Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 222 The world map, shocking the Han ministers!

The system gave Liu Zhao a general map of the world, and Liu Zhao showed the ministers a general map of the world.

One word difference and the map is completely different.

To put it bluntly, this is just an ordinary world map, marking the size and location of major countries, mountains, rivers, land and seas in the world.

However, that alone was enough to drive the ministers crazy.

To put it bluntly, where is the root of all Dahan's problems?

Insufficient resources, more people and less land!

Since the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty by Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu, the world has been peaceful for more than 200 years, the population has grown, and the land has been annexed.

This is the worst era. The scholars, the tyrannical, and the common people are clearly divided, the contradictions are sharp, and they are on the verge of breaking out!

This is also the best era. Under the "seven-nine-zero" sky for more than 200 years, the heroes of the great Han are as numerous as stars, the fierce generals are like clouds, and the advisors are like rain.

Moreover, unlike other dynasties, the Han Dynasty was destroyed by the strong. At this time, the scholars, tyrants, and common people were not corrupt and degenerate, and they still maintained the spirit of the strong Han.

All people of insight are secretly finding a way out for the big man.

In the history without Liu Zhao appearing, they desperately found, no! There is really no way out!

In the end, the heroes and heroes who had been cultivated in the Eastern Han Dynasty for more than 200 years, used the wealth accumulated over the past 200 years to start the most exciting infighting since the birth of mankind.

Strategists, intrigues and tricks emerge in an endless stream.

Strong generals, fighting for the front is full of pride.

Sergeant, well-trained to die.

People, bear hardships and stand hard work and persevere.

How wonderful, how exciting!

However, the final result of this infighting is that the population of the world has been reduced to nine out of ten, and the essence of the Han family has lost most of it.

Although the ministers do not know this history, they know that there is no way forward now. How dangerous is any reform at present.

However, when Liu Zhao took out this general map of the world, they realized how shallow their previous knowledge was.

It turns out that the world is so big!

It turns out that the world is so vast!

It turned out that we were just a frog in the well before!

In our previous impression, the big man has almost occupied the world, and the surrounding area is just barren land with little value.

Now it looks like a big mistake!

In the whole map, the area occupied by the big man is not 80%, not even 8%, but about 8%!

Even if only the land area is counted, the big man only accounts for about half of it, and 95% is not accounted for.

Moreover, there are many countries in the world, even if there are not a thousand, it is not much different. Are these countries living in barren land?

What big man has no way forward now?

The vast world has great achievements!

Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly!

The mentality of the great Han ministers now is like the people of the heaven who open their eyes to see the world, only to find that the foreign people who are in "distress" are far better off than themselves!

It's like, a junior brother, suddenly saw the mystery between men and women!

How shocking was that?

How will the three views be affected?

Now, who cares about any reforms?

Reform is just a redistribution of the cake. However, dividing the cake again is only within the Dahan system.

And the land area of ​​the whole world is nearly twenty times that of Dahan!

Not an order of magnitude at all!

Immediately, the ministers couldn't wait to ask all kinds of questions in their hearts.

Yang Ci pointed to the Indonesian archipelago and asked, "Excuse me, Your Majesty, there are only a few countries in this archipelago. Each country occupies a large area and must be very powerful, right?

"Powerful bastards!" Liu Zhao said disdainfully: "To say they are countries is to flatter them. They are just some savages who drink blood, barely have a country name. The most important thing is that this place is not good.

"Why not?" Yang Ci was a little nervous.

Liu Zhao said: "This place is too comfortable, it is hot all year round, there is no winter, and people don't have any problem even if they don't wear clothes... The worst thing is that the products here are too rich, and people just go to the woods. If you pick wild fruits and eat them, you won't starve to death. As a result, the local people have no fighting spirit and are extremely weak. You see... This is a copper mine, this is a gold mine, and they are all open-pit mines, and they don't even know where to go. mining.

"There is no fear of hunger and depression, and there is no danger of freezing cold... Is this not good? Heaven and earth!" After listening to Liu Zhao's introduction, Yang Ci thought of the people who had nothing to eat and clothing, and cried. flow down.

He shouted: "Your Majesty, we must capture this place! This land is not bad, but it is too good! This is the land that my Han people dream of!"

"What do you mean by occupying it? You urge your majesty to grab the land of someone else's family." Liu Kuan gave Yang Ci a dissatisfied look, and said, "You are also a great scholar in the world. Isn't this injustice to your majesty?"


Yang Ci was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself: What does Liu Kuan mean by this? Isn't this old fellow so pedantic?


Liu Kuan coughed lightly, and bowed slightly towards Liu Zhao, citing scriptures and saying: "The ancients said: under the whole world, is it the king's land; leading the coast of the land, is it not the king's minister! Now my homeland of the great Han is this... India... the Indonesian archipelago It is a great shame for my big man to be occupied by barbarians and establish a country without His Majesty's permission! The minister of Wei 4.8 asks His Majesty to send troops to recover the homeland for my big Chinese.


Liu Zhao was stunned when he heard it.

Because of the sentence "Under the whole world, is it not the king's land; on the coast of leading the land, is it not the king's ministers", the Indonesian archipelago has become the homeland of the great Han?

Okay, Liu Kuan, you are a well-known old man, you dare to be kind to your own people, and you don't pay attention to foreigners at all.

According to you, all the land on this map has become the homeland of my big Han? this too unreasonable?

But...I like it!

This is the appearance of my great Han minister, and this is the character of the great Confucianism in the world!

Compared with you, those scumbags of later generations are not worthy of carrying shoes!

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