041 Ruthless? No, Langmie


Zhao Yun subconsciously took the Longdan Silver Spear, looking confused.

Sent it to me?

Give it to me!

Next moment

Zhao Yun’s face flushed with excitement

In fact, from the moment I saw the Longdan Silver Spear

He was drooling with greed

After all, I have been practicing martial arts and guns since I was a child.

The love for good guns is almost engraved in my bones.

So when I heard that my father gave the Dragon Gallbladder Silver Spear to the immortal

He still feels a little lost

But only a trace

After all, the storage treasure box and the artifact armor that can protect the master given to him by the immortal

These are much more valuable than the Longdan Silver Spear.

He can still distinguish between immortal things and ordinary things

I just didn’t expect

In the blink of an eye, the immortal gave him this priceless dragon gall silver spear.


Zhao Yun was speechless for a moment.

The feeling in my heart cannot be described in words.

But he knew

I’m destined to be with a god in this life.

It doesn’t matter who comes.

Even if Yun Yi makes him go through fire and water in the next second

He will also resolutely execute it without hesitation

Yun Yi patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder:

“How about this Dragon Gallbladder Silver Spear? I heard that you are a great spearman. Can you show me how to use it when you have time?”

Zhao Yun held the Longdan Silver Spear and bowed, saying:

“If the gods want to see it, Yun is always willing to accompany you.”

He put away the Dragon Gallbladder Silver Spear, and everyone looked at Zhao An.

As if asking

Why are there so many armors and weapons here?

Weapons are fine.

As the imperial court’s control over the local areas gradually weakened

Not to mention the major aristocratic families

Even some local tyrants would secretly forge some weapons and hide them for safekeeping in case of emergency.

The focus is on armor

Not only was armor very expensive to make, but it could only be made by craftsmen under the supervision of the imperial court.

If it is not allowed, it is private casting.

The lightest punishment is exile thousands of miles away, the worst is beheading.

Moreover, the imperial court not only prohibited the private manufacture of armor

Even buying and selling is a capital crime.

So there are so many armors, the worst are iron armor, and there are even fish scale black armor that only generals are qualified to equip.

This might be a robbery of the Han Imperial Guard’s transport convoy?

Zhao An seemed to be unable to bear everyone’s gazes, and finally explained

“In fact, these armors and weapons were obtained by accident.”

“This story all started seven years ago when bandits came down the mountain to rob our Zhaojiazhuang.”

Afterwards, Zhao An explained the whole story one by one. turn out to be

One night seven years ago

Zhaojiazhuang was suddenly attacked by a group of bandits from the foothills of Taihang Mountain.

Because it was late at night, everyone was basically asleep.

So it leads to untimely preparation

The bandits climbed over the rammed earth wall and broke into Zhaojiazhuang.

The key is that this group of bandits is so vicious that they even spared the unarmed elderly, children, women and children.

It can be said that Zhaojiazhuang was in danger at that time.

Almost got exterminated.

Fortunately, the elders of the previous generation of Zhaojiazhuang, that is, Zhao An’s father and several uncles, stood up at the critical moment and quickly gathered all the forces of Zhaojiazhuang.

Old and young, women and children all join the battle

Fight against bandits together at last

With the efforts of all the villagers in Zhaojiazhuang, the bandits were repelled at the cost of nearly half of their casualties.

Almost all the older generation died in this battle.

Zhao Chen, whose broken limbs were healed by milk

It was during this battle against the bandits that he lost his legs. besides

Zhao An’s wife, Zhao Yun’s mother, also died in this battle.

Of course, these armors and weapons were not captured in this battle.

If the bandits really had these armors and weapons, the small Zhaojia Village would not be able to resist them.

Don’t underestimate the power of armor

In the ancient times when cold weapons were rampant

Armor is the weapon of infantry and cavalry

Especially armor

Wearing it can basically ignore the damage of swords and knives.

So any slightly trained soldier wearing armor can fight one against five.

And there are five soldiers of the same level

If it’s an ordinary person, it’s no problem to fight ten people at once.

However, armor and weapons do have a lot to do with this group of bandits.

After defeating the bandits, Zhao An took over as the head of the Zhao family

But he has never been a man who would swallow his anger.

He believed in the Gongyang School of Confucianism, which was the mainstream of the Han Dynasty.

Advocate for an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

The revenge of nine generations can still be avenged

But revenge also requires strategy, and you must not do something that is like hitting a rock with an egg.

So Zhao An secretly began to investigate this group of bandits.

After finding out everything, he paid a lot of money to hire a bandit to be his accomplice.

While most of the bandits were out looting

Quietly led dozens of Zhaojiazhuang into their lair

Of course, a strong attack is definitely not an option.

Facing this group of vicious criminals, attacking by force is like committing suicide.

Still have to outsmart

After sneaking in, Zhao An knew that the bandits would celebrate after their victory.

So they bought a lot of poison in advance and mixed it into the bandits’ celebratory food and wine.

Halfway through the celebration, the poison took effect

The bandits who ate more were poisoned and died, while those who ate less also fell to the ground due to the poisoning.

Only a few of the bandits on guard and patrol did not eat or drink.

But under the righteous fight of the young and strong people in Zhaojiazhuang

Before he could even raise a wave, he was quickly killed.

The revenge is finally achieved

They certainly wouldn’t let go of the bandits’ legacy easily.

So Zhao An led people to search for

Strive to dig three feet deep

Take away all valuable items from the bandits’ lair


They found boxes of armor and weapons that were enough to kill all nine clans of the Zhao family.


PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!

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