The alien cavalry was shot by the longbowmen and Wei Wuxian to kill more than 3,000 people, and 35,000 people lost their war horses and died by chance.

At this time, the alien cavalry was already very close to the city wall.

It is obviously too late to reload the crossbow arrows.

Wei Wuxian put away his strong crossbow and picked up his spear.

A spear is not the same as a spear.

The spears are all made of stainless steel, have no toughness, and are heavier than spears.

And the spear is tougher and softer than the spear.

Wei Wuxian is currently the only class of troops that has not undergone a change in the weight of the equipment by the Forge Master Lao Wang.

Changing the weight of the Overlord Iron Rider armor is to gain more speed without changing the defense.

Changing the toughness of the spear is to make the spear less likely to break.

Changing the weight of the longbowmen’s armor was also to allow them to use more strength to shoot arrows.

Wei Wuxian, on the other hand, were hoplites who not only had to rely on the defense of armor to resist weapon attacks.

It is also necessary to rely on the weight of the armor to withstand the charge of the cavalry.

If the weight of their armor is lightened, although the defense remains unchanged, the impact resistance is greatly reduced, and the gain is not worth the loss.

And the spears in their hands also rely on weight, not toughness.

“Change formation!”

Wei Wuxian quickly changed formations.

The previous spindle formation was only to better shoot crossbow arrows and prevent injuring companions.

However, the fusiform was not suitable for fending off cavalry.

The Wei wupan was arranged in a neat phalanx, so that all the Wei wupai’s forces could be concentrated as much as possible to resist the onslaught of the cavalry.

“Two teams of spears, a pair of swords!”

Under the order of the deputy commander of Wei Wuxian, Wei Wuxian heard the sound and moved.

One person stabbed with a spear, and the person next to him drew his sword at his waist.

A spear more than a foot long can easily pierce the cavalry on the back of a war horse.

The large knife of the alien cavalry was much shorter than the spear, and it was impossible to reach it.

A cavalryman was pierced by a spear, and the ownerless warhorse rushed forward.

Wei Wupai, armed with a long sword, wielded his long sword to kill the war horse, trying to prevent the impact of the war horse as much as possible.

Under such mutual cooperation, the three hundred Wei Wuxian were like a rock that did not move.

Alien cavalry, but suffered heavy losses.

On the city wall, eight hundred longbowmen were still shooting at distant enemies non-stop.

The alien cavalry that rushed under the city wall was naturally handed over to Wei Wuxian.

The siege has not yet officially begun, and the alien race has already lost tens of thousands.

“Rush up, whatever it takes. The siege ladder quickly followed, and it was necessary to break through the mountain village. ”

Even with such heavy losses, the commander of the foreign coalition still had no intention of giving up.

Only by attacking Dashan Village can Liu Feng be dealt a heavy blow.

And without Dashan Village as a backup, Liu Feng and Overlord Iron Rider are rootless Zhiping, and they will be surrounded and killed by them sooner or later.

However, in order to prevent being attacked by the archers of Oyamamura.

The commander of the alien coalition stopped four hundred paces away from Dashan Village.

At such a distance, those archers couldn’t take him either.

Countless alien armies rushed towards the mountain village with a shout.

“It’s really reckless.”

Tai Shici looked at the fierce alien army that was not afraid of death, and sighed in his heart.

To come recklessly like this is simply to send them to death.

If all of them were Wei Wuxian level warriors, such a recklessness might still have a chance of victory.

It is a pity that how can this alien army be compared with Wei Wuxian.

He looked into the distance, at the alien Chinese army four hundred paces away.

The commander of the alien coalition, right there.

Just kill him, and the battle will be over.

Ordinary archers naturally can’t see people four hundred steps away.

Even the longbowmen only use covered attacks to achieve super high accuracy.

Such a large group of figures, as long as they don’t shoot, they can basically shoot.

But what Tai Shici wants to shoot is the commander of the coalition army.

This is very demanding for vision.

Even if some people can pull a strong bow of seven or eight hundred steps, they cannot attack at such a distance.

After all, there are no telescopes on the strong bow.

But Tai Shi Ci is different.

As an archer with extraordinary archery, he began training his eyesight at an early age.

This is something that you have to go through as a marksman.

Otherwise, even if you have the strength to wear Yang at a hundred steps, the leaves that can’t be seen a hundred steps away are for nothing.

Tai Shici’s eyesight, after special training, far exceeds that of superhumans.

Coupled with the transfer hall to become an archer, there is a hidden bonus to eyesight.

At a distance of four hundred paces, although he could not see it clearly, he could probably still see the difference between the commander of the coalition army and ordinary alien soldiers.

Strong bow raised, skillful bow bent with arrows.


Nine piercing sounds of breaking the air came out in succession.

At this moment, Tai Shici actually shot nine arrows in an instant.

Nine sharp arrows appeared in the distance in an instant.

The terrifying rate of fire and terrifying force rubbed the air into shape.

The arrow turned slightly red in this friction.


Nine sharp arrows streaked a distance of four hundred paces, all of which accurately hit the commander of the coalition army.

Because the distance was too far, Tai Shi Ci did not dare to guarantee that he could hit the point with an arrow.

If that’s the case, then a few more arrows.

All nine arrows hit, even if they don’t hit the point, they can kill them.

“The marshal is dead?”

The archers of Dashan Village could accurately shoot the marshal from four hundred paces away?

The guards nearby were all frozen.

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