Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 261 Send Zhu Rongnu to me!

Liu Zhao said: "The first condition: all the barbarians in the southwest, allegiance to me, and be the people of the great man."

"No problem, we were originally big men."

Whether these barbarians in the southwest are big men or not, it is just a muddled account.

They lived on the land of the Han, did not pay taxes to the Han court, did not perform military service, and did not obey the orders of the Han court.

However, the Han court became impatient and dispatched a large army to encircle and suppress them, and they would declare that they were the sons of the Han Dynasty and had always been loyal to His Majesty. There were only a few people who made trouble before, and most of them were good.

It's really lame.

Liu Zhao did not reveal it, but smiled with a long smile, and said: "Since you are a big man, you should do your duty as a big man. You barbarians in the southwest are poor, and it is difficult for you to support yourself, and the court did not collect your taxes before. Now , You have the benefits of sugar cane, and your income is higher than that of ordinary Han people in the mainland, so you should pay taxes? In this way, within three years

I do not charge your taxes. From the fourth year to the fifth year, the levy will be halved. Five years later, it will be the same as the people of the big man. "

"This... The matter is too big, and the villain may not be the master. It's better to wait for the villain to go back and report to the father, and then make a decision. The father should... should agree."

In Meng You's thinking, no matter whether the father agrees or not, at least the first three years of selling sugar cane will not be taxed, so why not take advantage of it first?

Of course Liu Zhao could guess what he was thinking and continued: "The third condition is to serve! You are in the deep mountains, and I have not sent you the corvee service, but you have to do military service. The military service is divided into two parts, the first part: ordinary youth One of the twenty-five-thousand-strong ones will serve in the military for five years. The second part: All chiefs with more than a thousand people and their direct sons must serve military service by my side when they are fifteen to twenty-five years old. Except for the white-robed army In addition, another pro-army was organized, called the Cowardly Xue Army, which consisted of these people.

Military service of the barbarians in the southwest is of course necessary. Without bloodshed and sacrificed for the Han Empire, how could it be possible to recognize and empathize with the Han?

And, Liu Zhao wants them to be really useful.

These people are proficient in jungle warfare. Later, the Han conquered forest-dominated countries such as Linyi and Funan.

Of course, Liu Zhao's real killer move is still cowardly with Xue Jun.

He imitated the wisdom of the later Genghis Khan.

When Genghis Khan just unified Mongolia, there was a big gap between the various ministries, and his position was not very stable.

How to knead all the tribes into a group, and allegiance to himself?

On the one hand, these people are hostages. Which tribe wants to rebel, they must consider the lives of their own children in the Xue army.

On the other hand, Genghis Khan treated Qi Xue Jun like his own sons and nephews. These people were taught by Genghis Khan, and a large number of talents emerged, which also became the key to Genghis Khan's control of the ministries.

The eyes of the noblemen of the various tribes are no longer limited to the tribe, but the grassland is regarded as a whole. The only object of allegiance is Genghis Khan.

Today, Liu Zhao adopts the same strategy in order to completely control the Southwest Yi.

If the barbarian nobles from the southwest were sincerely loyal to the great Han, they would agree to Liu Zhao's conditions.

Their son-in-law followed Liu Zhao's side, and it was considered that they had a relationship with the supreme ruler of the Han Empire. Holy Family, no amount of money can buy this!

Moreover, these people may be appreciated by Liu Zhao in the future and work in various places of Dahan, even if it is not impossible.

Of course, having said that, if the barbarians in the southwest were not sincerely loyal, then this condition of cowardice of the Xue army would definitely be rejected.

How does Liu Zhao judge whether these people are the direct sons of barbarian nobles?

No need to judge!

・・・ Flowers・・

Whoever joins the cowardly Xue army is the heir!

Liu Zhao would support these people, and logically grasp the power of the barbarians in the southwest. At that time, the entire southwestern barbarians will be brought under Liu Zhao's control.

Therefore, whether the barbarians in the southwest are truly loyal to the great Han, this condition of cowardice of the Xue army is a touchstone.

Joke, let you take advantage of it for three years in vain?

How could Liu Zhao be so unwise?

Although it was impossible for Meng You to immediately think of the full meaning of the cowardice of Xuejun, these sons-in-law are hostages, such a simple truth, even a fool can see.

His expression changed slightly, and he said: "This condition is too harsh, maybe... maybe the father and king will not agree!

"Agree or disagree, you go back first and ask before you.

"Uh... yes.

"By the way, there is one last condition..." Liu Zhao pondered: "I heard that you southwestern barbarians have a famous beauty named Zhu Rong..."

"I wish Rong Ruyue! Bring the host and daughter of the cave!" Meng You blurted out.

Liu Zhao actually doesn't know what Mrs. Zhu Rong's name is, but when Zhuge Liang was fighting for the southern barbarians, he brought the cave owner to be Mrs. Zhu Rong's younger brother, so it should be correct.

Moreover, looking at Meng You's reaction, this Zhu Rong Ruyue must be a great beauty.

Liu Zhao said: "Yes, it's Zhu Rong Ruyue! I don't know how young this girl is, have you ever been married?"

"Zhu Rongruyue is sixteen years old this year and has not yet been married. However, she is the number one beauty in my barbarian department, and she has many suitors. She has been hesitant to bring the cave master, and she is not engaged..."

"Okay, there is no need to go on. 35 Liu Zhao raised his eyebrows and said, "The last condition is that Zhu Rong Ruyue is sent to me, and I will seal her a Ronghua, and regard her as two thousand stones. Made above. "5

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible!

This time Meng You was really in a hurry and exclaimed for a long time.

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