Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 240 Ask the world, who dares to refuse?

Liu Zhao led the army and stayed near Wohu Mountain for three days.

During these three days, the rear has continuously sent property, pigs, cattle, sheep, wine, vegetables, fruits and other items, trying their best to reward the soldiers who have made great contributions to destroying the Xiongnu.

Inside the Han camp, laughter and laughter continued.

Tiele and Xianbei people are even more delighted.

After this battle, they proved their loyalty, at least they were safe.

Besides, the battle was so good!

Since entering the Central Plains, they have been backed by the Han army, and they have fought against the wind. Not much effort, much reward. Who doesn't want this kind of errand?

There is no doubt that if the emperor of the Han Dynasty recruits the Tiele and Xianbei people again, they will definitely actively respond to the edict and fight hard.

After a few more battles together, an unbreakable blood covenant will be established between the Han people, the Xianbei people and the Tiele people.

Even, there is no difference or estrangement between the three parties, Xianbei and Tiele are completely integrated into the big Han.

In fact, there are now Tiele and Xianbei people who have changed their surnames to Han.

King Tiele and King of Xianbei, begged and asked, Liu Zhao finally agreed and gave them the Han surname.

With their credit, the national surname "Liu" is impossible. ,

Liu Zhao gave King Tiele the surname of Li, and the king of Xianbei surnamed Mu.

After these two kings of alien races were given surnames, they were so happy that they even changed their names.

It is on the Le stone of the 807 Crouching Tiger Mountain, which are all engraved: Li Weizhong, the king of Tiele, and Mu Tianen, the king of Xianbei.

Look at these two names, how strong is the loyalty of King Tiele and King Xianbei!

Much stronger than the Han Chinese!

If it wasn't for them being aliens, I'm afraid they would have been scolded as flatterers by the courtiers and generals.

After the masons worked day and night, three days later, the Le Stone of Wohu Mountain, which is twelve feet high and three feet wide, has been carved and covered with red curtains.

Just wait for Liu Zhao to hold a ceremony, lift the curtain, and announce the success of Wohushan Leshi.

On that day, the breeze was breezy, and there were dozens of thin clouds floating in the sky, covering half of the sky, and the sun fell through the clouds, which was very mild.

The weather is ok.

Liu Zhao stood on the high platform, holding a wine cup in his hand, and said: "All the soldiers of the great Han: Today is the 16th day of the fourth month, and the Le Shi on Wohu Mountain has been completed. The war between the Han and Huns has been fought for hundreds of years, and the grievances and grievances are here. It's over! For future generations, we don't have to worry about the Huns anymore! This is the work of me! This is the work of all the soldiers! This is the work of the heaven and the earth to bless me! Come, I am the first wine, to respect the heaven!

While speaking (ceei), he poured his first glass of wine on the ground. ,

"Second wine, respect the earth!

The second cup of wine was poured on the ground again.

"The third wine, to all the soldiers!"5

"Thank you, Your Majesty!

The soldiers agreed in unison.

The 120,000 soldiers and soldiers all held a glass of wine, and after Liu Zhao drank it, they all drank it.

As soon as he got on his stomach, the spirits of the soldiers were extremely excited.

One, because of the wine itself.

This wine is not the yellow rice wine or rice wine of the Han Dynasty, that thing, even if you drink a bowl, it is nothing, but the "Youzhou Laobaigan" brought from Youzhou.


This wine is mellow and sweet, and the wine is very strong, and it has the effect of invigorating the spirit!

Second, and most importantly, this is the toast of the emperor!

Alcohol is not intoxicating, people are self-intoxicating!

It doesn't matter how many people the big man is toasting at the same time, the fact that he is toasted by the big man is always the truth, this is the talk of a lifetime!

Everyone looked at Liu Zhao eagerly, waiting for Liu Zhao to unveil the curtain.

People with names are eager to see.

People without names are also curious.

Fame but take it right away!

This time, my position was low and I didn't engrave my name, so I might not have a chance next time.

This ceremony is not only for everyone with the engraved names, but also for all the great Han soldiers!

Everyone is waiting, as long as Liu Zhao lifts the curtain, long live the mountain, pushing the atmosphere of this ceremony to a climax!

However, just as Liu Zhao pulled the screen, a mutation happened.


Everyone feels bright.

How can it be so bright?

And, changing so quickly?

It seems that the curtain of Liu Zhao has changed the world directly!

Yes, it's a world change!

When people looked up, they found that the thin clouds in the sky had completely disappeared.

It's really cloudless!

Not a single cloud was seen, and the sky was pure blue, like a fresh blue curtain and a blue crystal, which made people feel happy at first sight.

Who hasn't seen a sunny day?

However, such a pure and flawless sunny day is really a once in a lifetime for everyone!

Also, everyone suddenly felt that the breeze had disappeared! Moreover, the current cold and heat were very suitable, neither cold nor hot, and I felt very comfortable.

Looking up on the high platform, the emperor Liu Zhao, under the sunlight, was extremely powerful, like a god in the sky.

The posture of the dragon and the phoenix, the watch of the sun and the moon!

Finally, someone came over and shouted, "This is the emperor's toast, and the heaven and earth have responded! 35

Next, it's amazing!

"My great man, the Son of Heaven, is blessed by the heavens! 35

"The big man is recognized by God, and he will be prosperous forever!

"God has recognized my achievements in destroying the Huns!"

"Long live the big man!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!""

This sudden astronomical change completely ignited the enthusiasm of the soldiers.

They shouted in unison, and their expressions were full of admiration for Liu Zhao, confidence in Liu Zhao, and hope for a better life in the future.

Liu Zhao's popularity reaches a new peak 1

This is, of course, the power of the God Blessing Card.

However, Liu Zhao's actions today are not for the purpose of pretending to be forced, at least not mainly for the purpose of pretending to be forceful.

Next, his main energy is to deal with the internal affairs reform of Dahan. ,

In the process of reform, various interests will be touched.

Not only the ministers in the DPRK, but also the local tyrants, as well as those middle and low-level officers.

Therefore, Liu Zhao must do everything possible to enhance his prestige and reduce various internal frictions in the reform.

When Liu Zhao was the emperor, it was just a change in temperament, and it was not a strong evidence that God blessed him.

The general map of the world map is even more indirect evidence.

Today, this astronomical change is the most direct evidence!

Moreover, this evidence was witnessed by hundreds of thousands of soldiers. They come from all over the world, and after returning home, they will take the initiative to spread the word to their relatives, friends, neighbors and friends.

Liu Zhao was blessed by God and became a nationally recognized fact.

With such prestige to carry out reforms, ask the world, who would dare to refuse?

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