Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 296 The division of the king, there are expeditions and no wars!

In today's world, four great powers stand side by side: Dahan, Kushan, Anxi and Rome.

It must be noted that although Guishuang is considered a major country in the world, it is very different from other countries.

Unstable foundation!

In the Dahan territory, there are mainly Han people. Even after Liu Zhao's territorial expansion, the number of Han people in Dahan's territory is still more than 80%.

The Parthian Empire was established by the Persians, and the Persians accounted for about 30% of the total population in the territory.

In the Roman Empire, Romans accounted for about 20% of the total population.

What about Guishuang? The Guishuang people only account for 10% of the total population! 10% of the population can be said to be very dangerous.

And most importantly, culture!

The Han culture is the Han culture, the Parthian Empire is the Persian culture, and the Roman Empire is the Roman culture.

The cultures of these three kingdoms have an absolute advantage over the cultures of other famous ethnic forces in the territory, and have a strong centripetal force.

However, Kushuang is different!

Guishuang was originally one of the five divisions of the Da Yuezhi.

During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian's main purpose in connecting the Western Regions was to contact the Da Yuezhi to deal with the Huns.

However, the ally of the Da Yuezhi was really weak, and was beaten by the Xiongnu and forced to move westward, even losing his hometown.

In the process of this migration, the Kushuang people defeated the other four Da Yuezhi and unified the Da Yuezhi. Since then, Guishuang is called Da Yuezhi, and Da Yuezhi is called Guishuang.

It was also during the migration process that Guishuang annexed the Great Xia Kingdom and established the foundation of the country. Then, he captured Beitianzhu, controlled the Khwarizimo area, and became one of the four major powers in the world.

However, the idea of ​​the culture of the Da Yuezhi itself is far from the original Daxia or Beitianzhu, and it can be said to be unattractive to other ethnic groups.

The Kushan people maintained the existence of the empire entirely by their own force.

Therefore, once Guishuang declined at the beginning, both the countries in the Western Regions and Khwarizimo quickly got out of its control.

Bo Tiao Zhongxing Guishuang regained control of Khwarizimo by force, and then Bing Feng's east finger led to today's battle.

Today, more than 400,000 Kushuang troops have been eliminated by Dahan, and the main force of the Kushuang army has been destroyed.

Guishuang Wang Bo's prestige has been swept away!

Then, will the regions conquered by the Kushuang people still honestly pledge their allegiance to the Kushuang people?

Therefore, Liu Zhao's expedition against Guishuang is not entirely because of the saying, "Those who are strong and strong in the Ming Dynasty will be killed even if they are far away, but it is also because this battle is easy to fight!

Guishuang is not only the weakest of the four major powers in the world, but also the one that cannot withstand failure.

When the big Han entered Kushuang, it was not an enemy of the Kushuang Empire with a population of more than 20 million, but an enemy of the Kushan Empire with a population of more than 2 million.

In this way, it became possible for Liu Zhao to lead a small number of elites to destroy Guishuang.


After a day's rest, Liu Zhao left the nine thousand soldiers and horses of the Protectorate of the Western Regions to guard the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions.

Then, he himself brought 10,000 people from the White Pao Army, 3,000 people from the trapped camp, 3,000 people from the Flying Bear Army, and 5,000 people from the Dingyuan Army, a total of 21,000 people. (Kangju Country is located in the north of Guishuang. The thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, as a whole, are located in the east of Guishuang Country.

Along the way, the Han army encountered almost no effective resistance. Not only that, the logistics supply of the Han army is very rich, and even a large number of servants have been harvested.

Because the Han army traveled all the way, let the various forces in Guishuang see what is called the division of the king and what is called the division of the emperor!

The first manifestation is that the Han army has strict military discipline and does not commit any crimes against the common people.

The 21,000 people led by Liu Zhao were among the elite of the Han army, and they had their own pride. Even if there is no military discipline, they will not do anything like stealing chickens, let alone looting. Of course, the resistance of the forces in the territory of Guishuang was not strong, and the Han army had no intention of retaliation, which was also an important reason.

To be honest, it is no big deal for the Han army to have strict military discipline, they have always been like this.

However, this alone is enough to shock the major forces of Guishuang.

