Jiangdong has built many ferries and water villages along the Yangtze River, the smaller ones are stationed with no more than 100 people, and the larger ones have nearly 1,000 people, and most of them are civilian boats.

These soldiers of the ferry water village never thought that Jiangxia's naval army would be able to break through the river defense, and almost lived the same life as usual.

Therefore, when Gan Ning's sailors appeared, these Jiangdong soldiers didn't even react, so Gan Ning let his soldiers shoot rockets like raindrops at them.

The smaller Shuizhai ferry, almost a few rounds of rockets, became a sea of fire.

In the larger water village, Gan Ning relied on the large number of people, and after shooting rockets, he sent people ashore to attack, which was almost effortless.

After some looting, Gan Ning will lead his men and soldiers towards the next target.

The speed of these ships is extremely fast, and they are down the river, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they travel thousands of miles in a day.

After breaking through the river defense from the east to Shuizhai, Gan Ning attacked if he could, and bypassed what he couldn't, and they were now like a swarm of locusts, and everywhere they went was a sea of fire ruins.

And those places that have been attacked, the battle situation is like snowflakes, flying towards Sun Quan of Wu County.

It's just that Gan Ning's speed is too fast, and when these battle reports are still halfway there, he has already attacked Moling.

At this time, even Sun Quan didn't know what was going on, and it was even more impossible for Moling to know here, which meant that Moling was defenseless.

If Chaisang is the frontier base in the east and west of the river, then Moling is the frontier base in the north, where not only a lot of people live, but also more than 100,000 stone of grain and grass.

More than 100,000 stone of grain and grass, which is a lot of wealth for any force.

Gan Ning has been in Jiangxia for several years, and has long known the status of Moling, and the tall city wall is not inferior to Wu County, but due to the natural danger of the Yangtze River and the invincibility of the naval army in Jiangdong, the defenders of Moling are only more than 1,000.

But Gan Ning didn't know that when he came to the vicinity of Moling, he had already thought about this city.

Moreover, Gan Ning is a flexible person, and when he attacked other water villages before, he collected some banners of the Jiangdong Water Army, just to come in handy at this time.

When approaching Moling, Gan Ning asked people to hang these flags, and it didn't take long for everyone to see a tall city.


"It's really a majestic city, if it is attacked, I'm afraid the casualties will be very heavy!" Gan Ning stood at the bow of the ship, looking at Moling and sighed.

Although it was far away, I still felt the heaviness of this city, and it was not so easy to break.

More than ten years later, Sun Quan was proclaimed emperor, and Moling was the capital of Eastern Wu.

After a while, the ferry outside Moling City arrived, as the hinterland of Jiangdong, it was naturally very prosperous here, and all kinds of merchant ships were endless.

Even if the world is in turmoil, the merchants will not stop making money, and at this moment, countless merchant ships are docked neatly at the ferry outside Moling, and there are countless laborers working on the wharf.

Gan Ning's arrival naturally attracted the attention of many people, and they all let out bursts of amazement when they saw the strange appearance of the steamer.

"This kind of warship is so strange, it's really unprecedented!"

"However, this kind of ship is really fast!"

"This is the flag of our Jiangdong, when will we have this new warship?"

The people at the ferry were talking a lot, and when they saw Gan Ning and others, they were all hanging the flags of the Jiangdong Naval Army, and they didn't think too much about it for a while.

After all, there are so many generals large and small in Jiangdong, who can know them all?

Gan Ning looked at these curious Jiangdong people, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then ordered the fleet to dock at the ferry.

After the ships were all docked, the soldiers who were put on jumped off the boat, and at the same time carried down the siege ladder and other equipment, and gathered the whole team on the shore.

Those ordinary people just watched from a distance, and they didn't know that the water army in front of them was not their Jiangdong water army, but the water army from Jingzhou Jiangxia.

At this time, those ordinary people were still pointing and pointing, and kept praising this naval army for its neat appearance and the momentum of a king's army.

The whole team was completed quickly, and Gan Ning left a thousand soldiers to guard the warship, and he led the rest of the four thousand men and horses to Moling with great fanfare.

When those ordinary people saw this scene, they all wondered a little in their hearts, how could this battle look like a siege of the city, and there was no trouble in the surrounding mountains?

The soldiers were fast, Gan Ning led 4,000 soldiers, marched all the way, and soon came to Moling.

The soldiers in charge of guarding the city had already discovered Gan Ning and them, and when they saw that the other party was the banner of the Jiangdong Water Army, their hearts relaxed a little, but the momentum of the other party made him feel that something was wrong.

"Which general's army is this? Why did you appear here? Why didn't you hear from the county commander that there will be troops stationed in the next few days?"

The sentry guard asked three questions in his heart, and instinctively informed the guards at the city gate to come forward and inquire.

It is also out of habit, I feel that this is the hinterland of Jiangdong, and there has been no major war in recent years, so that the soldiers of Jiangdong are not vigilant and do not raise the suspension bridge at the first time.

At this time, Gan Ning's army was only a few dozen meters away from the city gate, and at this time, the guards at the city gate came up.

"This general, I don't know which part of the people you are, why did you come to Moling?" a tun commander at the head of the group asked Gan Ning while looking at the people in front of him.

"I am the captain under the account of Zhou Yu, the governor of the capital, there is an urgent military situation ahead, and I am specially ordered to come to Moling to camp temporarily, you should get out of the way quickly!" Gan Ning snorted coldly, pushed the tun commander away, and led the army towards the city gate.

The tun chief stood stupidly in place, a little confused, what kind of emergency military situation it was, why didn't we receive notice in advance?

At this moment, a pawn next to him said, "Tun Chief, the accent that person said just now is not like the tone of our Wu Di. "

Indeed, Gan Ning was originally from Yizhou, and he stayed in Jiangxia for several years, so his accent was naturally very different from that of Jiangdong.

was reminded by this pawn, and the tun commander found that although this army was holding the banner of the Jiangdong Naval Army, its clothing was slightly different from that of the Jiangdong soldiers.

A terrifying thought rose from his heart, and the chief suddenly looked shocked, and shouted loudly towards the city: "Close the city gate and raise the drawbridge!"

Walking behind, Jiang Xia's soldiers, when they heard the shouts of the chief, their eyes suddenly showed murderous intent, and dozens of people rushed over and killed all the dozen or so guards.

When the guards at the head of the city saw this scene, they were immediately frightened, and they also hurriedly shouted: "It's the enemy army who has attacked Moling, hurry up and raise the drawbridge!"

It's a pity that it's too late now, Gan Ning's vanguard has already entered Moling City.

"Hurry up, go and take down the head of the city, and let the army enter the city immediately!" Gan Ning roared, and the fangs that had been hidden for a long time were finally exposed at this moment.

In an instant, Gan Ning led his elite to rush to the head of Moling City and fought with the defenders of the city.

Moling, this city is going to suffer today.

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