Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 245 Whoever doesn't let the Han people eat candy will kill him!

What is the concept of one hundred dollars per pound of sugar?

Taking the grain of the harvest year as the general equivalent, one stone of wheat is three hundred dollars.

One stone in the Han Dynasty is equivalent to about 60 pounds in later generations.

That is to say, 20 catties of wheat can be exchanged for one catty of sugar.

In the eyes of future generations, this is really too black-hearted. In modern society, the price of two or three catties of wheat is equivalent to one catty of white sugar.

And Liu Zhao, actually doubled the price tenfold.

Even taking into account shipping and craftsmanship, he's at least half the profit!

This is a commodity for civilian use, half the profit is really terrifying, too black-hearted!

However, in Zhen Mi's view, it was too cheap.

How much is honey?

Eight hundred dollars a pound, and there is often no market for it. No way, the production of honey is too limited.

This white sugar is much sweeter than honey, and the price is ten times higher, isn't it too much?

Luxury is like this, if the quality is good, the price will go up and down.

Diaochan said: "Yes, it is 100 yuan per catty. If the price is higher, ordinary people will not be able to buy it. It goes against His Majesty's original intention of inventing this method of making sugar."

"So, Your Majesty set this price so that ordinary people can afford white sugar? Shame! Mi'er is really ashamed!"

Zhen Mi's face turned reddish, adding another layer to her understanding of Liu Zhao.

The two sides are simply not the same level!

He considers the problem from the perspective of a businessman, while Liu Zhao considers the problem from the perspective of the people of the world.

Making money is secondary, the main thing is to make sugar affordable for the people of the world.

This 813 is the bearing of the emperor of the Han Dynasty!

At this moment, Liu Zhao's image in Zhen Mi's mind became more and more high.

Even now, she desperately wants to meet Liu Zhao!

Six years have passed, has his appearance changed?

He wouldn't have imagined that in the past six years, I have changed so much and turned out so beautifully, right? When he sees me, he must be very surprised and very happy.

But why hasn't His Majesty come yet?

Zhen Miren couldn't help but ask: "Does the queen sister know, what is the main discussion of your Majesty's court meeting today? Why hasn't the court dispersed yet?"

Diao Chan said: "If it were a court meeting at another time, I really don't know. But, today... Your Majesty will take out all the extravagant things that have been invented over the years."

"Like glass mirrors, perfume, soap and sugar?"

"Not only that, but also fine china, beautiful glass bowls, delicious condiments..."

"Then the courtiers must be crazy!

Although Zhen Mi didn't know how good the porcelain, glass bowls, and seasonings were. However, it is not difficult to imagine the mood of the courtiers at the moment based on the glass mirror, perfume, soap and white sugar that they have seen.

Those glass mirrors, perfumes, and soaps will drive the women of the world crazy, and the courtiers will not fail to see it.

Especially white sugar, which can be eaten by men, women and children, and can buy anyone!

The first time I tasted the taste of white sugar, I felt so happy.

Suddenly, her heart moved, and she said, "Could it be. His Majesty pushed out these luxury items all at once, just to make the courtiers go crazy?"

Diao Chan said: "The same can be said. Your Majesty said that the reform of the Great Han in the past six years is just a small test, tinkering with the system of the Great Han. Next, it is the real work. For example, the establishment of the Datang Academy of Sciences, to various Technology research. For example, the national policy of the imperial court has changed from focusing on agriculture to focusing on both agriculture and industry, without agricultural instability, without labor, without wealth, without business. For example, allowing the free movement of the Han people... All need a unified understanding from the top and bottom of the court."

Zhen Mi thoughtfully said: "So, even though Your Majesty invented these things long ago, they kept secrets from the outside world. Until today, they have been released together. He wants to let the ministers know that the power of commerce and the power of technology will make the The courtiers support his reforms. Your Majesty's reforms are really step by step, very stable! If I were a courtier, I would definitely agree with His Majesty's reforms! 35

Diao Chan sighed and said: "However, there is still an accident, take a look, your Majesty has not left the court yet, there must be courtiers who are firmly opposed to it. 35

In fact, Diao Chan really guessed wrong.

