Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 276 There are two Joes in Jiangdong!

Cai Mao, however, said: "That's not necessarily so. When the ministers persuaded His Majesty to accept the harem, did His Majesty refuse it on the grounds of disturbing the people too much? This time my brother-in-law sent a beautiful woman over, maybe he would flatter him and pat him on the horse's leg. Woolen cloth."

"No, it's not like that."

As a hero in the late Han Dynasty, Liu Biao still had this insight, and shook his head slightly: "If Your Majesty sends a wide-ranging envoy to recruit women, the people will prohibit marriage for one year according to the custom. Your Majesty is benevolent to the government and loves the people. However... if this official presents a stunning beauty, His Majesty will not refuse it. The key is whether the beauty is unparalleled in the country, or an ordinary beauty..."

"If you say, Wushuang Guose, your subordinates have heard a strange story recently." Huang Zu said: "Yangzhou Lujiang County, the main bridge family has two daughters, one is fifteen years old and the other is sixteen years old. Outsiders have never seen her face. However, a few days ago, when the two women were traveling, the curtain of the car was blown open by the wind, and everyone who saw them said that they had seen a fairy. Later, people asked carefully before I know, this person turned out to be the second daughter of the bridge family."

That's right, the second daughter of the bridge family.

That is, the legendary Jiangdong Erqiao. (The Romance of the Three Kingdoms wrote a typo - no words)

In historical records, Da Qiao married Sun Ce, and Er Qiao married Zhou Yu.

It must be stated that it is doubtful whether the two daughters were willing to marry Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.

At that time, the two daughters became famous for their occasional revelation.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu attacked Wanxian County, Lujiang County, and the historical record records that "the two daughters of Duke Qiao, both of whom are of national color. Cezi Na Bridge and Yuna Small Bridge."

Then, "Ce Congrong Xiyu said: 'Even though Duke Qiao and the two daughters are displaced, it is enough to be happy to have the two of us as sons-in-law."

To put it bluntly, in the turbulent times of the Three Kingdoms, Erqiao became the spoils of war for Zhou Yu and Sun Ce. Whether they or Qiao Xuan is willing or not is not important at all.

Of course, because of the existence of Liu Zhao, the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms have not yet begun. Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are still studying hard to get ahead and preparing to participate in the imperial examinations of the Han Dynasty.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao just became famous in Jing and Yang states because of their unparalleled beauty.

"Is this really the case?" Liu Biao was overjoyed and said, "If these two girls are so beautiful, then God will help me! This official will go to Yangzhou in a few days... no, tomorrow! 39

Liu Biao was the prefect of Jingzhou, and of course he had nothing to do with Yangzhou.

It is said that even if the presentation of beauty is successful, it is also the credit of Liu Yao, the prefect of Yangzhou.

But it doesn't matter, Liu Biao believes that Liu Yao, the prefect of Yangzhou, will not only help him, but also won't compete with himself.

Because he has a great favor to Liu Yao.

At the beginning, the eighteen princes rebelled against Dong, and Liu Yao, the prefect of Yangzhou, did not participate.

However, why were Liu Biao, Liu Yan, Alexander, and Liu Yao not criticized by the world? Because at that time Liu Yao was simply unable to send troops.

At that time, in order to seize power, Yuan Shao sent troops to attack Yangzhou, but Liu Yao was defeated, and he took the remnants of his troops to take refuge in Jingzhou, only to be spared.

Later, Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo joined forces and became enemies with Liu Zhao. After Yuan Shao's defeat, Liu Yao returned to Yangzhou and served as his governor of Yangzhou.

Therefore, Liu Biao had the grace of life for Liu Yao.

Moreover, Liu Yao does not need this credit for offering beauty.

Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo joined forces, they were chaotic ministers and thieves. In this case, as Liu Yao, who was attacked by Yuan Shao, can he be a bad person? Liu Yao's current situation is much better than Liu Biao.

A prefect of a prefecture can only be the prime minister, and he must be the emperor's cronies. Liu Yao also never expected to make any great achievements and go further.

Three days later, Yangzhou Lujiang County, Anhui County, Qiaozhai.

Although Liu Biao, the prefect of Jingzhou and Liu Yao, the prefect of Yangzhou, came in person, Qiao Xuan did not look good.

Because Qiao Xuan he knew why these two came.

Isn't it just for your two precious daughters?

To be honest, since my daughter revealed her true face a few days ago, there has been an endless stream of people who got up to propose marriage.

...for flowers....

It's just that he just couldn't take his eyes off it.

If his attitude is too good, and the candidates proposed by Liu Biao and Liu Yao are not in line with their own wishes, it is really difficult to reject them.

Again, the most important thing.

Now the Son of Heaven is in power, and the government is clear and bright. As long as he doesn't break the law, even the prefect of a state can't help himself.

After a few words of greetings, Qiao Xuanjing asked himself: "I dare to ask the two governors, what do you have to teach me when you come to the humble house today?"

Liu Yao said: "I heard that Lingyuan has a special color. Liu Jingzhou and I are not talented. We want to be icemen and find a good home for Lingyuan. Uh... I wonder if Duke Qiao can let the two little ladies come out, let us see. Let's see if it is as beautiful as rumored and worthy of that noble person.

"Liu Yangzhou, what are you talking about? How can the little girl come out to meet a man casually when she is in the boudoir?" Qiao Xuan's expression became even more displeased, and he said, "Don't talk about what a noble person is, just be a child of today. ...when today's day..."

He originally wanted to say that even if he was going to marry the old man's daughter today, he didn't want them to show you first.

If the noble wants to see it, he has to come by himself.

It must be the identity, age, appearance, talent, family background, etc. of the noble person, so that he is satisfied, and he is qualified to see his daughter.

As for the two old men Liu Biao and Liu Yao, there is no door!

However, when the words came to his lips, Qiao Xuan felt that the tone was too much.

When today is the emperor, he is the emperor of the horse, the founder of the country, and with a three-footed sword, he has conquered this ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains.

More importantly, he managed the country well. In just six years, he managed the Han to be prosperous and prosperous, and he was the most respected ruler since the establishment of the Han Dynasty.

There is really nothing to be proud of in front of such a person's daughter.

Qiao Xuan's tone suddenly stagnates.

However, Liu Biao reluctantly said: "If you are the son of today, what about Duke Qiao?

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