Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 267 Loyalty to the Emperor of Han, there is candy to eat!

Jin Luang said: "The emperor of the big Han called us together and said that he came here to raise troops this time, not to kill, but to bless the barbarians. The barbarians in the southwest have long since become ministers to the emperor of the big Han, and he has always treated us As his own people. Therefore, he put forward four conditions to the barbarian king, to completely bring the southwestern barbarians into the control of the Han court, and accept his blessings.99

Oops, not good!

At this time, Meng Yuan also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Liu Zhao put forward four conditions to himself, and he just told the barbarian high-level, the specific content of these four conditions, the ordinary barbarians did not tell.

The reason is very simple, these four conditions cannot be said! Absolutely cannot be said!

The first condition of "837" is to be a minister. It goes without saying that I have no opinion.

The second condition is to pay taxes on sugarcane sales, three exemptions and five halvings, and then the same tax rate as the Han Chinese. For an ordinary barbarian, this condition would allow him to earn so much money that he had never seen in his life, and he would not object.

The third condition is to join the army. Who is it to be a soldier? Besides, to be a soldier for the Han emperor, as well as equipment and military pay, to be a soldier under the barbarian king is purely an obligation!

The fourth condition is Zhu Rong Ruyue, the goddess in the minds of barbarians. This condition is indeed a bit frustrating. But, to be honest, how could Zhu Rongruyue not be an ordinary barbarian?

Therefore, once these four conditions are made public, the morale of the barbarian army will definitely drop!

Maybe, there are still some people who are still looking forward to the victory of the Han emperor, and they can sell sugar cane to make a lot of money!

Unexpectedly, Liu Zhao made such a big effort to capture all the barbarians and release them all. The specific content of these four conditions cannot be concealed at all.

And most importantly, the barbarian army just lost a battle!

Big defeat!

Everyone is fighting to the death, what is it for? In order to be poor, would you rather want the grass of the barbarians than the money of the Han people?

Stupid not stupid!

It is completely conceivable, how chaotic the military heart of the barbarians is now?!

Meng Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "Do you really believe it?

Jin Luang still had this wink, and said: "Of course the villain doesn't believe it at all! Even if the emperor gave us great benefits right away, as long as the villain is good, he doesn't believe him at all! Loyalty!""

loyal ass

If this king is loyal to you, I don't believe it at all!

Of course, Meng Yuan is not in the mood to care about this with Jin Luang now, and said solemnly: "The big benefit? What big benefit?"

"Uh... He gave each of us half a catty of sugar, half a catty of salt, and half a catty of wine. Let's bring it back. He also said...and said..."

"What else?

"He also said that in the future we will be savage, and sugar, salt, and wine will be available, and they are all very cheap, ten cents a catty of salt, twenty cents a catty of wine, and white sugar and rock candy for only one hundred cents. Jin. The little one really doesn't believe these prices at all, and only accepts his stuff!

Don't believe it!

Now, Meng You has been scared into a cold sweat.

He has tasted white granulated sugar and rock candy, and he knows what kind of confusion it represents! One hundred cents a pound of white sugar can be easily bought with the income from selling sugar cane, how can ordinary barbarians not be tempted?

And white salt!

Yes, since the Han emperor ascended the throne, he has promoted a kind of white salt of excellent quality and extremely cheap price to the world, and ordinary Han people are blessed.

However, the prices that those Han merchants sold to barbarians were still sky-high!

At first, it was the Han merchants who looked down on the barbarians. Second, there are many miasmas in the deep mountains, and the barbarians are savage and rude. They risk their lives to do business, and of course they have to make enough profits.

Now, how attractive is Liu Zhao to supply the barbarians with white salt at a fair price?

Even more attractive than white salt!

Because, if you don't eat sugar, you can endure it, and if you don't eat it, you won't eat it... But if you don't eat salt, you will die!

By the way, and that wine, since it is juxtaposed with white sugar and white salt, it must also be a particularly delicious wine!

These three things were sent by Liu Zhao using captives.

The barbarians have eaten and drank, and if they still have the slightest fighting spirit to fight the Han army, they will write the Meng characters backwards!

Meng You hurriedly said: "Father, let's not worry about tomorrow's battle for now, let's focus on the present. Tonight, everyone will patrol the camp separately, on the one hand, to prevent Liu Zhao from sending troops to steal the camp, and on the other hand, to prevent the soldiers from mutiny.

"This statement is reasonable. The barbarian king Meng Yuan said: "Everyone, hurry back to the headquarters, beat the soldiers, and deal with the past tonight, the most unstable period of the army. few


The barbarians and nobles led the way, and Meng Yuan himself began to patrol the camp.

I'm so tired!

After the fourth watch, Meng Yuan finished his camp tour, barely stabilizing his army, and returned to the camp to rest.

However, before he lay down for half an hour, he was awakened by his eldest son Meng Huo.

At the same time, in all directions, faintly, there was the sound of shouting 4.8 kills.

"Go! Kill! Catch the barbarian king Meng Yuan alive! 35

"Good days are just around the corner!"

"Loyalty to the Emperor of Han, there is candy to eat! 55

"Make merit and atonement, just today! 35


what happened?

Meng Yuan just woke up, but his mind was still not clear, and said: "What's wrong? But the Han army stole the camp? 55

"Hey! What Han army is stealing the camp!" Meng Huo said with a wry smile: "Didn't you hear it? The shouts are all barbaric! It was Yang Feng, that bastard who was frightened by the means of the Han emperor. He attacked us and wanted to take Your head, asking the emperor of Han to sin!

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