The next day, Zhang Bozu also arrived in Nanyang City, and then Zhang Bozu also joined the ranks of treating Huang Xu with the little medicine boy.

Huang Zhong was very moved by this, and Zhang Fu arranged Jia Xu and Cheng Yu to take Dou Fu and Zhang Liao to do the work. They were divided into two teams, each with 20 Yellow Turban Warriors to leave Nanyang City.

There were still ten Yellow Turban Warriors standing at the door of Huang Zhong's house to guard, and there must be no accidents in this situation.

In just half a month, the entire Nanyang County fell into a state of war preparedness, because two county towns had fallen, and most of the noble families in them had been confiscated and exterminated.

And all of them were done by the Yellow Turban bandits, which was also started by Jia Xu and Cheng Yu. After leaving Nanyang City, they gathered the remnants of the Yellow Turban bandits in the south and the north.

Then after some brainwashing, they became very obedient. In this way, the two led them to attack two county towns, and then after two or three days of investigation, they finally determined the list of noble families.

"It has to be said that the noble families in Jingzhou are rich. On average, the noble families in one county can match the money and grain accumulated by the noble families in two or three counties in Youzhou."

Cheng Yu was shocked when he looked at the catalog in his hand. This is simply too rich. One county is on par with several counties in Youzhou. This is really inhumane.

However, although it was like this in the front, from their combat effectiveness, it is completely inferior to the combat effectiveness of the Youzhou noble families.

Those ordinary Yellow Turban bandits broke in without a few casualties, and completed the task of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan. The combat effectiveness was completely corrupted by money.

"Military Advisor, I think this is normal. If they were rich and good at fighting, they would have started to rebel long ago. How could we take them down so easily?" Zhang Liao saw it clearly.

Having money but no power, it is basically impossible to keep so much money and food.

Cheng Yu nodded. This is indeed true. After all, there has been no battle here except the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Unlike Youzhou, which has to face foreign invasions every now and then, the combat effectiveness is naturally very different.

"Let's start collecting medicinal materials first, and then we will leave this place. Now the news has spread. Unless the lord personally goes out, we can't capture other cities with these people."

Cheng Yu was able to gather them together temporarily to capture a city because these county magistrates had no defense, so they were so easily captured.

The situation on Jia Xu's side was the same, and the two of them basically did the same thing. After collecting the medicinal materials, they retreated on a large scale.

The county governor and county magistrate did not dare to send troops to chase them, so they could only let them leave. All they could do was to guard the city they were responsible for.

The rest was the matter for the governor to worry about, and it had nothing to do with them.

Therefore, Jia Xu and Cheng Yu's retreat was very smooth. When they were about to reach the meeting point, they distributed a batch of money and food and dismissed the Yellow Turban bandits.

This was too big a target, so they only left a few hundred young and strong men, and the others were dismissed.

Then they pretended to be medicine dealers and entered Nanyang City. Of course, they still spent money to bribe the soldiers guarding the city at the gate.


"My lord, I am lucky to have fulfilled my mission!" Jia Xu and Cheng Yu said in unison.

They counted on the way, and these medicinal materials would definitely last for two or three months, which was enough for them to rush back to Youzhou.

And they could continue to buy or pick medicinal materials on the way. In short, there would be no shortage of medicinal materials no matter what.

"Well, these alone won't do. Go buy all the carriages in the city and move all the herbs in. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if it rains on the road."

After Zhang Fu gave the instructions, Cheng Yu and Jia Xu immediately went to do it. In the past half month, Huang Xu has recovered a little, at least he can travel long distances in the carriage.

In addition to the care of Zhang Zhongjing and Zhang Bozu, there should be no accidents on the road.

After Zhang Fu arranged everything, he went to find Huang Zhong: "Han Sheng, the herbs are sufficient. We have stayed here for a long time, so I am ready to set off back to Youzhou."

"You can rest assured that there will be two miracle doctors taking care of him on the road. Xu'er will not have any problems. Moreover, the confiscation of property and extermination of the clan has been done. If he continues to stay, he will inevitably be found here. If he flees in a hurry at that time, it will be disadvantageous to Xu'er."

Huang Zhong nodded and said, "It's all up to the lord!" His son was treated because of the lord, so he naturally couldn't refuse.

Moreover, the two great doctors Zhang Zhongjing and Zhang Bozu had said long ago that Huang Xu's health would be able to travel to Youzhou under their care.

Zhang Fu smiled and said, "We got a lot of money and food this time, so we can continue to buy medicinal materials on the way. Don't worry, Han Sheng, we will definitely not lack medicinal materials for three years."

"And when Xu'er recovers, you can also let him practice martial arts with me. I think Xu'er and Wudie have excellent talents."

"When the time comes, you and I will teach them martial arts together. We don't ask them to fight in the battlefield, but they can certainly strengthen their bodies or protect themselves."

"You should also know that we are a rebel force now. It is common to encounter assassinations, and we can't guard them all the time."

"Therefore, it is necessary to let them have the ability to protect themselves. As for Wudie's future, you don't need to worry. I want to build a world where women can be officials, generals, and students!"

Some women have the ability to be prime ministers or generals, which is completely possible, such as those virtuous queens and heroes in history.

Huang Zhong was very excited. As a father, how could he not know Huang Wudie's talent? He just didn't teach her martial arts because he was afraid that she would not be able to get married in the future.

"Thank you, my lord!" Huang Zhong immediately bowed deeply, thanking Huang Xu and Huang Wudie.

At this time, there was a noise outside the door.

"What's going on?" Zhang Fu frowned slightly. There were ten burly yellow turban warriors standing at the door, and there were still people who dared to make trouble. They were really bold.

"My lord, it's a group of beggars who want to ask for some food!" Hu Teng also ran over to report immediately.

Nanyang County is so rich, but there are so many beggars. This aroused some interest in Zhang Fu, and he immediately led Huang Zhong and Hu Teng to the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw at least thirty or fifty beggars kneeling on the ground. Zhang Fu always felt that it was not appropriate to call them beggars. They were more like refugees.

After all, beggars will beg, it is impossible for them to ask for food in such a blatant way. Only those who have just become refugees would have such courage.

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