Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 339 The real defensive power of plate armor shocked the world!

Of course, the crossbows of Rome and Persis were not as good as the broken crossbows of the Han army. Whether it's the number of bolts that can be fired at once or the range.

However, the King of Kings and the Roman Emperor used themselves as bait to lure the White Pao Army into the ambush circle, completely making up for the lack of range.

In addition, a crossbow with five arrows, one hundred thousand crossbows is half a million arrows, which is quite a lot.

500,000 crossbow arrows attacked the 10,000 white-robed army!

In Sassanid's expectation, this round would at least make most of the white robes injured and lose their combat effectiveness.

However, after the 100,000 crossbows were fired in unison—

" is this possible? is this possible?

Sassan is completely dumbfounded!

The Persians and Romans who participated in the ambush have also been completely stunned!

Because, the vast majority of the white robes were sitting on their horses, safe and sound. A small number of the white-robed soldiers fell off their horses, and it was only because their horses were shot by crossbow arrows.

There were only five white-robed sergeants who were killed or injured by 890 crossbow arrows. These five people were so unlucky that they were shot in the eye!

In other words, the tricks that the King of Kings and the Roman Emperor used themselves as bait only resulted in the effect of seeing five casualties of the White Pao Army! Spreading it out is simply a big joke.

Roman emperor and king of kings, don't you lose face?

And more important!

Fifty crossbow arrows were fired at once, causing only five casualties of the White Pao Army. This is too exaggerated, isn't it? It's a bigger joke!

In this way, what is the use of spending a huge amount of money to make crossbows?

Can these people be dumbfounded?

What they don't know is: Indeed, once the plate armor is out, the crossbow bolt has no place to be brave!

Not that (ceei), bows and arrows pose no threat to plate armor.

Rather, the price is too low.

How much is a bow and arrow?

How much time and money does it take to develop a qualified archer?

How much stamina does it take to draw a bow and shoot arrows on the battlefield?

However, in a round of arrows, tens of thousands of arrows are shot, causing only single-digit casualties to the enemy. What is the use of bows and arrows?

In fact, the perfect plate armor has one disadvantage that is not a disadvantage: excess defense!

As long as no firearms are used, it is very difficult for a crossbow to injure a sergeant in plate armor.

In human history, England's longbow is one of the most powerful bows and arrows, and it is said that it can compare the range of a rifle.

However, in the famous Battle of Agincourt, when hundreds of French knights rushed to the position of tens of thousands of British troops, not one person died, only three people including the commander were killed when they attacked the horse stake. .

At that time, the French army plate armor was only the primary stage of plate armor, and it was far inferior to the top plate armor worn by the Han army today.

Also, it is said that Joan of Arc often took the lead, was shot by hundreds of arrows and continued to climb the city. If she was not wearing the original plate armor, she could bleed to death.

It can be said that after the birth of the perfect plate armor, the defense power of human beings exceeded the attack power for the first time, and the "shield" exceeded the "spear".

Which side has more plate armor, which side is invincible!

However, it is a pity that although the plate armor is awesome, it requires too much technology. When the plate armor was not widely popularized, the musket had already come out.

No matter how awesome the plate armor is, it can't hold a musket. There is no opportunity for large-scale equipment, and there will be no era when the perfect plate armor shines.



Liu Zhao brought the perfect plate armor to the world by 1,600 years in advance, and they deserve the honor they deserve!


To be honest, the arrows that filled the sky just now also startled the White Pao Army.

However, when they found out that the results achieved by this crossbow arrow were so small, that fear had completely vanished, replaced by the invincible pride, the gratitude to Emperor Liu Zhao for equipping himself with such excellent equipment!

"Little trick, even if Grandpa is fooled, what can you do to us?

"Come on, kill! Report to Jun's favor, and descend for future generations!

"Let's live up to your majesty, my white robe is invincible in the world!

"Roman Emperor, King of Kings, leave your head behind! 35

After the baptism of this arrow rain, the white robe army became more vigorous, and attacked the Roman emperor Severus and the king of kings Sassan directly!

Don't you use your body as bait?

We bit the hook, this bait, should we swallow it?

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