Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 225 Imperial Examination, Everyone is Like a Dragon!

"Very good, you love your hearts are commendable." Liu Zhao looked into the hall with satisfaction and said, "Actually, I have already said before about the way to realize the world of great harmony... Everyone is like a dragon! Now, I am a big man. With a population of nearly 60 million, if everyone can use their ingenuity, we will have the best craftsmen, the best generals, the best civil servants, the bravest warriors, the most diligent farmers... Datong World, Just around the corner.

"Your Majesty, we all know what you said." Yang Ci said: "The ancients said that one man sacrifices his life, and ten thousand are invincible. If there are 60 million people in the Han Dynasty, if they really are united and use their wisdom and talents to serve the court, the world of Datong is certainly possible. Realized. However, everyone has selfish thoughts, how can everyone be like a dragon?"

Liu Zhao said: "It is indeed very difficult to make everyone like a dragon. We can only approach infinitely, and it is impossible to achieve it completely. However, having said that, it is not difficult to realize the first step of making everyone like a dragon. Now, we Announced the first measure of self-governance.

"Weichen is here!

The ministers looked stern, looked at the nose, nose, mouth, mouth, and heart, held their breaths, and listened to the new monarch's first policy measure.

Liu Zhao said: "My first policy was to open the imperial examination. The imperial court set up four examinations: Confucianism, mathematics, grammar, and politics. The ranking was determined by scores. Minister Cao Quan was elected as an official..."

That's right, Liu Zhao is going to hold an imperial examination!

The imperial examination, this 793 was initiated by the Sui Dynasty, and carried forward in the Tang Dynasty. The official selection system implemented in the Celestial Dynasty for more than a thousand years appeared five hundred years in advance!

Moreover, it was Liu Zhao who conducted the reformed imperial examinations!

The imperial examination that is conducive to the selection of real talents!

"The minister obeys!

"Your Majesty is sage! You are a scholar, but you don't know books. You are filial and honest, and your father lives in a different place. The cold elements are as pure and white as mud, and the generals of Gao Diliang are as cowardly as chickens. This phenomenon should have changed a long time ago!"

"Win or lose in one test, fair and reasonable, and draw from the bottom of the pot! 35

"Your Majesty is a talented person, and once he makes a move, he eliminates the ills of the world. Weichen admires it!"

"Hey, I thought I would have to make a big sacrifice. Isn't it just the exam? What kind of sacrifice is this? Wei Chen agrees with both hands!

As soon as Liu Zhao's remarks came out, the officials in the audience unanimously agreed and cheered.

Again, thanks for this era of Dahan.

In the era of Emperor Wen of Sui, there were still many officials who opposed the implementation of the imperial examination system. During the Tang Dynasty, there were prime ministers who hated the imperial examinations and felt that only the children of aristocratic families were worthy of being an official.

However, in this era, there are very few officials who oppose the imperial examination.

This is actually a technical problem.

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the price of paper was already low to a certain extent, and the spread of books also reached a certain extent.

Especially during the Tang Dynasty, with the popularization of woodblock printing, ordinary people also had the opportunity to read.

This made officials from an aristocratic family instinctively opposed to the imperial examination. Because, there will be children of ordinary people who will compete with them for official positions.

However, it is still the period of the Han Dynasty.

Cai Lun invented papermaking, but it was not practical. Today, the official documents of the imperial court are mainly made of bamboo slips.

Liu Zhao got advanced papermaking from the system and didn't dump paper on a large scale. Although Youzhou paper is much more expensive than other places, it is still not something that ordinary people can use.

All in all, the common people these days, even the tyrannical ones, have no way to acquire knowledge at all!

If you want to study, at least your ancestors must be rich, and you can be called a scholar. It's totally impossible, asshole.

Therefore, whether it is the imperial examination system implemented by the imperial court today or the imperial examination system implemented in the future, the flesh will be rotten in the pot of the scholars.

The expedition system has now been broken by the scholars. Because there is no clear standard, everyone competes to perform all kinds of bizarre performances, and Luo Ben has come up with it.

Everyone thinks that the expropriation system must be changed!

Not to mention the nonsense of "virtue comes first", who doesn't know what was selected by the levy system?

So, what reason do you have to oppose a fairer imperial examination?

Of course, it's not that no one's interests are damaged here, such as aristocratic families. They are more likely to be officials than some small families under the expropriation system.

However, isn't this two carrots hanging from "the world's whole world" and "big (ceei) with the world"?

This loss is completely within the range of the aristocratic family.

Furthermore, people like Yang Ci, Liu Kuan, Wang Yun, Yang Biao, etc. are arrogant and arrogant, and if they don't feel that the competition is fair, their family members will not be able to compete with others.

Admitting this is simply more uncomfortable than killing them.

Therefore, when Liu Zhao's imperial examination reform came out, all the members agreed, and there was no voice of opposition!

It is the exam subject, and no one has any opinion.

No one will object to taking political affairs exams, and being an official will not manage politics. Are you kidding me?

Mathematics, let alone objection, rites, music, archery and numbers, and the six arts of a gentleman, it is enough to be worthy of everyone without taking a driving test.

The way of looking at things to know is a bit novel. However, considering that Dahan needs countless excellent craftsmen, and even needs literati to "guide" the direction of the craftsmen, everyone will recognize it.

To put it bluntly, Confucianism at this time has not yet been finalized as in later generations, and interpreting the emperor's dreams is an important job of great Confucianism.

They don't have that much persistence and are extremely malleable.

Liu Zhao, as the emperor of the Han Dynasty, reformed the imperial examination system at this time, which was very easy.

Furthermore, to put it in an unpleasant way, "My Han family has its own system of overlords and Taoism, how can I use morality and Zhou politics?"

Liu Zhao is the great emperor!

He made him anxious, no longer respected Confucianism, and switched to Taoism, Legalism and other schools, and everyone had to suffer.

What is the imperial examination, a piece of cake!

Of course, the ministers did not know that Liu Zhao had perfect papermaking skills!

The ministers didn't know that Liu Zhao had the art of block printing! By the time the ministers knew, everyone had already been completely tied to the big Han's chariot, and it was too late to object.

What the ministers know now is only the first measure of the new monarch of the Han Dynasty, and he pioneered the imperial examination system, so that the real talents can stand out and be used by the Han court.

Later generations felt that the imperial examination system was easy, which was obvious. Then, why did the Celestial Dynasty not implement it before, but did not implement it until the Sui Dynasty? Why did the West not implement the civil service examination system until modern times?

The imperial examination was definitely a genius feat, and its significance cannot be overstated.

In the eyes of these ministers now, Liu Zhao is simply too wise and meets everyone's expectations.

In his hands, the world of Datong is really possible!

Suddenly, Liu Kuan took a step forward and said loudly: "Wei minister thought that the imperial examination system was imperative! Moreover, the sooner the better! But there is one thing that is even more urgent than the imperial examination system, please give your majesty the decree as soon as possible!

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Liu Zhao was stunned for a moment. In this world of urgent matters, haven't he already dealt with it almost in this month? Why are there still urgent matters?

Since it is completely original in the back, it is a little bit sloppy, please forgive me.

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