Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 220 The aftermath of the enthronement, the reward!

At this moment, Liu Zhao finished reading the text of sacrificing to heaven, stood tall on the Qianqiu stage, and burned the sacrificial text under the attention of nearly one million people.

After the burning of the sacrificial text, people think that God has known it, and the mountains can be called long live.

Just when Liu Zhao just finished burning, people found out that Liu Zhao has changed!

The outline has not changed at all.

But this temperament is very different from before!

Standing there, he is naturally the center of the audience!

His every move, naturally, attracts everyone's attention!

Every word he says is so calm and powerful!

His body contains great power, and will establish a perfect order for the world, and people will create their own glory under this order.

He is as dazzling as the sun, he is like a Buddha, he is as majestic as a god, and he is as warm and reserved as a loving father!

Use eight words to describe: the posture of the dragon and the phoenix, the watch of the sun and the moon!

Kind, majestic, mighty, dazzling, Lord of the world, that's all!

Lord of the world, it should be like this!

In an instant, the perfect emperor in everyone's mind has completely merged with Liu Zhao!

"My emperor Xuan 780 read the sacrificial text and communicated with the gods, and I have been blessed by the gods!"

"This... this is the emperor! The real emperor! 35

"I don't know what the previous Emperor Guangwu was like. However, compared with my emperor, the two emperors, Huanling, are not worthy of carrying shoes! They are by no means the real emperor! They are just deceivers!"

"My great man is ruled by the Son of Heaven and will surely prosper! We, the people of Limin, will surely have a good life!

The people were elated and talked a lot.

If it is said that Liu Zhao's bloodline is too far away from the bloodline of Emperor Huan and Ling, and his throne is still incomplete, at this moment, it has completely disappeared!

God approves!

There is no more legitimate reason than this!

Who can have a backstage harder than the sky?

A thousand words in one sentence:

"See Long Live My Emperor Long Live Long Live! See Long Live the Son of Heaven Long Live Long Live! (ceei)"

Nearly a million people bowed their heads and bowed to Liu Zhao on the Qianqiu Platform!

Liu Zhao's sacrifice to heaven and ascending to the throne of the emperor has been recognized by heaven and the righteousness of the country has never been seen before!

For a short period of time, Liu Zhao began to exercise the power of emperor and deal with some residual affairs after he ascended the throne.

For example, for the seventeen princes, and even for the addition of officials and titles to their old divisions. For example, rewards to soldiers, such as pensions for dead and wounded sergeants, such as relief for all places affected by military disasters, such as ordering states and counties to recruit thieves and exterminate stubborn people...

Of course, and most importantly, a large amount of potatoes and penicillin were shipped from Youzhou to provide relief to the disaster victims.

For his family, Liu Zhao will not be stingy.

His mother has passed away, and his father Liu Yu is still alive. Liu Zhao added Liu Yu as the Supreme Emperor and his mother as the Empress Dowager.

Then, there are his own women: Diao Chan, Qin Keqing, Cai Wenji and Zou Peilan.

The harem system of the Eastern and Western Han Dynasty is not the same.

During the Western Han Dynasty, there were 3,000 beauties in the harem. In addition to the empress, they were classified as fourteen classes. In addition to the fourteen classes, there were the sons of the Shang family, the middle family, the long royal family, the talented people, the imperial court, and the middle palace. History, academic history, etc.

Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu, ascended the throne and advocated frugality. The titles of the six palaces were only queens, nobles, and nobles with gold seals and purple ribbons, and their salary was only a few dozen debentures; he also set up beauty, palace servant, and Cainu. Time to reward.

In fact, this thrift is basically bullshit.

Liu Xiu himself can be frugal, but what about the emperor behind him?

For example, Liu Hong, there are more than 10,000 women, but none of them are famous.

The mother of the little emperor Liu Xie was just a "beautiful woman", and in terms of salary alone, she was not as good as a Bai Shi Xiaoli.

This is too bullshit.

If you want someone's innocence, but don't give them a certain amount of wealth, this emperor is too stingy, right?

Liu Zhao can't do that kind of thing.

Liu Zhao directly restored the system of the Western Han Dynasty, with Diaochan as the queen, and the supply equal to that of the emperor. Both Zou Peilan and Cai Wenji were Zhaoyi, regarded as the prime minister, and the rank was higher than the princes and kings. Qin Keqing was named Jieyu, regarded as the top minister, and the jue and the marquis.

Qin Keqing, although born a noble daughter of the Boxi clan, but a noble daughter of the Wuhuan is a fart, and ordinary Han people look down upon her. Even after following Liu Zhao, she was just an ordinary maid, but now Liu Zhao decided to go directly to Jieyu, the Marquis of Jubilee.

Cai Wenji and Zou Peilan were even happier when they were Zhaoyi.

Zou Peilan was originally bought by Zhang Rang and given to Liu Zhao's concubine, but now she is so rich and rich, it's like a dream.

Cai Wenji cried with joy!

She used to be elegant and arrogant. As a result, before the marriage was consummated, the husband died of illness. I don't know how many people scolded him as "Kefu's life" and "Morning Star". The most frustrating thing for her is that she can't refute it at all!

Now, it can be regarded as completely proud.

I am not "Kev's life", "Death of the door star", but born "the life of great wealth and great honor". Only the emperor can be worthy of it, then Wei Zhongdao has no luck, who is to blame?

Maybe, the future emperor of Han will be born from my belly.

Of course, the most excited among the four girls was Diao Chan.

"Husband... No, Your Majesty, your concubine's background is low, isn't it a bit too high for you to be a concubine as a queen?" After some cotton wrapping, Diaochan's eyes were like silk, and she was a little uneasy, and said: "Or , You give this queen's position to others. I am very satisfied with the concubine being Zhaoyi like Sister Qin."

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