The present courtiers of the Great Han are quite pragmatic and not so pedantic.

After Liu Zhao brought out all kinds of novelties, they really felt that the "World of Great Harmony" that Liu Zhao bragged about was about to appear in Dahan, and they all agreed.

Especially the appearance of white sugar stimulated them the most.

Humans especially like sweet taste, especially the elderly, women and children.

Zhen Mi was shocked because she tasted white sugar.

Most of the courtiers are not young, and the same is true!

Just for more things like white sugar to appear in the future, they have to support Liu Zhao's reform!

However, when everyone was preparing to disperse the dynasty, an emergency military situation came, which delayed the entire dynasty.

The southwestern barbarian rebels, (ceei) soldiers surrounded Qianwei and Yuesi counties, extorted 20 million yuan and returned!

The courtiers can also understand that Qianwei and Yuesi counties paid money to buy peace. Qianwei and Yuejun counties are located in the frontier and are said to be county towns, but their actual population is not as good as that of a county in the interior of the Han Dynasty.

And those southwestern barbarians can pull out hundreds of thousands of troops.

If these two counties resisted resolutely, it would definitely be a loss of both people and money.

After all, in the southwest region, although Dahan established prefectures and prefectures, but because of the remote location and many mountains and mountains, he could not grow crops to support many people. Dahan only ruled a few cities, and the vast area outside was occupied by southwestern barbarians. The Han population was very small, and the barbarians had an absolute advantage in the population.

Similar things happened in previous years. If the big man didn't die and the loss was not big, the imperial court would endure it. If someone died, or the loss was too great, the army would be dispatched to take revenge.

Otherwise, what should we do? Send hundreds of thousands of troops to fight with the barbarians in the southwest, and must destroy them?

It's not worth it.

Furthermore, if the Southwest Yi drills into the mountains, even hundreds of thousands of troops may not be able to achieve such great results.

But this time, the ministers will not bear it any longer.

Instead, they were outraged.

The reason is very simple, Liu Zhao's sugar cane is mainly produced in these two counties.

In Liu Zhao's plan, the crops in this place can't support many people, so they can simply plant sugar cane, buy it at a high price, and then use the money from the sugar cane to buy food.

The climate here is hot and rainy, and it is a good place to grow sugar cane, both in this era and in future generations.

The Han people here will have a way to make money, and the number of people will increase, and the Han people will also completely control this area.

As a result, the sugarcane harvest was bumper this year, and the people of these two counties had money, but they were targeted by the southwestern barbarians.

Is this worth it?

20 million money is small, but it affects the enthusiasm of the people to plant sugar cane.

Without sugar cane, where would white sugar come from?

This is the question of the southwestern barbarians taking the fortunes of the Han court!

This is the problem of Southwest Yi not letting everyone eat candy!

The Han courtiers are angry!

"Your Majesty please decree, mobilize troops and horses to completely destroy the southwestern barbarians, as an example! 39

"Southwest Yi won't let us eat candy, we'll kill him!"

"The imperial court has been recuperating for six years, and its strength is not what it used to be, we can afford this price!

"Now that the Son of Heaven is in power, the little southwestern barbarians provoke me, the big man, Tianwei, it's really impatient to live!

The Han courtiers, in unison, demanded the court to destroy the southwestern barbarians.

"Southwest Yi..."

Because there are no dead men, Liu Zhao's mind is more peaceful than that of the ministers.

Meng Huo...Mrs. Zhu Rong...Tengjia soldier...Suddenly, these terms popped up in Liu Zhao's mind.

Meng Huo should be still young now, and he has not yet become the leader of the southwestern barbarians, right?

Mrs. Zhu Rong, she is still a beautiful girl. I wonder if she will marry Meng Huo?

How can the rattan armour be the opponent of the white robe army?

I really want to meet, these southwestern barbarians!

However, in history, Zhuge Liang conquered the southwestern barbarians in order to stabilize the rear.

What about myself this time? It should be called... the sugar war.

Those southwestern barbarians would never have imagined that their one-time extortion, 20 million dollars, would bring them disaster!

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