009 Divine Artifact Protects the Master?

When the wolf king attacked Zhao Yan, Yun Yi was also startled.

However, when he saw that the iron armor formed a special shield to protect the exposed parts

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MC’s armor actually materializes the armor in the game

That is to say

In the future, even if you only wear one piece of MC protective gear, you can still utilize the characteristics of the armor to achieve the effect of protecting your entire body?

However, this protective effect is not invincible, but limited.

On the one hand, it depends on the material of the armor, such as leather armor, iron armor, gold armor, diamond armor

The higher the material, the better the protective effect of the armor.

On the other hand, it depends on the number of equipment. If a helmet, breastplate, leggings, and boots are all used together, the protection effect will definitely be better than that of a single piece of protective gear.

Yun Yi was thinking in his heart

Suddenly, I saw Zhao Yun squatting down and slowly writing”Are you a god?” on the ground, his face full of excitement. immortal?


Although MC Steve is definitely powerful in terms of various abilities, Yun Yi does not think he is a god.

This is a god, so he must be able to hold the sun and the moon and pick the stars, right?

Steve is still far from being capable.

He shook his head

I’m just an average cube guy Steve

However, Zhao Yun did not believe it.

After all, in his perception

Apart from the gods, who else could easily take out various items from the void? Who else could easily give them the artifacts to protect their masters?

Just think Yun Yi has some unspeakable secrets

So I didn’t admit it.

Then Zhao Yun wrote another line on the ground

Yun Yi took a look and found that there were several traditional Chinese characters that he did not recognize.

However, by”going”、”The word”home” probably means that Zhao Yun wants to invite him to his home.

This is good

Yun Yi was also curious about what society was like at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

So I nodded and agreed.

Zhao Yun was very excited when he saw this. After sharing this joy with Zhao Yan, who was less literate, Zhao Yan also became excited.

The two men carried the bodies of the dwarf deer and wolf king they had hunted before, pointed to the east and were about to take Yun Yi home.

But Yun Yi stopped them.

If you don’t take what God gives you, you will suffer the consequences.

It would be a shame to throw away all this fresh wolf meat.

Zhao Yun and Zhao Yan definitely can’t move

But Yun Yi has a solution.

He just wanted to test what the effect would be if the box in MC was put into reality.

Yun Yi opened the workbench, put in eight wooden boards, and took out a shit-yellow box.

Although the box is not big, it has 27 grids of space. If you put all MC blocks in it, you can put up to 1728 one cubic meter blocks.

However, after getting it in reality, some special changes have occurred in the box

For example, the lock that was just a blur in MC actually became clearer.

When Yun Yi touched the box, he found that he could actually lock it.

After locking, no one can open it except Yun Yi himself or someone who gets the password.

Forcibly destroying a box will cause all items in the box to be exiled to the void. certainly

The locking function is just icing on the cake. He cares more about whether the box can hold items from the real world.

Yun Yi picked up a wolf corpse, opened the box and tried to put it in.

The next moment, a wolf corpse appeared in one of the 27 grids of the box.

Put it in!

However, real-world items cannot be stacked in 64 blocks like MC blocks.

Can only be stored according to the grid space

One grid is 1 cubic meter

If the size of the real object placed is larger than one cubic meter, the extra part will occupy one more grid for each additional cubic meter.

One wolf corpse is definitely not one cubic meter, it takes up several of them together, so many wolf corpses can be placed in one space.

After a while

Yun Yi put all the wolf and deer corpses on the field into the box, which only took up four spaces in the box.

Items placed in a box will remain in the same state as they were placed in it.

In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, there was no electricity, let alone technological products.

The box can be used as a refrigerator

Zhao Yun and Zhao Yan watched Yun Yi put the wolf corpses on the ground into the box.

Showing an expression that says I know it

A mustard seed can contain Mount Sumeru!

And you still say you are not a god?

Yun Yi didn’t care about their thoughts, he just called them over and asked them to try to move the box.

Zhao Yun and Zhao Yan look like they are giving it their all

It turned out that it was very easy to lift the box

It seems that the items put into the box will not be added to the box.

That’s fine.

If you stack the weight, the box will be useless. If you put too little, it’s better for people to take it directly. If you put too much, they can’t carry it.

Everything has been packed up, and the three are ready to leave.

Yun Yi looked at the empty land that he had cleared until only wooden stakes were left.

Quite emotional

This is the place where he first traveled through time. How about building a monument to commemorate it?

It’s a good idea to mark the location

There are abundant coal and iron ore here, which will be useful in the future.

And there is no sign, it is not easy to find this place in the mountains.

By the way, it can also consume some of the extra useless rock ore in the backpack.

Killing Two Birds with One Stone

Then Yun Yi called out to Zhao Yun and Zhao Yan who were about to leave with their boxes.

Let them wait for a moment.

He ran to the entrance of the mine he had just dug.

First, block the hole with granite, and then crazily stuff granite blocks under your feet on the original site.

Three blocks form a layer, and a total of six groups of granite blocks are stacked.

128 floors

Standing high and overlooking, you can see the towering mountains and ridges within your sight

He took two more torches from his backpack and stuck them on the top of the granite monument.

The nuclear torch emits faint light

Even in the dark, you can clearly see these two lights. cool!

If this happened in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, would it be considered a spectacle?

Yun Yi is complacent at last

In order to get down from the monument, he knocked off the edge of the granite and climbed all the way back to the ground.

Thus, a monument with 128 floors, consisting of two standard granite blocks per floor, radiating light all the time like an eternal beacon, was completed.

Looking at Zhao Yun and Zhao Yan’s incredible expressions

Yun Yi grinned.

If you don’t return home when you are rich, it’s like walking in the night in brocade clothes.

It feels so good to show off in front of others!


PS: Please add to my collection! Flowers, review tickets, monthly tickets!!!

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