Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 290 Sweaty BMW, to fly the kites of the Kushuang people!

Sweaty BMW!

And it's 5,000 sweaty BMWs!

Even if Liu Zhao has the respect of the great man and the emperor, he can't help but be shocked!

You must know that when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent a large army to conquer Dawan Kingdom in order to obtain the sweat and blood, he only got 3,000 sweat and blood horses!

Today, Zhucai sent 5,000 horses, which is a sign of sincerity.

Don't think that Dayuan's special product is sweaty BMW, and there are many sweaty BMWs in China. Actually, that's not the case at all.

Even in Dawan, sweaty BMWs are rare BMWs - otherwise, why did Dawan choose war instead of selling sweaty BMWs to Han people?

In fact, Liu Zhao doubted whether the Dawan people could make up 5,000 horses of sweat and blood.


In the end, the Dawan people donated more than 1,300 red sweat-blood horses, maroon sweat-blood horses 2,100 horses, black 853 sweat-blood horses 100 horses, white sweat-blood horses 1,000 horses, and golden sweat-blood horses Three hundred blood BMWs.

Strictly speaking, only red and maroon sweaty BMWs can be "sweaty like blood" and are authentic sweaty BMWs.

Other horses, although they are also BMWs of the same breed, have no difference in speed and endurance, but they do not shed "blood and sweat", so they are not authentic BMWs with sweat and blood.

Liu Zhao immediately allocated a thousand horses of red sweat and blood to the distant army as a reward for the soldiers who had merited this battle.

Dingyuan's army did not expect this surprise, and there was another burst of cheers.

As for the other horses of sweat and blood, Liu Zhao plans to look at the military exploits of the various armies and distribute them later.

Seeing the rest of the sweaty and bloody BMWs, the army's eyes were really red.

Especially the white robes!

The white robe army rides a white horse, white helmet, white armor and white shirt, and the thousand white sweat and blood (ceei) horses must be given to the white robe army.

However, there are 10,000 white robe troops, and they are all elites that are indistinguishable from top to bottom, and each of the ten white robe generals has the courage of ten thousand men.

In the end, which thousand-man team can achieve extraordinary feats, not only can be distinguished in front of people, but also can win these thousand white sweaty horses?

Don't fight, okay?

And most importantly!

Seeing that the former colleagues Ma Chao and Zhang Liao are so beautiful today, how can everyone not be moved?

"His Majesty!"

Guan Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and said loudly: "The Kushuang army of Dawan is just a subordinate of the Kushuang people. Now the main force of the Kushuang army is 300,000 troops, led by Bo Diao, to attack Kang Juguo. Now, I don't know if it has been captured. Rescuing soldiers is like putting out a fire... But the Dingyuan army has just passed through a big battle, and there are no people and horses.

"I, Zhang Fei, are also willing to bring troops and horses from the headquarters to rescue Kangju!

"For thousands of miles to help, please see my Huang Zhong's ability!""

For a time, the generals of the white-robed army came to fight one after another.

"After I, the Flying Bear Army, asked myself not to fall behind, please Your Majesty give General Mo this chance!

"Fall into the camp, request to fight!

Even Gao Shun and Li Jue couldn't help it.

"Is this..."

Liu Zhao thought for a moment, and said, "The main force of Guishuang has 300,000 troops, and many ants kill the elephants. How could it be that the troops and horses of your love can defeat them? But, having said that, it is true that saving soldiers is like putting out a fire... Our army is going too slowly, maybe Guishuang has already swallowed Kangju. That's it... Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Li Jue, Gao Shun! 35


"Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will each bring their own troops and horses. You, Li Jue and Gao Shun, will each select 1,000 elites from the troops and horses of the headquarters, for a total of 4,000 people. The remaining 4,000 sweat and blood horses will be temporarily allocated to you. You 4,000 people rushed to help Kangju country urgently. If Guishuang has already captured Kangju, they will harass them so that they cannot move eastward smoothly. When I will join forces with the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, lead the Chinese army to the Kangju country, and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!"

"According to the order!"

The four generals were full of joy and agreed in unison. The rest of the generals who didn't catch the mission looked a little sad.

Zhu Cai, the lord of Dawan, couldn't help reminding him, "The Kushuang Army in Kangju is much more elite than the Kushuang Army in Dawan, with more than 300,000 troops. Although His Majesty's soldiers and horses are elite, they are not. Four thousand people...isn't it too few?"

"No problem! No problem! 99

However, Liu Zhao shook his head slightly and said, "If there is no sweat and blood BMW gifted by the lord of the country, I may be a little hesitant. However, after having these sweat and blood BMW...


Liu Zhao said proudly: "I guarantee that these 4,000 people alone are enough for the 300,000-strong army of Guishuang... I can't eat and walk around!

Liu Zhao said this not to brag, but to be sure.

The four soldiers and horses are all elite, and in terms of elite level, they are still above the Dingyuan Army!

Compass, binoculars, fried noodles, Po Jun Nu No. 6, plus the Kangju map provided by Liu Zhao, the guerrilla warfare capability of the Han army is simply the top existence in the world, surpassing the Kushan army by one grade?

Stirrups and horseshoes further strengthened the mobility of the Han army.

Coupled with the sweaty BMW, this is the fastest horse in the world...

Ha ha!

The Kushuang Army should seek more blessings on their own!

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