Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 342 The dignified conspiracy, the heart of rest!

Back then, the King of Parth, Vologis, dedicated his daughter, Nashali, the first beauty of Parth, to Liu Zhao for various reasons.

Liu Zhao is very satisfied with Nasari, who is quite exotic, charming and obedient.

Unexpectedly, the new King of Peace, more powerful than his father, brought Nasali's only two younger sisters, Nasanun Nasaki!

"Is this..."

Liu Zhao thought for a moment and said: "At the beginning, when you rested in peace, in order to invite the Union to send troops, you sent Prime Minister Pi Nuolu as an envoy, and made promises of money and land to my big man. However, I sent troops to rest in peace, not for these, more It's not for the two princesses Nasanun Nasaki. But then again, you have to show your loyalty to me when you rest in peace, and I don't want to accept it. Well... First of all, five million taels of gold and five million taels of silver. Among them, 3 million taels of gold, 3 million taels of silver, and the 380 boxes of rare treasures, I will collect them and count them as the military expenses for this expedition. As for the remaining 2 million taels of gold, Two million taels of silver... I plan to use this money to build 100 schools in Anxi, and teach you Anxi people how to enrich the country and strengthen the army. 24"

"Your Majesty, you..."

When Ardaban listened to Liu Zhao's first few words, he felt that Liu Zhao was a little hypocritical, and was embarrassed to accept the benefits directly.

After listening to the last few words, he suddenly discovered that he was treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

The emperor of the Han family, how is it hypocritical, he really doesn't care about gold and silver!

Two million taels of gold and two million taels of silver, take it out as soon as you say it! Moreover, I will use this money to build a school and teach the people of the Parthians how to prosper the country and strengthen the army!

Is the mind of the emperor of the Han so much so?

Could it be that this is the bearing of the emperor? Is this the demeanor of the co-lord of the world?

Ardaban's voice was a little choked, and he said: "Your Majesty, your great kindness to me resting in peace, Xiao Wang will never forget!"

In fact, how could he know.

This is Sam's old wisdom taken by Liu Zhao.

The Sam Kingdom of later generations used the Qing Dynasty's Boxer indemnity to build a top university in the Celestial Dynasty, and cultivated a large number of pro-Sam state and pro-Sam state talents.

How could the benefits that Sam Nation get from these pro-Sam Nation people can be compared with the reparations returned?

Liu Zhao is actually more ruthless than Sam Guo!

He is going to use these two hundred schools to cultivate a large number of Sabbath Leading the Way!

In the same sentence, the concept of famous clan in this era is far inferior to that of later generations. Liu Zhao has cultivated a large number of people who have a deep understanding of Han culture, and later annexed the rest, which is really multiplier!

Liu Zhao continued: "There is also the matter of Natu where you rest in peace. It turns out that you promised Angelola Province and Persis area. Well, I only take half, I only want Angelola Province, Persis area. The region is still the part of the Restoration.”

This is also Liu Zhao's preparation for annexation.

The province of Angelola is the territory of the rest of the mainland, and Liu Zhao can easily accept it with a smile.

The Persian area is the Sassanid's lair. Liu Zhao not only has to send troops to capture it, but also suppress the Persians who hate him.

Why? Just swallow the resting province of Angelola for now.

A few years later, the province of Angelola was thriving under the governance of the great Han.

What about the Persis region?

Next, King Rest will definitely send troops to Persis to kill a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. As a result, the Persian region is still engaged in economic construction?

A few years later, the thriving provincial capital of Angelola was in stark contrast to the stagnant Persis region.

Most people in the world would not think that this gap is caused by many reasons.

They would simply and crudely think that it was because the province of Angelola was under the rule of Han and the region of Persis was under the rule of Parthian.

It is also one of the most prosperous areas in Anxi, why is there such a big gap because of different rulers?

People are more interested in big men!

By the way, there are two resting little princesses, Nashanu and Nashaqi!

Liu Zhao said: "Nashali missed her two younger sisters so much, so I accepted them. However, the dowry still has to be given. Let's do it with 10,000 horses, 10,000 plate armors, and 20,000 saber-cutting knives. , What do you think about breaking the army with 10,000 crossbows?"

"Your Majesty, your betrothal gift is too...too...too generous!" Ardaban was now too excited to speak.

Don't say anything else, let's talk about the armor.

The judgments of Ardaban, Sassan, and Severus are consistent, and the value of this plate armor should be more than 10,000 gold coins!

What about 10,000 plate armor?

That's 100 million gold coins!

Especially the battle just now, proved the super power of plate armor. Ardaban's psychological expectations for plate armor prices have risen again!

Plus the Sharma, the crossbow and the saber...

Ardaban is sure, not to mention his two younger sisters, just add the millions of taels of gold and silver, and three hundred and eighty boxes of rare treasures, this time he is making a big profit!

The big man is so generous, so generous!

Ardaban even wished that his daughter would soon grow up and be sold to, ah, no, to marry Liu Zhao.

In fact, this is also Liu Zhao's preparations for the smooth annexation of the rest.

In Guo Jia's original plan, when Anxiong and Rome and Persis killed the mountains of blood and blood, the big man sent troops to rest in peace to solve the deadly crisis of Anxiong. Then, allied with Parth, provoking Parth and Rome to never die.

However, the plan could not keep up with the change of 893. The strength of the Han army was too strong, and it easily crushed the combined army of Rome and Persis.

Now, frighten the Romans to death, and dare not fight against the big Han in a short time!

If the Dahan and the Resting Alliance do not work hard, they will be easily discovered, and they will lose the demeanor of the heaven and the kingdom.

Therefore, Liu Zhao moved in his heart and revised the plan.

Give the rest of the good equipment, stimulate the ambition of the rest of the king!

Rest and the Romans fought for hundreds of years.

With such sharp equipment, King Parth could not want to destroy Rome and avenge the blood of his ancestors?

As for the fact that the Parthians have obtained excellent equipment, will they turn back against the big man?

Liu Zhao was not worried.

Dahan is now in an industrial society, and even if this batch of equipment is put to rest, Dahan is still easily hanged and laid to rest!

Moreover, with the development speed of Dahan, the power far exceeds the equipment of these equipments, and it will not take long to appear.

If King Anxi were to die, it would be easy to find out that your uncle is still your uncle!

All in all, Liu Zhao gave three answers to the proposal of the rest of the world to offer property, land, and beauty.

The tricks are all conspiracy, let King Anxi be grateful, let no one pick out the reason,

However, in fact, it is to prepare for the annexation and rest.

Liu Zhao believes that within a few years, the rest melon will be ripe!

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