.

“Come man, prepare fire oil, rockets.”

Li Ru temporarily changed his plan, he wanted to wait for the Xiliang Iron Rider to pile up a fence with corpses, set the corpses on fire oil and rockets, and burn the Golden Armored Kamikaze Horse and the Heavy Armor Divine Power Camp to death.

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Liu Bei all saw Li Ru’s purpose.

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were too far away, and besides, Yuan Shao’s eyes flickered, and I am afraid that he did not have any intention to remind Chen Feng.

Liu Bei was the closest to Chen Feng, and he was hesitating whether to remind Chen Feng or quietly break out with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

After a moment, Liu Bei finally spoke: “Champion Hou be careful, Li Ru may attack with fire.” ”

When Chen Feng heard this, he glanced at Liu Bei in surprise, this guy would actually kindly remind himself?

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