053 Take back your own water!

“How about it?”

As soon as they arrived at the gate of Xinghua Village, they were stopped by Xiahou Xing and Chu Ji.

Chu Yan said impatiently:

“It is confirmed that it is the water of the Hutuo River that was cut off by the Zhao family.”

“We all saw that they had set up a dozen water wheels, which continuously brought river water into the fields, but only left a trickle for us.”

After saying that, Xiahou Xing and Chu Ji looked at the others again.

Others also stood up and said that Chu Yan was right.

Even Xia Houlan sighed and nodded.

Xiahou Xing knew his child’s temperament.

Always seek truth from facts

Since Xia Houlan has nodded in agreement

It seems that the Zhao family really blocked the flow of the Hutuo River.

Good, good, good!

Since you have cut off our livelihood, don’t blame us for causing trouble for you.

“I’m going back to tell my people about this now.”

“Me too. Meet here in an hour. We’ll go over here and punish the Zhao family.”


Xiahou Xing and Chu Ji looked at each other

Then they quickly returned to the village with their people.

“”Father, are we going to cause trouble for the Zhao family now?” Chu Yan asked

Chu Ji glanced at Chu Yan:

“What do you mean by causing trouble for them? They cut off our water supply, and we are here to take back what belongs to us.”

“Okay, everyone praises you for being as light as a swallow, now it’s your turn to show off”

“Go and inform our clan members that a clan meeting is being held in the ancestral hall.”

Chu Yan nodded:

“Yes, father”

After saying that, he flashed and ran out.

Extremely fast

After a while, he disappeared

News spreads very quickly, from one person to ten, and from ten to a hundred.

Soon, all the Chu family members in Xinghua Village knew that they were going to hold a family meeting at the ancestral temple.

Although they didn’t understand why a clan meeting was suddenly held

But they know

The whole clan never discusses it, but if it does, it must be a matter of great importance to the whole clan.

Therefore, everyone dare not neglect

They all put down what they were doing and rushed to the ancestral hall.

“What do you think we are going to do at this clan meeting today?”

“How do I know?”

“Alas, the weather is getting hotter day by day, the crops are dying of drought, and there is not much water in the Hutuo River. I guess the patriarch should ask everyone to brainstorm and find a solution.”

“I hope there is a solution, but I actually hope that God will give us a heavy rain.”

“Hush, everyone be quiet, the chief is here”

With Chu Ji’s appearance, the originally noisy ancestral hall suddenly became quiet.

Obviously Chu Ji has a very high prestige in the clan

Chu Ji walked in front of the crowd, followed by Chu Yan and the group of people who had just gone to Zhaojiazhuang to investigate.

“You must be curious about why I want to hold a clan meeting.”

Everyone below nodded

Chu Ji cleared his throat and said loudly:

“It’s very simple, because the suffering we are experiencing now is brought to us by others.”

As soon as the words fell

Everyone present was in uproar

“Patriarch, what do you mean?”

“Yes, do we have to make……”

He didn’t dare to say the word”rebellion”

But everyone understood what he meant.

There are no more than kings, princes, generals and ministers, what kind of

But if this is true, everyone is still unwilling

Because we haven’t really reached a dead end yet

Rebellion is always the last resort.

However, Chu Ji shook his head:

“Of course it is not a rebellion. Have you noticed that the water flow of Hutuo River is getting smaller and smaller recently?”

Everyone nodded

“Yes, it’s getting smaller day by day.”

“Now the water in the Hutuo River is not enough even for irrigation.”

“Chief, why are you asking about the water in Hutuo River?”

Finally, Chu Ji stopped keeping the secret and said:

“The reason why you feel that the flow of the Hutuo River has become smaller is not because of drought, but because someone has cut off our water flow.”

“The weather is dry, and the flow of the Hutuo River will certainly decrease, but in previous years, at least a small amount of irrigation can be carried out.”

“But this year, the water flow is not enough for irrigation.”

“Why? Because Zhaojiazhuang used water trucks upstream to cut off our water flow.”

Once this was said

The whole audience was shocked

If the decrease in the flow of the Hutuo River is due to drought, is it a natural disaster?

Then they might complain and feel resentful.

But in the end, I had to accept it with my nose pinched

Because no matter how much they complain or resent, they cannot have any impact on God.

They even fear that their reckless actions may offend God.

Even greater disasters

However, if the decrease in the flow of the Hutuo River is not due to natural disasters, but man-made disasters

That’s totally different.

We all have two eyes, one nose, and one mouth.

Why do you think you can control the water flow?

And we just have to endure the drought?

Hutuo River belongs to everyone!

Not personal!

So, after hearing that the water of Hutuo River was cut off by the Zhao family,

Everyone present expressed strong anger.

Of course, not everyone in the Chu family was inspired by this sentence.

There are still a small number of people who calmly ask:

“Patriarch, can you guarantee that this is true?”

Chu Ji nodded, and then pushed Chu Yan and the people around him forward.

“In order to ensure the authenticity of the matter, I teamed up with the Xiahou family to send some people to investigate.”

“The result is obvious, that is, the water flow cut off by the Zhao family”

“If you don’t believe it, you can ask them.”

The Chu family members present came forward one after another to ask questions.

Chu Yu and others had already prepared their words

Answer questions fluently

Of course, the facts were true, so they felt no pressure to answer.

As the questioning deepened, the anger on the faces of the Chu family members became more and more obvious.

Like a powder keg

All it takes is a spark to ignite the gunpowder

Chu Ji is that Mars

“I think everyone is clear about this.”

“Therefore, we have to go to the Zhao family to ask for an explanation and take back our own water from them.”

“Would you like to come with me?”

After saying this, he raised his arms and called out

The Chu family members below were also instantly infected.

“Willing to take back the water that belongs to us!”

“Willing to take back the water that belongs to us!”

“Willing to take back the water that belongs to us!”

The whistling sound was deafening

Chu Ji raised his hands and pressed down gently

The Chu family members instantly became quiet

“Of course, our Chu family is not the only one involved in this matter. I also invited the Xiahou family to participate.”

“We will gather at the entrance of the village later, and then set out with the Xiahou family to Zhaojiazhuang to question them.”

“Okay, let’s go back and make some preparations.”

After that, all the Chu family members present left the ancestral hall and walked towards their homes.

But the anger on his face did not diminish at all………

PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!

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