You must know that in this era, it is only possible for a country with a highly developed civilization to pay attention to not committing crimes against the common people, even if it is just a goal and not strictly enforced.

Not to mention the conqueror of Da Yuezhi, even the major forces of Guishuang did not pay attention to this at all.

In particular, the hundreds of thousands of Bo Tiao's army passed through these places not long ago. The performances of the Kushuang Army and the Han Army are in stark contrast!

Is there such an army in the world?

Don't say that you have seen it, you have never dreamed of it?

The fact that the army loves the people so much shows how their rulers treat the people.

Anyway, if you are the conquered, do you want to let the Han people rule, or let the Kushuang people rule... Is it still a choice?

All of a sudden, the image of the Han army in the territory of Guishuang rose up.

The image of Liu Zhao, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, is even more merciful and compassionate, like an immortal Buddha!

The second performance is that the Han army trades generously and fairly.

The Han army's expedition to Kushuang was 10,000 kilometers away from the rear, and the logistics from Dahan's native land were definitely hopeless.

Under Liu Zhao's order, except for the collection of the treasury of the Kushuang government, nothing else would be done. The military supplies that are insufficiently supplied by the local government treasury are purchased at twice the market price based on the newly arrived here!

This simply made the major forces in the territory of Kushuang lose their jaws!

The army expropriated materials and returned money, this is something that has never been done before! The Da Yuezhi gang was so poor, when they conquered the major forces, everyone remembered the dirty things they did! It was later, The tribute collected by the Da Yuezhi was also quite high.


Now, when the Han army passed by, it turned out to be a purchase! Moreover, it was twice the market price!

In this way, when the Han army crosses the border, not only will everyone not lose money, but they can also make money. Is there such a good thing?

In fact, for Liu Zhao, with a total of only 20,000 troops, how much of the military needs to be supplemented?

Even if there is gold and silver seized from the Kushuang treasury, it is enough.

If you buy military supplies at a high price, you can get the sincere support of the local forces in Kushuang, and speed up the speed of raising military supplies. Why not do it?


In fact, Liu Zhao doesn't need much gold and silver.

The army brought two rarities, sugar and glass mirrors.

For the nobles of Guishuang, sugar and glass mirrors are much more attractive than gold and silver!

Because of the huge profits from sugar and glass mirrors, Liu Zhao's extra money has not only been earned back, but also has a lot of surplus.

Moreover, this move greatly strengthened the image of the Han people among the Kushan people.

A country that is prosperous and rich without money!

A country with sugar sweeter than honey!

A country where women can easily see their faces!

All in all, the strict military discipline, the generosity of the shots, the rare goods, and the prestige of the wave of defeat...Three-pronged approach, the image of the Han army has become incomparably tall in the country of Kushuang.

Often when Liu Zhao's troops approached the city, it was not a rain of arrows, but the local forces of Kushuang who came to supply military supplies.

Moreover, with the advancement of the Han army in the territory of Guishuang, the reputation has become better and better, and there has been a trend of becoming the new owner of Guishuang.

The local forces even began to request that they be servants to participate in the Han war against the Da Yuezhi people, and there were not a few enthusiastic young people who came to join the army voluntarily.

To be honest, Fazheng was not optimistic about Liu Zhao's decision to expedition to Kushuang at first.

No matter how high his wisdom is, it is difficult to make a normal judgment because of the lack of information.

In his opinion, Guishuang is a major country in the world, and the emperor only brought 20,000 people to go on an expedition, which is too dangerous.

Now, Fazheng has completely changed his opinion and can't help but sigh: "The ancients said that the teacher of the king is a conqueror without war. Today, His Majesty is marching into Guishuang, the common people eat pots of pulp to welcome them, and thousands of warriors voluntarily follow him. You can really be called the teacher of kings! Your Majesty mentions that the teacher of kings, Zheng Guishuang, is invincible?"

Briefly, in the sixth year of Tianyou, the Great Han Dynasty, on June 15, Liu Zhao, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, led the army with 21,000 troops and 180,000 servants from Kushuang, and the troops approached the capital of Kuishan: Fulousha.

The king of Kushuang, Bodiao, is within this city.

It can be said that as soon as this battle is broken, Guishuang will be destroyed!

Liu Zhao's final battle to destroy the Kushan Kingdom is about to begin!

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