Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 362 Grenade! Under the high-affiliated city, blood flows into rivers!

That's right, it's a bastion!

How cool is this thing?

In the Battle of Yaksa, "I Qing", who had artillery, was helpless in the face of Yaksa, a bastion guarded by hundreds of people.

In the end, they were besieged for a long time by the superiority of their troops, and the Russian army in the city of Yaxa starved to death, and was able to capture.

In the West, after the appearance of artillery and before the appearance of the bomb, the bastion was the biggest trump card of the defender and the biggest nightmare of the attacker!

During that time, which country had the most artillery pieces was not the most powerful, and which country had the money to build the most bastions was the most powerful.

With enough bastions, "Nine Zero Seven" can control enough land and population at every step.

So much so that Rexens, commander of the Spanish army, wrote in a letter to Philip II in 1574: "If every town we conquer takes as much time as we have conquered, there will never be enough time and money in the world. Let us bring down the twenty towns that revolted in Holland by force... We have won a battle and conquered many towns, each victory in itself enough to bring peace, and in other places to build a whole new one. Kingdom. But getting nothing here...I believe God has pointed me to the 'promised land' here many times, as he did to Moses, but someone else will be the Joshua who goes into it.

Today, the poor Romans and the 30,000 elites of Parthian will come to storm the bastion!

"Kill all the Chinese dogs!

"For the glory of the Empire!

"For the glory of God!

"The first person to enter the city will be rewarded with 10,000 gold coins and ten beautiful female slaves!""

"His Majesty is watching us, the King of Kings is watching us!

In bursts of shouts, the elites of the 30,000 coalition army, after paying the price of 3,000 to 4,000 casualties, broke through the interception of the big Han artillery fire and came to the city wall of Gaofu City.

"Haha, I just said... The mysterious weapons of the Han army are just huge, but their power is not as great as imagined! More than 26,000 warriors have reached the top of the city wall!" Severus clenched his fists and said happily. .

Vologis VI said: "Under the city wall, the mysterious weapons of the Han army will not be able to show their power! Next, isn't the Han army relying on bows and rolling bricks and stones? The warriors under this king are not afraid! Let's look at me Military warriors, how to easily take down the Gaofu City guarded by 5,000 Han troops! Haha!

The war entered a familiar rhythm, and the two seemed to have seen the scene where the coalition army used the ladder to rush the car and easily broke the city, and their faces showed a triumphant smile.

The allied warriors under the city are also fierce and not afraid of death, and their momentum is like a rainbow.

"Invade the High Fucheng!

"After entering the city, the sword will not be blocked for three days!"

"In the end, it's up to the gun to decide!"

"Let's see how Grandpa was the first to climb the Gaofu City Wall!

"Today, I will cut down a few more Chinese dogs!"

"Rolling wood ore, grandpa has experienced a lot! I can't stop your grandfather!"

"Han dogs, tremble! Grandpa is now wearing the plate armor that you are proud of, and you are not afraid of bows and crossbows!""

With the shouts of the coalition warriors, they have already started to take the cloud ladder and are ready to climb the city.

However, what awaits them is neither a strong bow nor a hard crossbow, nor a log ore, nor some gold boiling water, but... artillery fire!

That's right!

It's artillery!

Yes, the range of the artillery is very long, it is not easy to get close...

But the problem is that the current Gaofu City has been transformed into a bastion by the Han army!

The bastion has countless concave and convex corners, and the purpose is to have no dead ends at 360 degrees. Moreover, it can form crossfire!

Even if a section of the city wall is blown up and a section of the city wall is captured, it will not affect much.

On the contrary, that place will become the target of the defenders' fire!

Next, it's amazing!

Boom boom boom!

Five hundred guns roared together!

Countless iron bullets and chain bullets danced in the allied forces under the city, taking lives like a god of death!

Countless explosive bombs exploded in the coalition, giving the coalition a big surprise.

Not only that!

The Han army on the city threw down long handle-like objects from the towering city wall.

The thing just started to sizzle and smoke, and when it hit the ground, it would explode violently.

Although the force of this thing is not as powerful as that of the Han army artillery, it is fast and has a large number!


The new weapon of the Han army!

Since the Han army can now make blooming bombs, they can naturally make 4.8 grenades. There is not much difference in technology between the two. It is nothing more than one is fired by a cannon and the other is thrown by a hand.


At this time, under the Gaofu City, the blooming bombs were roaring, the grenades were roaring, and the explosion sounded completely, deafening, and there was no interruption.

What plate armor, what army-breaking crossbow, all useless at this time!

The elites of the 30,000 coalition troops never dreamed that when they gathered under the high-affiliated city, they would be met with an unprecedented fire!

Under the Gaofu City, blood flows into rivers!

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