Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 356 Wolong, Fengchu, Zhuanghu, the three military divisions enter the Internet!

That's right, they are Wolong Zhuge Liang, Phoenix Young Pang Tong, and Tomb Tiger Sima Yi.

Contrary to the imagination of many people in later generations, the three people are about the same age. Pang Tong and Sima Yi were the same age, and they were only two years older than Zhuge Liang.

This year, the three of them are in their twenties, close to their thirties. ,

Originally, with their talent and learning, they could have won the imperial examination long ago and have come out to become officials. However, as the imperial examination became more and more important, the champion became more and more popular, and the three arrogant and arrogant people chose to study behind closed doors, and they had to win the champion in one fell swoop.

To the best of their ability, the three of them finally got the chance to win the imperial examination, and they collided again.

How should it be ranked?

Liu Zhao was also very embarrassed.

If it is according to "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the ranking of the three is very good.

Zhuge Liang came first.

Pang Tong second. twenty four

Sima Yi is third.

If the young dragon and phoenix get one of them, the world will be safe.

But the problem is, the reality is not the same as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Zhuge Liang is indeed awesome, but he is far from being as magical as the legend of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Compared with Fazheng, Pang Tong, Sima Yi, Xun Yu, Guo Jia, etc., it should be said that he is similar, and they are all top talents in the world.

It is Zhuge Liang's character that is far superior to other people's. However, in this row of imperial examination rankings, you can't talk about character, right?

Today, Liu Zhao has asked several questions in a row, and the three are still inseparable.

Simply, Liu Zhao asked Wei Zhongxian to come in and let him introduce the "urgent military situation of 100,000 fires" and let the three compare themselves.

"So..." Liu Zhao looked at the faces of the three and said, "The Romans and the Prince of Parth conspired to launch a mutiny, kill King Ardaban of Parth, and hold the prince to the throne of Parth. Then, the soldiers Together, use the equipment and technology supported by my big man to fight against my big man! How should my big man deal with it? Three Ai Qing, you can think about it for a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, write the countermeasures on paper. "

"Follow the order! 99

Wolong Zhuge Liang, Fengchu Pang Tong, and Zhuanghu Sima Yi, these three famous military advisors, in front of Emperor Liu Zhao of the Han Dynasty, like well-behaved elementary school students, all bowed in agreement and pondered carefully.

A quarter of an hour later, the three of them each wrote their own countermeasures.

Liu Zhao took the papers of the three, and after taking a few glances, he couldn't help laughing bitterly, and said, "This is really how heroes see the same thing!"

It turned out that Zhuge Liang wrote only four characters on the paper: wait and see!

Sima Yi's paper is also four words: Help the Romans!

Pang Tong's is a little longer: it will be prefetched, it must be given first! Give it to them!

In fact, the three people mean the same thing, the big man does not take any action, allowing the Romans and the prince of peace to succeed.

Then, is there any need to ask?

The big Han took the righteousness, sent troops to destroy Rome and Anxi, and ruled the world!

Liu Zhao asked Zhuge Liang: "Kong Ming, tell me, why should my big man wait and see what happens? Anxi has the equipment and technology of my big man. Wouldn't this move be suspected of capitalizing on the enemy? 35

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Wei Chen learned from the newspaper that over the past nine years, my big man's support for Anxi has been continuously strengthened, right?"

"Yes, exactly.

"However, with the increasing support of my big man, Anxi still has a close match with Rome. It is said that... there is a black-hearted businessman of my big man, and for the sake of money, he will not smuggle weapons to Rome for 900 yuan. Wei Chen is strange, How can the smuggling of the black-hearted businessman and the support of the Han court of me cooperate so well and keep the strength of the two sides in balance? Could it be...the two sides are originally one family? Since I have been "funding the enemy", I don't It's almost there."

A good Zhuge Liang, worthy of the reputation of Wolong, worthy of the great praise of later generations, he saw through the black-hearted trade of the big man at once!

That's right, Dahan is like the Sam Kingdom of later generations, making a lot of money in war and selling arms on both sides.

However, the business of the Romans was in the name of "big black-hearted merchants".

Of course, Liu Zhao, on the surface, would never admit to such a black-hearted trade.

He was noncommittal to Zhuge Liang's answer, looked at Pang Tong and said, "Shi Yuan, what do you think?

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