046 Clean and hygienic, tap water?

“”My Lord, is that a pufferfish?” Zhao An asked as he looked at the flying pufferfish.

Since the drought a few years ago, he has seen fewer and fewer fish.

I saw a pufferfish once, five or six years ago.

Yun Yi nodded

Looking at Zhao An’s curious eyes, he suddenly remembered the racial characteristics of the Chinese nation.

You can eat anything

Pufferfish is no exception.

In theory, as long as the toxins in the internal organs, blood, skin, gills, etc. are removed,

You can eat it

But the pufferfish in MC is different.

In reality, this thing belongs to the rules of life

No matter how clean it is

They all carry toxicity

Of course, you can eat it if you have to.

You must drink milk immediately to clear the negative state

Otherwise, the toxicity of MC pufferfish

The player Steve’s vision can be distorted, and his health can be quickly reduced.

Yun Yi seriously doubts that ordinary people in reality can’t even last long enough to drink milk.

Just died.

So, Yun Yi quickly said:

“Want to eat? No way.”

“This pufferfish is different from the pufferfish you know. It is extremely poisonous. No matter how you treat it, it will be useless. And if you eat a bite, if you can’t drink milk within a minute, you will see it in the next life.” hiss!

Zhao An and the others stared with wide eyes and swallowed their saliva wildly.

Is it so poisonous?

One minute…

Unless milk is at hand, death is certain.

Zhao Yan, who had just run to the puffer fish and was about to pick it up, suddenly froze.

Stay where you are

Yun Yi smiled and said:

“It’s okay to touch it with your hands a few times, as long as you don’t eat it. Pick up the puffer fish and give it to me.”

Zhao Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief

He picked up the puffer fish and happily handed it to Yun Yi.

Yun Yi put the pufferfish into his backpack.

This pufferfish is too poisonous, it’s better to keep it yourself

Although I can’t eat

Even wiping boots is not clean enough

But if you want to make a water breathing potion in the future, you will still need pufferfish.

Put away the fishing rod

Yun Yi plans to return to his luxurious villa to fish

However, he did not fill up the small puddle on the ground, but said to Zhao An beside him:

“I’ll keep this puddle. You don’t have to go to the Hutuo River to fetch water in the village. You can just come here and get it.”

“Don’t worry, even though this puddle is small, it is also an unlimited water source.”

“As long as you don’t fill it up completely, it will continue to generate water.”

And the infinite water blocks in MC have another benefit in reality

Clean and hygienic!

That’s right

People in the late Eastern Han Dynasty did not have tap water, and basically used natural water.

Natural water looks clean at first glance

But it has not been processed

There are actually many invisible germs and parasites in it.

Moreover, ordinary people in this era did not boil water, they just drank raw water

After all, boiling water requires firewood or coal.

These are actually money.

Unless you are a wealthy family

Otherwise, how could ordinary people, who can’t even get enough food, be so meticulous as to boil water to drink?

Modern flower growers boil water for drinking on a large scale

In fact, after the founding of the People’s Republic of China

The water generated by the MC infinite water block is almost absolutely clean pure water.

There are no germs or parasites in it.

So it’s okay even if you drink it directly

Zhao An nodded and bowed:

“Follow the teachings of the gods”

Yun Yi nodded slightly

Suddenly, he remembered something and added:

“By the way, if you have the conditions, you can actually try to get tap water.”

“Tap water?”

Zhao An muttered softly, then asked,”My Lord God, what is tap water?”

Yun Yi thought for a moment and said:

“In fact, it is to make a hollow tube with bamboo or copper and iron, and then connect one end of the hollow tube to the water source and the other end to the water pipes in thousands of households.”

“The hollow pipes at the end of thousands of households can be equipped with valves”

“The valve can be closed when water is not needed”

“When water is needed, open the valve and water will flow through the hollow pipe to thousands of households.”

Zhao An’s eyes lit up

Is this tap water?

It is indeed not taken from

If this kind of hollow pipe can really be installed everywhere, it will be very convenient for everyone in Zhaojiazhuang to get water.

Get water without leaving home

But he soon thought of the disadvantages of tap water.

The manufacturing process is difficult and consumes a lot of resources

After all, we need to ensure that tap water can be used normally.

The hollow tube must be able to withstand the constant impact of water pressure

The switch valve must also be tightly closed to prevent leakage

These are all problems

With Zhaojiazhuang’s current level, it still can’t solve the problem.

Zhao An told the problem truthfully

Yun Yi nodded slightly:

“Didn’t I say that? If conditions permit, build it. If conditions don’t permit, put it aside and build it later.”

“And actually you can make some simpler tap water first”

“For example, no valve is used and the hollow tube is connected with a long straight”

“This yard is at the westernmost part of Zhaojiazhuang. You can put the other end of the hollow pipe at the easternmost part, so that the villagers at the easternmost part don’t have to run so far to get water.”

“Although the water cannot be turned on and off without a valve, you can make the hollow pipe thinner, the water flow smaller, and then arrange for each household to receive water in sequence.”

“Try to avoid waste as much as possible”

Of course, it’s okay to waste

Because it is an infinite source of water

It will never run out

But waste is always bad, so Yun Yi didn’t deliberately promote this…………..

PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!

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