Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 234 If admitting mistakes is useful, what do you want the imperial army to do?

In the first year of Ping in the early Han Dynasty, on March 12, Crouching Tiger Mountain.

Crouching Tiger Mountain, the name is very majestic, but in fact, it is just a mountain that is not well-known in Bingzhou.

However, as long as today has passed, this mountain will surely become famous all over the world.

Because, after several days of fighting, the Han army of 120,000 people surrounded the only 80,000 Huns left on the Crouching Tiger Mountain.

Today, the Luan Jia of the Great Han Emperor has arrived, and the Han army is about to launch the final general attack on Wohu Mountain.

The Xiongnu, as a famous clan, as a famous clan that has fought against the Han family for hundreds of years, are about to draw the final stop on this mountain.

"Grandma, why am I so unlucky to meet Liu Zhao, the killer! He...he doesn't follow the rules at all! 35

Now the Xiongnu Shanyu Qiang Canal is about to cry without tears.

Shouldn't the big man and the emperor be in the ninth level, hiding in the deep palace and not coming out?

Why did you personally lead the army to kill you as soon as you heard the news of the Xiongnu rebellion! You have already been enthroned as an emperor, and you still think you are the leader of the army?

Shouldn't the Celestial Dynasty convince people with virtue?

I already know my mistake, I have sent messengers to admit my mistake several times, and I have already abandoned all the gold and silk that I stole from my children!

Shouldn't the Celestial Dynasty forgive itself as before?

Although he may still take advantage of the weakness of the Han family to cause chaos in the future, hasn't this happened yet? Why should he be executed now?

How is this Liu Zhao completely different from the previous great emperor?

Do not teach and punish is called abuse, do you understand?

Do you still want fame?

You don't need fame, it's all right, but we Huns are finished!


When the Qiang Canal was depressed for a while, a Xiongnu pawn suddenly ran in and said, "Qi report to Shanyu, Yan Qubei is back, and asks for an audience."

"Ah? Yan Qubei is back? Let him in."

Qiang Canal is overjoyed!

Yan Qubei was the messenger he had just sent to the Han camp, asking for surrender. In fact, this was not the first time he sent envoys to the Han camp, but Yan Qubei was the first to come back alive, and the other envoys had already been beheaded by the Han Chinese.

Could it be that, for the sake of his own reputation, the emperor really wanted to forgive the Huns?


that is really good!

Let me just say, the Han people are extremely pedantic, and they won't really kill them all. They just want to scare us Huns.

Are we the Huns scared?

Next time, after Liu Zhao's death, we will raise troops again, rob their property, enslave their men, and play with their women!

uh... stop!


Now don't think about the future. It's not good to be seen by Liu Zhao, so you should be more submissive.

In the future, the descendants of Liu Zhao will know that what their ancestors did today was a big mistake, haha!

However, Yan Qubei's answer after coming in was far beyond Qiang Qu's expectations.

"Allow us the Huns to surrender~"?" Yan Qubei shook his head again and again, and said, "No! The big man and the emperor said that if it is useful to admit mistakes, why should the court still have troops and horses?"

"What? Liu Zhao didn't allow the Huns to surrender?" Qiangqu was anxious at the time and said, "Then what is Liu Zhao trying to do?

Yan Qubei said: "He... he sent a villain back to pass a letter to Shan Yu.

"What letter?"

"Today at noon, Liu Zhao will hold a sacrifice. All of us Huns can watch the ceremony on Wohu Mountain. If Shanyu is interested, he can also go to the Han camp to watch the ceremony. After the ceremony, you can return freely. In this process, Shanyu's safety is guaranteed by the reputation of the great man and the emperor.99

"Sacrificial worship? Watching the ceremony? So... the big man, the emperor, wants Ben Shanyu to go? Okay! I will go!

Of course, Qiangqu knew that there was a certain danger in going to Hanying to observe the ceremony.

However, if you don't go to the ceremony, you don't give face to the big man and the emperor, and it's even more dangerous!

Up to now, the survival of the Huns is in Liu Zhao's mind.

"See the emperor of the great Han! The sinful ministers rebelled, and the lard was really blinded by the lard, and the donkey kicked the brain. I hope your majesty forgives the sin! As long as your majesty can forgive the sinful minister and the Huns, I will be the most loyal emperor of the Han Dynasty. Minions, conquer all disobedient ministers for the Son of Heaven!"

When Qiangqu saw Liu Zhao, he paid homage to him, completely hiding his ambitions, expressing his loyalty with snot and tears.

Liu Zhao's expression did not change, but he said lightly: "Xun Shanyu please get up, now the time has come, let's go watch the ceremony with me."

After speaking, he stood up and walked outside the tent, followed by the generals.


The big man didn't answer my words.

What is he trying to do?

An ominous premonition came to Qiang Qu's heart.

The people walked out of the camp together, with little effort, and boarded a ten-zhang high platform.

In fact, on Crouching Tiger Mountain, Qiang Canal has seen the Han army build this high platform, but I don't know what this high platform is used for.

Now, with a wink from Liu Zhao, the role of this high platform gradually emerged.

Ding Ding Ding ∼∼

With the sound of footsteps, a huge incense case was set up. There are three-foot white candles and five-foot wood incense on the incense case, and the white smoke goes straight to the sky.

The most striking is the three tablets, each of which is as high as two feet, and the writing of Dou Da on it can be clearly seen on Crouching Tiger Mountain.

Before the founding of the Han Dynasty, those who died in the hands of the Xiongnu were the spiritual seat of the people of the Celestial Dynasty!

Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, those who fought against the Huns and died in battle are the spirits of the warriors of the Han Dynasty!

Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, those who died at the hands of the Huns are the spiritual seat of millions of people in the Han Dynasty!

These handwritings are like steel knives, dotted like blood peaches, and a desolate, tragic and solemn aura leaps over them.

Then, Liu Zhao held a sacrificial text and read it in front of the three tablets.

66**-In the first year of the Han Dynasty, on March 12, Liu Zhao, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, surrounded Wohu Mountain and trapped 80,000 Xiongnu (of money) in the mountain. The Huns, the barbarians outside the Great Wall, should have admired the Celestial Dynasty and were naturalized in our country. However, his wolf ambitions have invaded our territory several times and plundered my people. Is it tolerable or unbearable? There is inherently the matter of expelling the Huns from the north of Qin... Since the establishment of the Han... Bai Deng's siege... Le Shi Yanran..."

In this sacrificial text, Liu Zhao detailed the rules of grievances and grievances between the Huns and the Han people.

In this process, how many Han people died innocently? How many Han people became slaves of the Huns? How many Han heroes and heroes fought repeatedly with the Huns, and blood stained the rivers and mountains!

In the end, Liu Zhao said loudly: "Today, I will destroy the last 80,000 Huns in front of the monarchs, end the grievances between the Han and Huns, and pay homage to the spirits of the monarchs in the sky! Shang Fan!

"What? Liu Zhao, you really want to kill everything!"

As soon as Qiang Qu heard this sacrifice, he became anxious, shouted, jumped up, and attacked Liu Zhao viciously!

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