Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 358 Gaofu City, Five Thousand Han Army vs Millions of Allied Forces!

In the 22nd year of Tianyou, Dahan, the nineteenth day of March.

The Prince of Parth, when King Ardaban of Parth was out hunting in Taixi, with the support of the old ministry and the "Hand of God" in Rome, suddenly launched a mutiny, sealed the city of Taixi and controlled it, and then sent troops to attack and kill Ardaban. .

The prince of rest, became the new king of rest.

As for whether there is the participation of Dahan Jinyiwei or Dongchang, it has become a mystery for the ages, and no one can tell.

By the way, what is the name of the newly appointed King of Parthia? Well, his name is Vologis, which is the same name as his dead father.

Westerners and Heavenly Emperors are completely opposite on the issue of naming.

People in the Celestial Dynasty should avoid the names of their ancestors and even their parents and grandparents when they choose their names, not even homophones. ,

However, Westerners not only do not shy away, but also give priority to using the names of ancestors who have achieved great achievements.

It turned out that the King of Rest, Vologis, who died in battle was actually Vologis V. That is to say, in the history of the Parthian, there were five monarchs named Vologis.

Now the prince who launched a mutiny to get the rest is the sixth king of rest named Vologis, who can be called Vologis VI.

If history develops normally, after the death of Vologis V, the Prince of Parthia, Vologis VI, will succeed him. His younger brother Ardaban refused to accept and led the army to rebel. After several battles, Vologis VI was defeated by his younger brother and lost the throne.

Now it's the other way around. Ardaban, the King of Parth, was robbed of the throne by his brother's mutiny.

In any case, Vologis VI relied on the Romans and ascended the throne, naturally leaning on the Romans' side.

He regained the title of King of Kings, joined with the Romans, formed an elite army, and attacked the border of Han.

This army of millions is not easy.

There are a total of 400,000 ordinary horses, 100,000 Shire horses, and 30,000 war elephants! 100,000 pieces of plate armor, 200,000 sabers, and 30,000 crossbows.

Just looking at the equipment, it has far surpassed the Han army in Taixifeng World War I!

It must be noted that both Rome and Anxiong are major countries in the world, and they can make up millions of troops with hard work, but the logistics supply is not enough.

Therefore, this million-strong army is all elites, and it is by no means "the so-called million-strong army".

Coupled with these excellent gear...

Severus and Vologis VI have confidence, and they will attack Luoyang, the capital of Han, and seize the craftsmen of the Han people with lightning speed!

Their first goal is the High Fucheng City.

Gaofu City is Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan in later generations.

In this era, Gaofu City has been scrambled by the Parthians and the Kushan people. Later, when Liu Zhao destroyed Guishuang, he took Gaofu City and became a border city between Dahan and Anxi.

At present, there are 100,000 inhabitants in Gaofu City, and 5,000 Han troops.

In the face of millions of foreign troops and horses, Gaofu City seems to have no resistance.

However, the guards in Gaofu City obviously don't think so.

Liu Zhao would only stand by and watch the Romans and Vologis VI kill the Parthian king Ardaban, but he would never allow them to harm the people under his rule.

In the current Gaofu City, not only the five thousand Han troops are all elite, but also three generals sent by Liu Zhao who are good at defense.

First, the chief general Wei Yan and Wei Wenchang!

In historical records, Wei Yan was a general of Shu Han and was ordered to defend Hanzhong for decades, making Cao Wei unable to advance an inch. Wei Yan's people are brave and resourceful, and he is famous for his "magic tricks in the Meridian Valley" through the ages.

As for whether Wei Yan was conspiring to die, or whether he and Yang Yi did not agree with Yang Yi and died because of official strife, it is a mess that is unclear.

Second, the deputy general Hao Zhao.

Hao Zhao's reputation in later generations was not so great, but his record was quite astonishing.

In historical records, Zhuge Liang led tens of thousands of troops to send troops to Chencang, and Hao Zhaonai, a general of Cao Wei, was ordered to station Chencang, but he had only more than a thousand men. Under the huge disparity in strength, Hao Zhao not only refused Zhuge Liang's lure to surrender, but also fought with Zhuge Liang for more than 20 days. He finally exhausted Zhuge Liang's food and grass and lasted until Zhuge Liang retreated. A few years later, Zhuge Liang did not take Chen Cangcheng until Hao Zhao died of illness.

To make Zhuge Liang so embarrassing, Hao Zhao's ability is evident.

Third, Huo Junming!

In historical records, Liu Bei ordered Huo Jun to lead several hundred troops to guard Jiameng Pass. Not only did Huo Jun stand against the army of more than 10,000 sent by Liu Zhang for a year, but he also took advantage of the enemy's slack to kill a general under Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhao ended the turbulent times of the Three Kingdoms, and the world's talents were arbitrarily used, and these three naturally became ministers in front of Liu Zhao.

""~ General Hao, General Huo (Nuo's)...

Wei Yan looked at Hao Zhao and Huo Jun and said, "Anxi and the millions of Roman troops are going to attack our Gaofu city, do you two have any ideas?"

"That's a good thing!

Hao Zhao smiled gloomily and said, "I'm not afraid that the millions of troops from Rome and the rest will come, but I'm afraid that they won't come! The three of me will become famous today!

Huo Jun said: "To be honest, His Majesty sent me and other three people to guard this high-affiliated city, that is to take care of us! A great feat of conferring a marquis is right in front of you!

"Exactly!" Wei Yan was an ambitious person, with a twinkle in his eyes, and said: "I look at the millions of troops outside the city, just like chickens! …arrive!"

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